The Big Lie, Goebbels and Trump.

Hello Sawyerloggingon,

Solution is democrats out of the way of progress which brings me back to my initial comment on a Republican sweep in the next election. Bid has to be stopped before it's too late.

The solution is Democrats and Republicans working together in compromise for the good of America. It is impossible for either side to eliminate the other, therefore the only logical solution is for both sides to drop the animosity, admit that we need one another, that it takes all of us to make a functional nation, and finally work together on compromise.

As long as Republicans insist on their way or the highway then Democrats will refuse to let that happen, so nothing will be accomplished.

Hello Sawyerloggingon,

Crimes have been committed. Justice must be served.

Democrats are scared to death of Trump. They know he'd win in the next election so they are attempting to take him out of the running. Meanwhile our country goes over a cliff under Biden and democrat leadership. Recession is imminent but all democrats care about is Trump. Problem is even if they successfully destroy him Republicans have excellent and even more electable conservatives to run against whoever dems run next presidential election and the DNC will be kicked to the sidelines for a generation. It's more obvious every day they have no ability to successfully govern and more voters wake up to that daily.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Dear Ms. Poli, this is where you step off the rails from facts into emotionally-based opinion.

Why the heck would anyone want to undermine themselves? Isn't the logical point to see who benefits from their POVs succeeding? There's a synergy of wills underlying all of this with two majorities moving further apart seeking retribution.

Republicans are not content to compete with Democrats for the approval of the nation for their initiatives. When Republicans lose the majority, they do everything they can to try to make America fail so that Democrats will be blamed for it. Democrats do not do that.

Democrats never purposely try to hurt the nation, but Republicans absolutely do it.
Hello Sawyerloggingon,

The solution is Democrats and Republicans working together in compromise for the good of America. It is impossible for either side to eliminate the other, therefore the only logical solution is for both sides to drop the animosity, admit that we need one another, that it takes all of us to make a functional nation, and finally work together on compromise.

As long as Republicans insist on their way or the highway then Democrats will refuse to let that happen, so nothing will be accomplished.

Compromise on what exactly? Democrats want socialism and some are even Marxist while Republicans are capitalist. We are at a fork in the political road and it's time to choose. There is no middle ground.
Hello Sawyerloggingon,

It's not about control it's about leadership and ability to respond to things that are out of your control in an effective manner. Democrats in general and Biden in particular are like the captain of a sailing ship of old that hits bad weather and doesn't have a clue what to do which puts the ship and everyone on it at great peril.

If America was not so nasty to our leaders then maybe we could have some better choices. Who, that is smart and talented enough to do a good job, wants the job?

What we need is more understanding and compassion as a nation.
Hello Dutch Uncle,

Republicans are not content to compete with Democrats for the approval of the nation for their initiatives. When Republicans lose the majority, they do everything they can to try to make America fail so that Democrats will be blamed for it. Democrats do not do that.

Democrats never purposely try to hurt the nation, but Republicans absolutely do it.

American politics are certainly a mess. Too much "us and them", too much division, too much hate and vengeance.
Compromise on what exactly? Democrats want socialism and some are even Marxist while Republicans are capitalist. We are at a fork in the political road and it's time to choose. There is no middle ground.

Spoken like a true WSE. Enjoy your FBI interview and IRS audit. :thup:
Hello Sawyerloggingon,

Compromise on what exactly? Democrats want socialism and some are even Marxist while Republicans are capitalist. We are at a fork in the political road and it's time to choose. There is no middle ground.

There is a middle ground and we must find it or we are doomed.

How do we find it?

First, we must begin to have better understanding of one another and of our situation. Believing in BS won't cut it. The more accurate our understanding, the better position we will be in to find our way forward.

No choice need be made between capitalism and socialism. The two actually blend together quite well. Socialism for needs, capitalism for wants. The challenge is merely to determine what things fall in to each category.

Basic minimal-comfort housing, food, health care, transportation, education, protection, communication, work, vacation, entertainment and making ends meet are needs for all humans.

Fancy expensive housing, food, health care, transportation, prestigious education, communication, work, extensive travel, touring, top level entertainment, vast wealth and luxury items are wants.

We already mix capitalism and socialism as do most nations. All we have to do is get the balance right.

