Again, you are talking about 4.2% vs. 4.4%... virtually identical. Again, you are comparing an economic boom period to one of a recession. Again, you are ignoring the fact that Clinton played a part in the CURRENT recession by eliminating Glass Steagall.
If you want to take a look at the damage done, look at the Nasdaq... it lost 80% of its value from peak to trough in the 2000-2002 downturn. It never recovered. The highest it got was about 2900 in Oct 2007. Then subsequently has dropped back to the current level of 2000. Bush was horrid when it comes to fiscal responsibility, no question. But he also did not have the benefit of a booming new technology like Clinton did.
Again, by your standards, then Obama is worse than Bush. Because unemployment has gone up over 16% in just a few months in office. OMG!!!
If you don't understand economics, just say so and quit pretending that you do. All you are doing is cherry picking one economic indicator (a lagging one at that) and trying to make a case out of it.
The fact remains that bush never reached the low unemployment numbers of Clinton, nor did he ever attain job growth close to Clinton's.
Your feelgood "booms don't count" rule is ridiculous, numbers are numbers, history is history. Supply Side is Supply Side, recession is recession.
Re; Obama, if you want to report back at the end of his termS using the same standard, I would agree, however, a 7 month snapshot isn't necessarily history AND he inherited a far worse economic situation from bush than, maybe, any other President in history. The unemployment number was already in a steep downward trend on 1/20/09, only the Messiah could turn it around immediately. Maybe that's the power you feel he posesses.