APP - The Bush Recession... Much worse than the Carter Recession was!

Bush is a Republican, no one is questioning that or stating otherwise. But in NO way can you say he was a FISCAL conservative. Not with the way he outspent his revenue.

Thats what happens when a fiscal conservative gets in power. Spending outstrips revenue. Its because they plan based on a flawed theory that a decrease in taxation always results in a huge increase in revenue.
I love how they are trying to say that America's most conservative president ever was not a real conservative not that the conservative agenda failed miserably!

Ha...... Love it!

You truly are quite the foolish little lad due to believe such a silly little idea. What 'conservative' agenda failed? What failed was the government (both parties) interfering with regulations established to protect against exactly the scenario that played out. The removal of Glass Steagall (by both parties), the pressure from the government on banks to loan money when they previously would not have all in the name of 'more people own homes than ever before' were both a huge part of what went wrong.

This was not a conservative agenda... it was moronic politicians trying to play God. (this is not to say politicians were solely responsible, as discussed before, there is plenty of blame to go around)
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Bush was a hardcore conservative and look at what happened.

Anyone who believes Bush was a hardcore conservative is an idiot. Bush was a social conservative. He was NOT a fiscal conservative by any stretch of the imagination.
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Proof that some liberals are incapable of recognizing simple truths:

Thats what happens when a fiscal conservative gets in power. Spending outstrips revenue. Its because they plan based on a flawed theory that a decrease in taxation always results in a huge increase in revenue.

Bush was a hardcore conservative and look at what happened.
Idiot. Bush was a social conservative. He was NOT a fiscal conservative by any stretch of the imagination.

Show me where "fiscal conservatives" voted against a single item in his adgenda?

Are you saying there were no "fiscal conservatives" in congress?
Show me where "fiscal conservatives" voted against a single item in his adgenda?

Are you saying there were no "fiscal conservatives" in congress?

How could a "fiscal conservative" go six years without vetoing a spending bill? Look at the number of spending veto's Reagan had vs. Bush. A lot of so-called 'fiscally conservative Republicans' lost their way during the Bush years and many of them (rightfully) got voted out of office.
Show me where "fiscal conservatives" voted against a single item in his adgenda?

Are you saying there were no "fiscal conservatives" in congress?
Those who gave up on fiscal conservative to follow Bush into the night were voted out of office, it helped your party to gain their majority.
Show me where "fiscal conservatives" voted against a single item in his adgenda?

Are you saying there were no "fiscal conservatives" in congress?

Anyone? Was the Republican party devoid of fiscal conservatism? Why did these so called "fiscal conservative" representatives fail to say anything or stand up? Show me where they voted against one of Bush's liberal spending plans!
How could a "fiscal conservative" go six years without vetoing a spending bill? Look at the number of spending veto's Reagan had vs. Bush. A lot of so-called 'fiscally conservative Republicans' lost their way during the Bush years and many of them (rightfully) got voted out of office.

So, who is a fiscal conservative? Show me some bill that Bush supported that was voted down by the "fiscal conservatives"?
Thats what happens when a fiscal conservative gets in power. Spending outstrips revenue. Its because they plan based on a flawed theory that a decrease in taxation always results in a huge increase in revenue.

This again shows your ignorance. That is NOT what a fiscal conservative believes. While decreases in taxation do increase revenues in the short term, you have to have spending cuts to go along with the tax cuts for them to be sustainable for the long term.
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...despite occasional exceptions, the Bush administration, backed by the Republican-controlled Congress, has been promoting larger government at almost every turn. Its spending policies have been irresponsible, and its trade strategies have been destructive. The president has been quite willing to sell out the national interest for perceived political gain, whether the votes sought are from seniors or farmers...
So, who is a fiscal conservative? Show me some bill that Bush supported that was voted down by the "fiscal conservatives"?

Did you not the see the ass whooping Republicans took in 2006 and 2008? WTF dude? You pull an Austin Power's and just wake up after being frozen for the past few years?

Go look at arguments some Republicans made against the Pill Bill for your example.
Show me where "fiscal conservatives" voted against a single item in his adgenda?

Are you saying there were no "fiscal conservatives" in congress?

I am not saying there were NO fiscal conservatives, but they were most certainly not in the majority and either did not have enough power to control the spending or they did not use the power if they did have it.
Did you not the see the ass whooping Republicans took in 2006 and 2008? WTF dude? You pull an Austin Power's and just wake up after being frozen for the past few years?

Go look at arguments some Republicans made against the Pill Bill for your example.

Okay, tell me of a "fiscal conservative" in Congress. Or do they not exist?
I am not saying there were NO fiscal conservatives, but they were most certainly not in the majority and either did not have enough power to control the spending or they did not use the power if they did have it.

Ahhh, so the Conservative party did not have any conservatives? Interesting....