APP - The Bush Recession... Much worse than the Carter Recession was!

speaking of deficit I recall, the national debt as of January, 2009 was between $11 and $12trillion.....since then, according to the CBO's announcement today, it has increased another $7trillion plus over the next ten years.....and that's only calculating the money for bills already passed.....quite an accomplishment....Obama is more than half way to out "deficiting" every other president we have ever had combined.....and he's only been on the job for eight months......
Yet these same liberals who rightly skewered Bush for increasing the deficit are strangely silent now...
Yet these same liberals who rightly skewered Bush for increasing the deficit are strangely silent now...

That is still a much slower rate of growth than under GWB.
If it was at the GWB rate it would got to 24 trillion in 8 years.
And Bush only had one almost recession during his presidency. Remember the current one is Obama's :D
The economy was fantastic, etc. So why double the national debt?
That is still a much slower rate of growth than under GWB.
If it was at the GWB rate it would got to 24 trillion in 8 years.
And Bush only had one almost recession during his presidency. Remember the current one is Obama's :D
The economy was fantastic, etc. So why double the national debt?
And your source for this 24 trillion figure is...?

Now the Bush economy was "fantastic", and before y'all liberals were crying that it was about to go into a recession. LOL
its funny.....when the economy was kickin, real estate etc....under bush, it had nothing to do with bush....but the real market goes down and other parts of the economy....and its all bush's fault :rolleyes:
That is still a much slower rate of growth than under GWB.
If it was at the GWB rate it would got to 24 trillion in 8 years.
And Bush only had one almost recession during his presidency. Remember the current one is Obama's :D
The economy was fantastic, etc. So why double the national debt?

how do you figure?....Obama has built up a deficit of $7-8trillion in just eight months....Bush's deficit was under $5trillion after 8 years.....
And your source for this 24 trillion figure is...?

Now the Bush economy was "fantastic", and before y'all liberals were crying that it was about to go into a recession. LOL

It also pretty funny that the dot com bust and 9/11 attacks = almost recession.
During the 2004 election, and pretty much through his Presidency we were treated to the "worst economy" song and dance.

And we on the other side were treated to everything is fine from your side.
Job and wage growth was dismal. Avg income looked good because a few made really big bucks which skewed the results massively.
By that standard then Clinton's must as well. Clinton raised the national debt in each year of his eight in office. Despite having the benefit of peacetime and the internet/telecom/tech boom leading a great economy. $1.6 trillion he added to the debt. In a peaceful booming economy.

Reagan's spending was done during the cold war and a large portion of that spending went to that endeavor. Papa Bush was far worse than Reagan in terms of spending. lil' Bush will always be low in my opinion due to his insane levels of debt.

That said, Nixon was worse than lil Bush. Carter is on par with lil Bush. Though I do give him credit for appointing Volcker. (see correct spelling of his name:) )

The debt under Clinton was from the inherited budgets of the bushI administration.
He passed his first budget, which not a single Republican voted for amid the shrill hysteria similar to what we are hearing today, and began the decline of the deficit to the point of surplus when he left office.
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During the 2004 election, and pretty much through his Presidency we were treated to the "worst economy" song and dance.

I seem to remember the 2004 election being about Iraq and the deficit which the Republicans in those days were saying was unimportant. The criticisms about the economy were about a slow recovery and poor job creation, the usual result of Supply Side Economics.
I seem to remember the 2004 election being about Iraq and the deficit which the Republicans in those days were saying was unimportant. The criticisms about the economy were about a slow recovery and poor job creation, the usual result of Supply Side Economics.

The 2004 election was about fear of terrorism, and would you want a mission accompolished guy or a swift boater?
yep...he never was mentioned in a positive way, no matter what

Sound familiar? I guess that's just politics, unless you want my emotions toward bush to include pity, in which case please send paper towels and a violin.
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Ohh I freely and proudly proclaim never having talked about Bush in a positive way.

What about all you on the right that only praised him a few years ago?

Still proud of that?
What was that other thread about the WH trying to get homeland security to bump up the threat level to polka dot or somesuch right before the election?

that of course had to do with the economy.