The Big Day


I think its great that you're comfortable with your sexuality. But seriously, I don't want to read about your S&M fantasies on this board.

yah thats so very true...I am a confirmed hetro...I know it is hard for y'all homos to understand...what can I say...:rolleyes:
wow a jersey girls mind in the gutter, who would have guessed it!!!

My minds in the gutter??!!! You and BB are the ones talking about spanking asses :whip: and getting favors for it afterwards :guin: :kiss2:

How exactly am I supposed to take it? :whome:
Ahh like two moron board 50's internet tough guys talking about fighting.
But the jersey girl bringing in the gutter trash feel has brought this thread to it's highest level of comedy.

Ahh like two moron board 50's internet tough guys talking about fighting.
But the jersey girl bringing in the gutter trash feel has brought this thread to it's highest level of comedy.

But I was not kidding toppy...ya made a bet now must tax year!
We have a love connection y'all...'give me a kiss won't ya hun' never mind that was a song lyric...but hey the thought was

That's sweet. I didn't realize you and Top were that close. Well, I'll leave you two love birds alone. I don't want to be accused of c-blocking.
your own posts..ya made a challenge to me...I am from Nevada...remember...I play the odds even when a person

gramps do you have altzhiemers?