You know....the problem I have with this is that you don't know what took place anymore than my liberal peers do. There were no witnesses to what happened from start to finish....George was acquitted, but that acquittal doesn't necessarily mean he's innocent. George may very well have lied his ass off...he may have been the one who confronted Martin and Martin was the one in fear for his life and that's when it got physical. But because George was the one with the gun and you are a huge gun guy, you've been Team Zimmerman all had no more facts than anyone else...just George's words...which could have been lies told for self preservation.
You just refuse to believe that George could have been a person with an overzealous attitude and given.his past....a history of violence. Is it really that believe that he could have gone too far and.lied about it?
The "alternate reality" that you speak of may be your very own. George is free, he has his gun....great. but to sit behind.your.desk and.say that YOU KNOW that Martin caused his own at the very least, kind of critical thinking. brethren....don't call for.this guy's death. It's.unbecoming. I don't think George is as innocent as.he claims...but I also don't think the guy's