APP - The Bush Recession... Much worse than the Carter Recession was!

It never ceases to amaze me the blind ignorance of partisan politics. The current economic woes are the end result of economic policies of both parties. Sure, the move away from banking regulation had it's impact. It was lack of adequate regulations that allowed banks to sell off bad debt in A rated investment packages. However, it was also government regulations that forced lending institutions into making those bad loans. Had the regulation requiring lending in economically unsound areas not been in place, there would have been far less need to repackage those loans and sell them off elsewhere. It was not selling off a billion dollars in loans that pulled the rug out from under our feet. It was the number of those loans that went into default. And THAT number was greatly multiplied by loans made under CRA regulations.

And let us not forget to look in the mirror when affixing blame for economic woes. Our society as whole is complicit with our overriding attitude of entitlement and personal credit spending. We talk all day about limited resources - when it comes to fossil fuels, metals, etc. We talk about recycling paper to save trees - while carrying protest signs made from cardboard and wood. We buy TVs by the gross to put in every damned room in our over sized McMansions, eat fat and salt laden food while laying in bed (no longer even making the effort to sit upright on a couch!!) watching TV for hours on end and demand "affordable" health care when our arteries clog up. We buy the biggest, baddest gas-guzzling monster truck laughingly mislabeled "SUV" and weep crocodile tears when gas prices soar, blaming oil companies and car companies for giving us what we demanded. We throw away more than we use on a daily basis, and wonder why things have gotten so damned expensive.

And now, those who were in the political minority in congress for a whole 10 years, and out of the white house for a whole 8 years are in full swing. Government is going to take care of it all because the democrats are now in power. What a fucking crock. The democrats are gonna fuck things up every bit as bad as those you now blame - because the policies you support are not significantly different than the policies that put us where we are - at least not where it matters.

When the government encourages more credit spending - which this administration is doing in spades - we are only making the problem worse while hiding it under a new coat of the same old paint we've been using since FDR. Hey, everyone - go buy a new car and government will help pay for it (with what?!?) while you go deeper in debt. Let's give the banks a few trillion dollars to encourage new lending! (isn't lending too much money to people who can't pay it back how we got here?)

Yes, we'll probably get away with artificially propping up our house-of-cards credit economy one more time - but for how long this time? 4 years? Maybe 6? What are we going to do when the "solutions" of today bring about the next economic crisis? (Besides listen to a bunch of brain dead republican partisans doing the same "it's their fault" political victory dance when the next crisis puts them back into power.)
It never ceases to amaze me the blind ignorance of partisan politics. The current economic woes are the end result of economic policies of both parties. Sure, the move away from banking regulation had it's impact. It was lack of adequate regulations that allowed banks to sell off bad debt in A rated investment packages. However, it was also government regulations that forced lending institutions into making those bad loans. Had the regulation requiring lending in economically unsound areas not been in place, there would have been far less need to repackage those loans and sell them off elsewhere. It was not selling off a billion dollars in loans that pulled the rug out from under our feet. It was the number of those loans that went into default. And THAT number was greatly multiplied by loans made under CRA regulations.

And let us not forget to look in the mirror when affixing blame for economic woes. Our society as whole is complicit with our overriding attitude of entitlement and personal credit spending. We talk all day about limited resources - when it comes to fossil fuels, metals, etc. We talk about recycling paper to save trees - while carrying protest signs made from cardboard and wood. We buy TVs by the gross to put in every damned room in our over sized McMansions, eat fat and salt laden food while laying in bed (no longer even making the effort to sit upright on a couch!!) watching TV for hours on end and demand "affordable" health care when our arteries clog up. We buy the biggest, baddest gas-guzzling monster truck laughingly mislabeled "SUV" and weep crocodile tears when gas prices soar, blaming oil companies and car companies for giving us what we demanded. We throw away more than we use on a daily basis, and wonder why things have gotten so damned expensive.

And now, those who were in the political minority in congress for a whole 10 years, and out of the white house for a whole 8 years are in full swing. Government is going to take care of it all because the democrats are now in power. What a fucking crock. The democrats are gonna fuck things up every bit as bad as those you now blame - because the policies you support are not significantly different than the policies that put us where we are - at least not where it matters.

When the government encourages more credit spending - which this administration is doing in spades - we are only making the problem worse while hiding it under a new coat of the same old paint we've been using since FDR. Hey, everyone - go buy a new car and government will help pay for it (with what?!?) while you go deeper in debt. Let's give the banks a few trillion dollars to encourage new lending! (isn't lending too much money to people who can't pay it back how we got here?)

Yes, we'll probably get away with artificially propping up our house-of-cards credit economy one more time - but for how long this time? 4 years? Maybe 6? What are we going to do when the "solutions" of today bring about the next economic crisis? (Besides listen to a bunch of brain dead republican partisans doing the same "it's their fault" political victory dance when the next crisis puts them back into power.)

:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:
.....and in the light of your overwhelming knowledge of economics, Clinton's success having "culminated in an overly euphoric mess", and based on the removal of Glass-Steagall by Gramm and the GOP Congress then signed by Clinton, the economy left by bush, or his fiscal policies, one of the subjects of this thread, are not to be compared or even mentioned(see above), when discussing the conditions Obama found on 1/20/09, because bush policies had no influence on those conditions. Correct?

again, you should leave the economic discussions to those that can comprehend economics. As I stated, fiscal policies can play a part, the removal of Glass Steagall certainly opened the door for the mess we are in. Non stop deficit spending like we saw under Clinton and even worse under Bush are certainly negatives. Obama continuing along the same path is going to make things worse than they need be. But no, they are not as responsible as you want them to be.
again, you should leave the economic discussions to those that can comprehend economics. As I stated, fiscal policies can play a part, the removal of Glass Steagall certainly opened the door for the mess we are in. Non stop deficit spending like we saw under Clinton and even worse under Bush are certainly negatives. Obama continuing along the same path is going to make things worse than they need be. But no, they are not as responsible as you want them to be.

....And, conversely, they just might be more responsible than you care to admit.
In fact, bush's policies were so successful that the GOP continues to push them today as sound economic policy, Supply Side for example. You want to ignore the trendline differences between the budgets of the 2 presidencies, but as I said earlier, "What the Hell."
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....And, conversely, they just might be more responsible than you care to admit.
In fact, bush's policies were so successful that the GOP continues to push them today as sound economic policy, Supply Side for example. You want to ignore the trendline differences between the budgets of the 2 presidencies, but as I said earlier, "What the Hell."

Most Republicans just cannot and will not be wrong. A trait that makes them Republicans.
Most Republicans just cannot and will not be wrong. A trait that makes them Republicans.
It is nice that you admit that most republicans are right about things and that it is a standard of republicanism. Now to get the people who realize that republicans are right about things to quit being so very wrong all the time would be nice.

It is nice that you admit that most republicans are right about things and that it is a standard of republicanism. Now to get the people who realize that republicans are right about things to quit being so very wrong all the time would be nice.


LOL, Now I just cannot say anything to that without burning my butt and why should I need to since it seemed to burn your butt.
It is nice that you admit that most republicans are right about things and that it is a standard of republicanism. Now to get the people who realize that republicans are right about things to quit being so very wrong all the time would be nice.


How about a bush 3rd term?
To "be nice", I am quitting being "so very wrong all the time" and now support an amendment to permit a third term for BUSH, the last Republican President.

I thought you were being sarcastic.
No, I just wanted to catch it...

Yeah, we'd all just looooove another spendthrift in office, it isn't like 13 in a row isn't enough! Unfortunately I was in the "wrong" on that one, I didn't vote for a second Bush term.

*sigh* even us republicans can sometimes be wrong. Thankfully it is far less often than y'all! *whew*


Jebbie this time. We all associate the Bush name with warm fuzzy feelings.
No, I just wanted to catch it...

Yeah, we'd all just looooove another spendthrift in office, it isn't like 13 in a row isn't enough! Unfortunately I was in the "wrong" on that one, I didn't vote for a second Bush term.

*sigh* even us republicans can sometimes be wrong. Thankfully it is far less often than y'all! *whew*


Jebbie this time. We all associate the Bush name with warm fuzzy feelings.
I am merely stating fact, not who you voted for.
But the post I replied to doesn't leave anybody out. I know bush's followers no longer consider him a Conservative,and now he's not a Republican, what's next? Gender?
It must be so easy on Party guilts to disclaim an 8 year failed standard bearer who left us but 7 months ago.
Whew? Your next to last statement is an easy one to debate. The GOP tells us continually that government is rotten, then when they take charge, they do all they can to prove it.
Do you think the nation is ready for bush-Lite? If I'm not mistaken, aren't the bushes already 2 for 2 in disappointing you?
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I am merely stating fact, not who you voted for.
But the post I replied to doesn't leave anybody out. I know bush's followers no longer consider him a Conservative,and now he's not a Republican, what's next? Gender?
It must be so easy on Party guilts to disclaim an 8 year failed standard bearer who left us but 7 months ago.
Whew? Your next to last statement is an easy one to debate. The GOP tells us continually that government is rotten, then when they take charge, they do all they can to prove it.
Do you think the nation is ready for bush-Lite? If I'm not mistaken, aren't the bushes already 2 for 2 in disappointing you?

Based on his brother and father Jed Bush has zero chance to be President. I liked what he did in Florida though and think it ironic that he would probably be the best of the three yet it was the other two who became Presidents.
Based on his brother and father Jed Bush has zero chance to be President. I liked what he did in Florida though and think it ironic that he would probably be the best of the three yet it was the other two who became Presidents.

I would agree they came in the wrong order, however, any achievements in this state were limited by the problems all the other states suffered under gwb. Jeb was very good early on in using the bush name to enhance his fortune. He was in the hands of Big Sugar from the start, paying only lip service to ending their hold on the state. Crist has made the boldest step thus far but has made Big Sugar even wealthier in the process, that is IF it's not just more lip service.

(For an old man, Brett looked pretty good tonight.)
Based on his brother and father Jed Bush has zero chance to be President. I liked what he did in Florida though and think it ironic that he would probably be the best of the three yet it was the other two who became Presidents.

A lot can happen in 8 or 12 years, but I tend to agree with you.