APP - The Bush Recession... Much worse than the Carter Recession was!

Whining back and forth about whether some insult followed the "rules" isn't exactly material for APP.

Im not whining, just discussing.

I dont care where the thread is, but I do belive we should have a forum where the rules can be discussed. If Supercandy is going to publicly say I broke rules, Id like to have the opertunity to challange that. As you know I broke no rules... He did, I have not!
Funny, Reagan's deficate spending was Johnson's fault... But Obama is fully to blame for his!

I did not say that. Only an idiot would interpret what I stated that way. I clearly stated that Reagan's deficits were largely due to his increases in defense spending. I acknowledged Motts point that Reagan also spent a lot on entitlements. But those were more of fixed costs and thus it is the discretionary spending where Reagan added to the debt... not the entitlement programs already on the books.

Second, I never mentioned Obama in my post. Which means that is simply an idiotic attempt to build a strawman by a less than intelligent individual.
Funny, Reagan's deficate spending was Johnson's fault... But Obama is fully to blame for his!

I can only shake my head at that response. If you didn't know better I'd feel sorry for you but I know you know better. You are getting the uscitizen disease of purposefully playing dumb.
I did not say that. Only an idiot would interpret what I stated that way. I clearly stated that Reagan's deficits were largely due to his increases in defense spending. I acknowledged Motts point that Reagan also spent a lot on entitlements. But those were more of fixed costs and thus it is the discretionary spending where Reagan added to the debt... not the entitlement programs already on the books.

Second, I never mentioned Obama in my post. Which means that is simply an idiotic attempt to build a strawman by a less than intelligent individual.

You have never complained about the economic situation being President Obama's fault?
You have never complained about the economic situation being President Obama's fault?

No, my mentally challenged friend, I have stated what the cause of this economic downturn was many times. While some of Obama's policies (or proposed policies) will make the situation worse in my opinion, this situation is not his fault. As I have stated many times, it was the result of both parties f'in with the system that was designed to prevent this exact scenario from occurring.

That said, to be clear challenging Obama's current policies does not mean he is to blame for everything that has occurred.
You have never complained about the economic situation being President Obama's fault?

God I wish I could post a picture here...

It says FACEPALM with a guy holding his hand to his forehead and it says

'Beacause expressing how dumb that was in words just doesn't work'
Funny, Reagan's deficate spending was Johnson's fault... But Obama is fully to blame for his!

speaking of deficit I recall, the national debt as of January, 2009 was between $11 and $12trillion.....since then, according to the CBO's announcement today, it has increased another $7trillion plus over the next ten years.....and that's only calculating the money for bills already passed.....quite an accomplishment....Obama is more than half way to out "deficiting" every other president we have ever had combined.....and he's only been on the job for eight months......
Unless I'm misreading this you are saying that Reagan spent the most money not on defense but on entitlement spending? Isn't the usual line that Reagan tried to 'starve the beast' i.e. entitlement programs while spending so much money on the military?
That's the party line. It's just not the reality though. Defense spending during the 50's and 60's averaged around 9% of GDP. Under Reagan it was about 6% of GDP. IN fact, because of increases in domestic spending, the DOD's percent share of the federal outlay is less than half of what it was during it's peak. As a percent of the Federal budget Reagan essentially maintained defense spending levels at or below the spending levels of the 1970's (around 6%). The massive debts that occured durring Reagan's term was predominantly due to gigantic increase in spending on dometstic programs, particularly popular entitlement programs. Reagan hardly starved the beast. The reality is he fed it with both hands.
That's the party line. It's just not the reality though. Defense spending during the 50's and 60's averaged around 9% of GDP. Under Reagan it was about 6% of GDP. IN fact, because of increases in domestic spending, the DOD's percent share of the federal outlay is less than half of what it was during it's peak. As a percent of the Federal budget Reagan essentially maintained defense spending levels at or below the spending levels of the 1970's (around 6%). The massive debts that occured durring Reagan's term was predominantly due to gigantic increase in spending on dometstic programs, particularly popular entitlement programs. Reagan hardly starved the beast. The reality is he fed it with both hands.

If that is the case then why is the Dem party line the opposite?
No, my mentally challenged friend, I have stated what the cause of this economic downturn was many times. While some of Obama's policies (or proposed policies) will make the situation worse in my opinion, this situation is not his fault. As I have stated many times, it was the result of both parties f'in with the system that was designed to prevent this exact scenario from occurring.

That said, to be clear challenging Obama's current policies does not mean he is to blame for everything that has occurred.

True, if thats the case I have unfairly lumped you into a catagory in which you did not belong. For that I appologise.