APP - The Bush Recession... Much worse than the Carter Recession was!

so when the economy was riding high on the real estate boom and the dow closing at an all time high of 14,164.53.....nothing to do with bush....

partisan hackness at its finest
following obama's election:

Nov 05 Falls 486.01 to close at 9,139.37, down 5.05%, following presidential election of Barack Obama
Nov 06 Falls 443.48 to close at 8,695.79, down 4.85%, the DJIA has fallen 929.49, or 9.66% in two days
Nov 12 Falls 411.30 to close at 8,282.66, down 4.76%
so when the economy was riding high on the real estate boom and the dow closing at an all time high of 14,164.53.....nothing to do with bush....

partisan hackness at its finest

Shhhh, you're breaking Superfreak's rule that booms don't count.
Unbelievable. Yes, I have stated many times that it was both parties that were responsible, but in your little scenario you are pretending that everything that occured during their time in office was the result of who was President. If you are going bring Congress into it, then yes, the Rep led Congress put forth Glass Steagall that Clinton signed. The REP led Congress also put forth all of the balanced budgets. You want to blame them for the bad that happened under Clinton, while giving no credit to them for the good. Why is that? Because you are a partisan hack?

As I said, when you entered Glass-Steagall into the conversation you left out most of the details and blamed it on Clinton. I merely added to your "accidental" omission for clarification, knowing you would never try to mislead anybody. I presume your "unbelievable" is in reference to Phil Gramm's job?
As for your last 2 sentences, your hypocrisy is showing.
Are you, maybe, leaving anything out?

like what....i was posting about the two days after obama got elected and what that might have done to the markets....i mean you guys all blame bush....obama wins the election and the market tanks nearly 10%.....

that makes as much sense as you guys blaming bush for everything negative and giving him credit for nothing positive
like what....i was posting about the two days after obama got elected and what that might have done to the markets....i mean you guys all blame bush....obama wins the election and the market tanks nearly 10%.....

that makes as much sense as you guys blaming bush for everything negative and giving him credit for nothing positive

Two days proves what? I see nothing about the market having come back with a roar(under Obama?). As for me, I wish Wall Street was wary of this President, more power to him. The sun will still rise if Wall Street gets what they deserve for past arrogance leading to thievery. How much did the market tank under bush from January 2001 until January 2009? What is the change when adjusted for inflation for that period?
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. List the positives please, be brave.
like what....i was posting about the two days after obama got elected and what that might have done to the markets....i mean you guys all blame bush....obama wins the election and the market tanks nearly 10%.....

that makes as much sense as you guys blaming bush for everything negative and giving him credit for nothing positive

Thanks for the link....a quote from the month before the precipitous Obama "crash" of 3 days in November;

October 9th, 2008-"The DJIA has fallen $5,585 or 39% in one year."

Are you sure you weren't leaving anything out? Again, thanks for the link.
2008 DOW chart:


2007 chart from same link

Two days proves what? I see nothing about the market having come back with a roar(under Obama?). As for me, I wish Wall Street was wary of this President, more power to him. The sun will still rise if Wall Street gets what they deserve for past arrogance leading to thievery. How much did the market tank under bush from January 2001 until January 2009? What is the change when adjusted for inflation for that period?
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. List the positives please, be brave.

what do you think i mean by the highlighted:

like what....i was posting about the two days after obama got elected and what that might have done to the markets....i mean you guys all blame bush....obama wins the election and the market tanks nearly 10%.....

that makes as much sense as you guys blaming bush for everything negative and giving him credit for nothing positive
facts are facts even if it had already started the market tanked after Obama was elected. Anybody surprised might be in USGED's camp of never having stepped in a college business class room.
Obama is attacking almost every big industry, how could the market not be down?
facts are facts even if it had already started the market tanked after Obama was elected. Anybody surprised might be in USGED's camp of never having stepped in a college business class room.
Obama is attacking almost every big industry, how could the market not be down?

The market is down?
facts are facts even if it had already started the market tanked after Obama was elected. Anybody surprised might be in USGED's camp of never having stepped in a college business class room.
Obama is attacking almost every big industry, how could the market not be down?

You are absolutely correct, "facts are facts", maybe Obama should attack "almost every big industry" even more. Now for a little truth.

DJIA year to date" +$774/+8.82% in a bit more than 6 months.

Yesterday was the first DJIA down day in 9 sessions although the S&P and NASDAQ were up and the DJIA upside volume was up by an almost 4 to 1 margin.
Would you care to tell us the DJIA average year's growth for the 8 years of the bush, big business friendly, administration? Of course, if you factor in inflation, there might be not a helluva lot to report.
facts are facts even if it had already started the market tanked after Obama was elected. Anybody surprised might be in USGED's camp of never having stepped in a college business class room.
Obama is attacking almost every big industry, how could the market not be down?

Insults on APP? Ohh Edit boy!
I would understand if I had blamed bush for a bad stock market, maybe I just don't remember it. I addressed the above in a prior post.

i meant it as my saying obama caused the market to tank 10% is as stupid as blaming bush for everything negative....its funny how i give a cause and effect for obama and you immediately put it down....yet you readily accept anything that puts bush down
Bush should not be blamed for everything bad, just most of it recently.

Those who used to support bush are sensitive in this area becuase by proxy it blames them.