The Big Day

English majors might never gone on to make much money, but everyone knows they're the best lovers.

Yes, they're right up there with science majors.

Scientists read a lot, and a very analytical. Consequently, they're prone to learning a lot about the opposite gender's body and anatomy. Which comes in handy ;)
You should have seen my back pack. It weighed more than I did. My shoulders were really defined at that point in my life.
Yes, they're right up there with science majors.

Scientists read a lot, and a very analytical. Consequently, they're prone to learning a lot about the opposite gender's body and anatomy. Which comes in handy ;)

LOL. I'll keep this in mind.
You should have seen my back pack. It weighed more than I did. My shoulders were really defined at that point in my life.

That brings back memories. I thought for a while I'd permanently pinched a nerve in one shoulder (I carried a duffel with my squash gear as well as my backpack). All in a good cause. :)
You should have seen my back pack. It weighed more than I did. My shoulders were really defined at that point in my life.

See, I didn't have that problem. I'd have a geeky engineer carry my pack around for me, and then I'd take their milk money. Like I said, engineering majors were geeks. Easily intimidated.
Ahh but by the time my Grandchildren are my age horses might be back in fashion since they don't eat oil.
Affair with iPhone cools when handset breaks
After four days with phone, trouble in paradise

By Joe Hutsko
MSNBC contributor
Updated: 9:47 a.m. ET July 5, 2007

Falling in lust with an expensive device like the iPhone sets owners up for a hard fall if it stops working. I know, because mine died after only four days into our relationship.
I contacted the AT&T store and was told I could return the phone for a refund (with a 10 percent restocking fee) but could not exchange it for a replacement; all iPhone support is handled by Apple.
An extremely polite Apple customer service rep named Nate called just as I was walking into the Apple Store. Sean said they’d simply swap my phone for another, and after some help from two guys named Chris at the Genius Bar, they took back the broken one and I left with the new iPhone.
As for the in-stock issue, iPhone owners can swap a “DOA” phone for a replacement if within 30 days of purchase. If the store is out of stock or if the purchase is past thirty days (or if a customer doesn’t live near an Apple Store), the repair-by-mail process kicks in.
Apple offers the option of a rental iPhone during the repair process for a $29 fee —

Just an update....
Affair with iPhone cools when handset breaks
After four days with phone, trouble in paradise

By Joe Hutsko
MSNBC contributor
Updated: 9:47 a.m. ET July 5, 2007

Falling in lust with an expensive device like the iPhone sets owners up for a hard fall if it stops working. I know, because mine died after only four days into our relationship.
I contacted the AT&T store and was told I could return the phone for a refund (with a 10 percent restocking fee) but could not exchange it for a replacement; all iPhone support is handled by Apple.
An extremely polite Apple customer service rep named Nate called just as I was walking into the Apple Store. Sean said they’d simply swap my phone for another, and after some help from two guys named Chris at the Genius Bar, they took back the broken one and I left with the new iPhone.
As for the in-stock issue, iPhone owners can swap a “DOA” phone for a replacement if within 30 days of purchase. If the store is out of stock or if the purchase is past thirty days (or if a customer doesn’t live near an Apple Store), the repair-by-mail process kicks in.
Apple offers the option of a rental iPhone during the repair process for a $29 fee —

Just an update....

hhahhahahaha. I saw this, and thought about posting it, but then I forgot about it.
I wonder how many are breaking, strange odds that a techno writers iPay would quit.
$600 for an iPay and $29 for a loaner ....
Oh and btw Microsoft is moving their programming offshore.
They are $700?
really? That's pretty pricey! I definitely won't be getting one any time soon. I'm so over portable communication devices though. They are really getting on my nerves. What sucks a$$ is that I am starting to think that I may need to get a blackberry for work.
It was positive that the apple store had an unsold iPhone in stock to replace the defective one with :)
well positive to the customer with the defunct one anyway :) Too bad for topper that they do have some in stock and are not sold out.
usc congrats that was half positive half back unred negative.
Jobs estimated 1 mm sold by year end and it took 6 days.
Yeah that's a flop.
Tina, this thing is reported to be a game changer like the Ipod was. Most everone was surprised by the way better than expected launch.
Another $10 up in the stock and I'll prob buy it as a toy from the profits.
usc congrats that was half positive half back unred negative.
Jobs estimated 1 mm sold by year end and it took 6 days.
Yeah that's a flop.
Tina, this thing is reported to be a game changer like the Ipod was. Most everone was surprised by the way better than expected launch.
Another $10 up in the stock and I'll prob buy it as a toy from the profits.

Yep be a good American and buy something you don't need with your profit. Keeps the economy going ;)
Better you than me .
usc congrats that was half positive half back unred negative.
Jobs estimated 1 mm sold by year end and it took 6 days.
Yeah that's a flop.
Tina, this thing is reported to be a game changer like the Ipod was. Most everone was surprised by the way better than expected launch.
Another $10 up in the stock and I'll prob buy it as a toy from the profits.

Well, I have to admit, I love my ipod. I can't figure out why I had to have one over any other mp3 player, but nonetheless, I did. But there's no freakin' way I'd cough $700 for an iphone. That could be a really nice diamond pendant.
Well, I have to admit, I love my ipod. I can't figure out why I had to have one over any other mp3 player, but nonetheless, I did. But there's no freakin' way I'd cough $700 for an iphone. That could be a really nice diamond pendant.
They won't always cost this much. Personally I need more than 8 Gigs of memory for my collection. I won't buy this until it can do what I need it to.
defenitly spend to much on junk.
But I always put about $2,500 mo in stocks first.
Before I had a cell phone I did the usc "I don't need it" 6 yrs later I wonder how I got buy without one. My kids had them 3 yrs before I did.
For me the web browser which is reported to be near desktop and better in some aspect will make it worth the price.
The gain and the $15,000 staying in Nawlins bonus with help defray the cost.
defenitly spend to much on junk.
But I always put about $2,500 mo in stocks first.
Before I had a cell phone I did the usc "I don't need it" 6 yrs later I wonder how I got buy without one. My kids had them 3 yrs before I did.
For me the web browser which is reported to be near desktop and better in some aspect will make it worth the price.
The gain and the $15,000 staying in Nawlins bonus with help defray the cost.

Really? Just $15K as a stay bonus? That's not much considering how much you brag about your cash. Unless that's net.

But I'm personally getting tired of my cell phone. I never charge mine up and people get livid that they can't get in touch with me at all hours. I personally don't care though. A good browser is not worth $600 though. And if Damo's right and it only holds 8Gs WTF is that?

Plus, I'm a little disappointed at apple that the ipod doesn't convert the microsoft DVD format to MP4s. You have to buy even more software. That really got me annoyed.