It's not really all that complicated overall.

The problem is the greedy super-rich have muddled the situation by pitting the left and right bitterly against one another that they might rob us all blind while we are distracted. We have to get the corruption out of government, make education more effective, and work on creating a more harmonious society.

It's time for America to grow up.
Hello Sawyerloggingon,

Democrats are scared to death of Trump. They know he'd win in the next election so they are attempting to take him out of the running.

It is not political. Crimes have been committed. Those responsible must be held accountable. We must have justice or we shall have anarchy. No man is above the law. We cannot simply let things slide. If Trump is guilty he must answer for his crimes. From the January 6th Capitol Attack hearings evidence it is hardly conceivable that Trump is clean.

Meanwhile our country goes over a cliff under Biden and democrat leadership. Recession is imminent but all democrats care about is Trump. Problem is even if they successfully destroy him Republicans have excellent and even more electable conservatives to run against whoever dems run next presidential election and the DNC will be kicked to the sidelines for a generation. It's more obvious every day they have no ability to successfully govern and more voters wake up to that daily.

Maybe it is that the circumstances are responsible for our situation more than our leadership. A pandemic-induced supply line impact and a war interruption to the world oil supply are not Biden's doing. I think President Biden is doing a good job. I would have preferred a more targeted stimulus but we got what we could given the political climate and Republican determination to cause the nation to fail and their refusal to work on something more sensible. If Republicans had their way, poverty would be far more widespread. We owe much of our shard prosperity to social programs which have lifted millions out of poverty and allowed them to become productive tax-paying members of society.
You have nothing to worry about since you've done nothing. LOL


oh no. some people climbed walls!

fear porn fear porn fear porn fear porn!
John Eastman is going to be the one who takes the biggest fall for this. Yes, Rudy and all the other dumbasses will burn too, but Eastman was the architect pushing Trump to keep pushing for the coup.

Like fucking over the militias and Qless by not giving them pardons, Trump also fucked over Eastman. IMO, Eastman will roll on Trump for a reduced sentence.


John Eastman is going to be the one who takes the biggest fall for this. Yes, Rudy and all the other dumbasses will burn too, but Eastman was the architect pushing Trump to keep pushing for the coup.

Like fucking over the militias and Qless by not giving them pardons, Trump also fucked over Eastman. IMO, Eastman will roll on Trump for a reduced sentence.

This is going to be just like Watergate, and Iran Contra, everyone but Trump will be indicted, Trump will skate.

It makes you wonder, if Nixon had been prosecuted, would Trump have tried this?
Hello Sawyerloggingon,

The solution is Democrats and Republicans working together in compromise for the good of America. It is impossible for either side to eliminate the other, therefore the only logical solution is for both sides to drop the animosity, admit that we need one another, that it takes all of us to make a functional nation, and finally work together on compromise.

As long as Republicans insist on their way or the highway then Democrats will refuse to let that happen, so nothing will be accomplished.

it was dems who would not make a federal abortion law unless it included abortion at 9 months.
Hello Sawyerloggingon,

It is not political. Crimes have been committed. Those responsible must be held accountable. We must have justice or we shall have anarchy. No man is above the law. We cannot simply let things slide. If Trump is guilty he must answer for his crimes. From the January 6th Capitol Attack hearings evidence it is hardly conceivable that Trump is clean.

Maybe it is that the circumstances are responsible for our situation more than our leadership. A pandemic-induced supply line impact and a war interruption to the world oil supply are not Biden's doing. I think President Biden is doing a good job. I would have preferred a more targeted stimulus but we got what we could given the political climate and Republican determination to cause the nation to fail and their refusal to work on something more sensible. If Republicans had their way, poverty would be far more widespread. We owe much of our shard prosperity to social programs which have lifted millions out of poverty and allowed them to become productive tax-paying members of society.

If democrats think Trump committed a crime he should be charged with one and like any other citizen be able to defend himself in a court of law against the charges. This 3rd world style political show trial democrats are currently engaged in is a threat to our democracy.

As for Biden his each and every policy has exacerbated the problems out of his control instead of mitigated them. He is responsible for our high gas prices and inflation and the border crisis is entirely his doing.