APP - The Bush Recession... Much worse than the Carter Recession was!

This again shows your ignorance. That is NOT what a fiscal conservative believes you moron. While decreases in taxation do increase revenues in the short term, you have to have spending cuts to go along with the tax cuts for them to be sustainable for the long term.

Ohhh, and this one!
I did not make up the rules, I simply ask that if I am obeying them, everyone obey's!
You have to report the posts. Sometimes I don't see everything in a thread. Remember the insults have to be direct calling you something, not an idea something.

You are a hatless dog owner...

That idea is as listless as a hatless dog...

One may be an insult, the other speaks to the idea.
Ok, we can play your game. I too hope 'fiscal conservatism' as defined by Bush is dead. 'Fiscal conservatism' as defined by Bush meant spending as much money as possible.

What percentage of "fiscal conservatives" voted for and supported Bush two times for president of the United States of America?
You have to report the posts. Sometimes I don't see everything in a thread. Remember the insults have to be direct calling you something, not an idea something.

You are a hatless dog owner...

That idea is as listless as a hatless dog...

One may be an insult, the other speaks to the idea.

So does calling me an idiot or a moron count? and I am reporting them right here!
You have to report the posts. Sometimes I don't see everything in a thread. Remember the insults have to be direct calling you something, not an idea something.

You are a hatless dog owner...

That idea is as listless as a hatless dog...

One may be an insult, the other speaks to the idea.

No, on this thread Superfreak rightly called him an idiot and a moron and both were deserved. He's not as dumb as he's playing right now.
How about saying "You truely are an idiot" is that against the rules? Is that direct enough?
Funny, when I bring up a good point... you call it a game and leave.
Your point is not good it is silly and you continue to move the goal posts. We even showed how Bush's proposed budgets were changed by action directly from the fiscal conservatives in Congress. (At least I did, I posted two articles showing examples of how the fiscal conservatives thwarted portions of Bush's plans.)

Fiscal conservatives, such as myself, have consistently criticized Bush for his fiscal stupidity. Starting from the pill bill, and continuing for 8 years. Pretending that voting for somebody like Obama would be better is sheer disingenuity at its best.
Your point is not good it is silly and you continue to move the goal posts. We even showed how Bush's proposed budgets were changed by action directly from the fiscal conservatives in Congress.

Fiscal conservatives, such as myself, have consistently criticized Bush for his fiscal stupidity.

I asked to be shown where a "fiscal conservative" had voted against one of Bush's spending bills... Is that silly? The fact that you cant illistrates my point.
Your point is not good it is silly and you continue to move the goal posts. We even showed how Bush's proposed budgets were changed by action directly from the fiscal conservatives in Congress.

Fiscal conservatives, such as myself, have consistently criticized Bush for his fiscal stupidity. Starting from the pill bill, and continuing for 8 years. Pretending that voting for somebody like Obama would be better is sheer disingenuity at its best.

Now see, you made an argument and an illistration of what you thought was silly about my post... you did not just call me silly and threaten to leave. I respect that!
Funny, when I bring up a good point... you call it a game and leave.

No Jarod, like I said you are purposefully being obtuse. You are playing dumb. That is not a real argument/debate. If you want to have a real discussion I'd be glad to have one with you. I'm a partisan but I have no problem calling out areas where Republicans fail, especially this one in the fiscal arena. But a real discussion is not your goal and its quite obvious to more than just me. It is very transparent. So therefore I choose not to play your game.
I am reporting it!!! How else am I to report it... You want me to fill out a form in triplicate?
Click the little scales at the top of the post and report it. Whining about it in the thread is not reporting the post.
Click the little scales at the top of the post and report it. Whining about it in the thread is not reporting the post.

geeeesh...Would you really make it this hard were it me calling superfreak a moron?