The Big Day

defenitly spend to much on junk.
But I always put about $2,500 mo in stocks first.
Before I had a cell phone I did the usc "I don't need it" 6 yrs later I wonder how I got buy without one. My kids had them 3 yrs before I did.
For me the web browser which is reported to be near desktop and better in some aspect will make it worth the price.
The gain and the $15,000 staying in Nawlins bonus with help defray the cost.

My cellphone is on the shelf for the last week. I will probably quit it and just get one of those pay by the drink ones for travelling. Would be much cheaper.
Since I probably will not be burning over one hour per month.

Yeah they give those who hang on till the layoffs bonuses, seen it several times ;)
t, nice insult on the much anticipated bonus.
It's like 15% of last years base.
they paid me $20,000 bonus to move back when I wanted to and 15 to stay so I'm thrilled with that.
Our annual Bonus is small only about 6%, so I gladly take any extra I can get.
And being paid to stay home where the best food in the world is located is fine by me.
t, nice insult on the much anticipated bonus.
It's like 15% of last years base.
they paid me $20,000 bonus to move back when I wanted to and 15 to stay so I'm thrilled with that.
Our annual Bonus is small only about 6%, so I gladly take any extra I can get.
And being paid to stay home where the best food in the world is located is fine by me.

What? You put it out there! If you don't want people to comment on how little you make, I'd suggest not 'bragging' about it. If you can call 6% or a $15K stay bonus something to brag about.

Man, 6%? That sucks. Our grunt analysts get up to 10%. No wonder your thrilled about $15K.

:cof1: :tongout:
Yeah but my total will be over $130,000 with 8% stock and 50% benefits.
Laugh away at that

LOL, oh......I am.....and I'm just a lowly middle manager.

But what do you mean when you say 50% benefits? What's included in that?
I not much for titles and we don't get em the pay is decent though.

the benies are medical family, dental family, perscription drug discount family, life insurance, long term dissablility yada yad.:readit:
Oh. All that stuff. That's standard. We get that too. Random stock issuance, "warrior bonuses", insurance (medical, dental, vision plans etc), And our standard bonuses 10-50% (Even more than that on the investment side).

Face it Top, you're a poor Dem. You might as well go on welfare and get it over with.
Here you go again...!

wow that hurts from a fat couch potatoe who never worked a day in her life outside the house.

Making assumptions on people you have never met in real life...if you have met Desh in person...this could be interesting on her reply... :corn:
Speak for herself...however "Old" is a relevant term used in I would say I am old enough to spank your silly ass!:ouch: :argue:

I think its great that you're comfortable with your sexuality. But seriously, I don't want to read about your S&M fantasies on this board.