APP - The Bush Recession... Much worse than the Carter Recession was!

Ahhh, so the Conservative party did not have any conservatives? Interesting....

Your opinion is truly idiotic. I feel sorry for anyone who selects you to represent them.... or are you simply one of the lowly court appointed lawyers?
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So, who is a fiscal conservative? Show me some bill that Bush supported that was voted down by the "fiscal conservatives"?
Again silliness...

Read the article. The Fiscal Conservatives were creating the divide, while they looked past some things for a while to support "The Global War on Terror" after 2004 there were issues with them. This is when the coalition they had built began to fail.

Another article about the fiscal conservatives bucking the trend after 2004...

The reality is that they were a faction that sought change within the party and ignoring them brought down a coalition that took many years to form in the Congress and helped to bring about the D majority in the end. Bush was not a fiscal conservative, and Obama certainly isn't. We haven't had one of those in power for a long time.
I love how they are trying to say that America's most conservative president ever was not a real conservative not that the conservative agenda failed miserably!

Ha...... Love it!
I recall when Bush was first put forward as a presidential candidate, the primary talking points were his appeal to moderates and his bipartisan support in Texas.....
No that was merely the failure of conservatism.
Seriously politically naive. I am not kidding a bit. This is something I'd expect from a Desh or somebody else who has no thought other than for party, it is silly to pretend that a victory this time means conservatism is "dead" or that the R party will never again hold a majority. Neither side will ever be permanently in the minority, history doesn't support it.
Seriously politically naive. I am not kidding a bit. This is something I'd expect from a Desh or somebody else who has no thought other than for party, it is silly to pretend that a victory this time means conservatism is "dead" or that the R party will never again hold a majority. It's plain idiotic if you look into history.

I do not pretend for a second that the Republican party is dead. It is dead as we knew it in 2008, and I believe almost everyone is glad about that. I hope they come back as real fiscal conservatives.

I belive that the Republicans will again soon hold a majority. I belive that "fiscal conservatism" as defined by Bush and his followers... is dead and will remain dead until enough people forget, or a wedge issue is again effectivly used again to get someone like him into office...

Again, was it within the rules of this forum for superfreak to call me an idiot, twice?
You truly are an idiot. What 'conservative' agenda failed? What failed was the government (both parties) interfering with regulations established to protect against exactly the scenario that played out. The removal of Glass Steagall (by both parties), the pressure from the government on banks to loan money when they previously would not have all in the name of 'more people own homes than ever before' were both a huge part of what went wrong.

This was not a conservative agenda... it was moronic politicians trying to play God. (this is not to say politicians were solely responsible, as discussed before, there is plenty of blame to go around)

You failed to edit this one!
I do not pretend for a second that the Republican party is dead. It is dead as we knew it in 2008, and I believe almost everyone is glad about that. I hope they come back as real fiscal conservatives.

I belive that the Republicans will again soon hold a majority. I belive that "fiscal conservatism" as defined by Bush and his followers... is dead and will remain dead until enough people forget, or a wedge issue is again effectivly used again to get someone like him into office...

Again, was it within the rules of this forum for superfreak to call me an idiot, twice?

Ok, we can play your game. I too hope 'fiscal conservatism' as defined by Bush is dead. 'Fiscal conservatism' as defined by Bush meant spending as much money as possible.