APP - The Bush Recession... Much worse than the Carter Recession was!

This again shows your ignorance. That is NOT what a fiscal conservative believes you <bad word>. While decreases in taxation do increase revenues in the short term, you have to have spending cuts to go along with the tax cuts for them to be sustainable for the long term.

This is so silly, so I can call anyone names I want, if they report it, it merely gets replaced with "bad word".
geeeesh...Would you really make it this hard were it me calling superfreak a moron?
If he wouldn't listen then, yes. It isn't making it hard, it is simply making it so you know how to bring it to our attention in the future. I absolutely do not have the time to read every post and search for insults. I'll also miss them while reading because it is nearly impossible to "offend" me.
This is so silly, so I can call anyone names I want, if they report it, it merely gets replaced with "bad word".
Pretty much. Or deleted. The rules are rather specific about certain words though, some may get you banned from the APP area for a period of time.

What were you expecting?
If he wouldn't listen then, yes. It isn't making it hard, it is simply making it so you know how to bring it to our attention in the future. I absolutely do not have the time to read every post and search for insults. I'll also miss them while reading because it is nearly impossible to "offend" me.

It is impossable to offend me also... but I thought this was a place to be above name calling.
Maybe he should be publicly reminded of the rules?!?

You <bad word> <bad word>. I already edited the two you brought to my attention and then the third once you brought it to my attention. Yet you still persist with your pathetic attempt to make this an issue? <bad word>.
I dont know, I dont really care. I only post here because its where the traffic seems to be. I rarely call anyone names so it does not really matter to me.

LOL... you don't care? yeah... you have certainly proven that. Seriously... people actually hire you?
From 2001 to 2009 private sector job growth in the previous ten years had all but disappeared from 25% in the previous period to 2% at the start of 2009 - Bureau of Labor Statistics
By the way, for comparison, the number was about 25% when Carter left office, down to 17% during Reagan's first term, rising to 30% in 85 then declining to 24% to begin bush I. Though Reagan had reached 30% during his tenure, he left office with job creation at appr. the same rate as when Carter left office
Keep in mind that the "Stagflation" period of high unemployment and inflation began during the Nixon administration and carried over through Ford into the Carter administration. It was Carter who appointed Paul Voelker to the Fed with a mandate to bring inflation under control that actually brought runaway inflation under control. Carter also paid a very high political price for making that decision.
Sorry USC but that's just not true.

I am at least correct on the artificially low interest rates helping to create this recession. Would we have had a housing bubble at 19% mortgage rates? Credit cards maxxed out at a 25-30% interest rates? Home equity loans at 19%?
People would have been a bit more restrained on debt.

I may be off a little on the unemployment rates, but I an dead on on the low interest rates contributing to the current problems.
Carter stated that no man responsible for giving a country a misery index that high had a right to even ask to be President. Carter won the 1976 election. However, by 1980, when President Carter was running for re-election against Ronald Reagan, the Misery Index had reached an all-time high of 21.98%. Carter lost the election to Reagan.
Actually Carter took a big political hit for that by doing the right thing. He gave Paul Voelker a mandate to control Fed monetary policy. Voelker promptly implemented a tight monetary policy at the Fed which worked but not before we went through a phase where the economy slowed down and inflation jumped to a national record. Carter paid a high price politicaly for that phase but ultimately Voelkers Fed policy worked and brought inflation under control with net growth in the economy. By then though it was to late for Carter. Nevert the less, it is Carter who deserves the credit for bringing an end to the 1970's era of stagflation.

It's really rather interesting to compare Jimmy Carter and George W. Bush in terms of their abilitites. Carter was a very capable administrator but was politically inept (note his gang from Georgia was a bad idea) and niave. George W. Bush on the other hand was politically brilliant but the most incompetant administrator to sit in the White House since Warren G. Harding. Rather like polar opposite of each other. Note that their historical rankings are both very close to each other (both are viewed as failed presidents). Then there's Nixon, who despite being a brilliant political operative and a visionary on foreign policy and an extremely talented administrator still managed to destroy his presidency. I don't know if you can say that Nixon was a worse President then Carter or Bush but he was certainly more imorral then either.
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