What and when were the other "blue wave" threads posted by me? I must have forgotten them old friend. Just exactly how much "power" do you believe the socialist now have by holding the House by a slim measure? Oh yeah, do you know what the new socialist House is going to present as their "healthcare plan" that they supposedly ran and got elected on? I'll wait!
Nice car Robo! I restored a 57 Ford Ranchero with the same colors and 312 interceptor engine!
Now! Perhaps I jumped a gun on you, but, how long are people going to harp and chirp about the Blue Wave huh? There were already several threads opened on this subject matter for you to weigh in on, without having to start another.
Let me just say this about the Blue Wave. I didn't hear anyone referring to the election as a Blue Wave but the media, and I heard it on Fox as well, so take your issue with the Blue Wave up by writing your respective TV News station OK? Because it's a Dead Horse issue with us here in the forum. People just become a nuisance and antagonists when they continue to beat a dead horse or grind away with cliche's and slogans or talking points.
And no, I do not know exactly what the Democrats or the Republicans intend to do to fix a broken Healthcare system that does not include everyone who needs it.
All I know, is they better work together, make some compromises, give a little/take a little, brainstorm it, set politics aside, and fucking come up with something that the vocal majority can accept, or the vocal majority will be right back out there in two years affecting elections again. Because it is now an issue on both sides of the aisles and the common problem is we all agree- It's fucked up right now and needs changing!
Any more questions? Comment? Suggestions? Car talk?
It may not have been the tsunami that the press thought it would be, but the main thing is a key and essential element of our government switched control, and it will put the brakes on Donald Trump and his yip yaps on steamrolling all over the Democrats! Got it? Or do we need to go over all of the special and unique powers of the House of Representatives to make my point a little more clear on how essential this change in power becomes now?