The charges brought against President Biden’s son Hunter Biden are rarely prosecuted

Excellent points! Personally, I could care less if junior gets the maximum sentences allowed for any of his charges and would you or I get. But the fact that we all know this is the best the MAGA GOP can get in their campaign to slander Uncle Joe is enough to convince all those folk who were "on the fence" in 2020 to NOT vote for Cheeto Jeezus next year.
I’m also for gun laws being enforced, but the fact that they do not prosecute these cases, but they prosecute Hunter Biden, some legal experts say it’s grounds for dismissal, we’ll see what his lawyers do.

It seems he doesn’t lack from top notch representation, there are some indicted persons who can’t hire a lawyer, let alone a good one.
I think that ALL of the things that most people are talking about pertaining to this case

What's REALLY relevant to me is that the so called leader of the free world

can't even protect his own son from being bullied.

People who don't know how to use power shouldn't ever have it.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
He's insipidly stubborn, like his god Cheeto Jeezus. He'll NEVER admit error on any level.

STFU! You sound like evince...

You can't "shut me up", toodles. You could put me on ignore, but we all know that MAGA mooks just can't stand reading unflattering FACTS about their orange idol.

Evince and I have our own separate personalities, as anyone with an 8th of a brain who has been on this site a few years knows. What burns your flabby ass is that my assessment of you is DEAD ON TARGET. TFB, as no one said life was fair. Carry on.
No doubt you're ready for the bar now. :thup:

I'm fine with a court deciding his fate, you are not. We can agree to disagree, Qp.

No, you are just a liar.

At no time have i said or even suggested a court should not decide his fate.

Me asking you 'why do you think he would benefit from being in prison' IS NOT me saying he should not face the courts. So your lies expose you.

And obviously you will not answer the questions i asked you, as you realize you said stupid things.

And it is the careerist legal people, not me, saying they never see anyone prosecuted for what Hunter is being prosecuted for, without aggravating factors (robbery with gun, etc) being also present.
Oh, but it is, dumbshit.

It is NOT illegal for any family member, friend or ex business partner, etc, to grift off the name, relationship or proximity to a new POTUS or Governor or anyone who gains power.

But moreso it is not illegal for the person in power (Potus or Governor, etc) to have friends, family, or associates who grift off their name/relationship. You can only charge the one in power if you can establish through facts and evidence he broke some of the laws in dealing with that person in improper ways (why they have zero on Joe Biden ).

It is also IMPOSSIBLE to stop BECAUSE it is not illegal and there really is no way to make it illegal.
I am kind of surprised how dumb the Trump derps here are to grifting but then again i remind myself our group is the one SENDING the grifters money, not doing the grifts.

So here is another class for 'Dummies' on why there is nothing that can be done when a family member grifts off the family name.

Grift 101

New President ABC is elected.

'President ABC' has discussion with deadbeat son.

President ABC- 'son' i see since i was elected there are a whole bunch of entities like Corporations, Lobby firms and others that are offering you all sorts of money to go on their boards or Consult for them. As you have none of the experience, and this will look terrible for me, i am asking you not to do it.

Son - Fine, I can sign right now and take in $5MM this year, so as long as you give me the money, i won't take those jobs.

President ABC - you know i do not have that type of money nor do i make enough to pay you. So i want to you to not take it out of the goodness of your heart.

Son - there is no goodness in my heart when it comes to $5MM. You pay me or i will take it from them

President ABC - Son i must insist.

Son - Go fuck yourself. Get me cash or STFU.

Zero is illegal on the above. The son can take every job offered and make all the money, he never would have made without that name and there is FUCK ALL the government can do about it.

Each one of you can hate that a grifting kid makes millions with no skills and due to his name and relations, and that is fine, but the son is not required to live his life broke so you will approve of him.

The only thing they can criminalize here is the POTUS (fathers) actions in how he deals with his son on these matters. There are clear laws governing his behaviour, and since in he 5 years the Conservatards have been able to find a single thing Joe did that comes even close to crossing any lines, they have been out of luck in doing anything more than whipping up natural human pettiness that people should be mad that a grifter (Hunter) made money and direct that resentment at Joe.
You can't "shut me up", toodles. You could put me on ignore, but we all know that MAGA mooks just can't stand reading unflattering FACTS about their orange idol.

Evince and I have our own separate personalities, as anyone with an 8th of a brain who has been on this site a few years knows. What burns your flabby ass is that my assessment of you is DEAD ON TARGET. TFB, as no one said life was fair. Carry on.

My assessment of you is that you're a limp, typing penis.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
You can't "shut me up", toodles. You could put me on ignore, but we all know that MAGA mooks just can't stand reading unflattering FACTS about their orange idol.

Evince and I have our own separate personalities, as anyone with an 8th of a brain who has been on this site a few years knows. What burns your flabby ass is that my assessment of you is DEAD ON TARGET. TFB, as no one said life was fair. Carry on.

My assessment of you is that you're a limp, typing penis.

How mature of you. :rolleyes:

My previous assessment of you stands. Also, you should see a therapist about this obsession with other men's genitalia. Just a thought. Carry on.
Very telling Arby that you obsess about men's penises

How mature of you. :rolleyes:

My previous assessment of you stands. Also, you should see a therapist about this obsession with other men's genitalia. Just a thought. Carry on.

Fucking stupid people! I called you a limp typing penis, I couldn't care less if you have one mo matter who's it is. My assessment of you stands.
It is NOT illegal for any family member, friend or ex business partner, etc, to grift off the name, relationship or proximity to a new POTUS or Governor or anyone who gains power.

But moreso it is not illegal for the person in power (Potus or Governor, etc) to have friends, family, or associates who grift off their name/relationship. You can only charge the one in power if you can establish through facts and evidence he broke some of the laws in dealing with that person in improper ways (why they have zero on Joe Biden ).

It is also IMPOSSIBLE to stop BECAUSE it is not illegal and there really is no way to make it illegal.

If it was Trump Jr. you'd be yammering about how illegal it is nonstop, motherfucker.
Thanks for proving you are no different than the Trumpers.

Actually you got that backwards. the Trumpers are the ones who use lies in argument, when they know they are wrong and that is what you did.

In no instance NONE, did i say or even suggest I was against the Courts deciding whether Hunter committed a crime that needed punishing.

I simply asked you one question which was 'why do you think Hunter would personally benefit from being in jail now' when few people do.

You take that question and change it (lie) to suggest i was pushing a narrative that the Courts should not judge him.

Why do you think you felt the need to so blatantly lie like that?
If it was Trump Jr. you'd be yammering about how illegal it is nonstop, motherfucker.

Except we saw Trump's children (and son in law) doing much worse since the beginnings of his presidency, in not just using the 'name' but also using positions within government, so you are wrong.

Billy Carter
Jimmy Roosevelt
Donald Nixon
Neil Bush
Roger Clinton

Countless relations of governors.

This is nothing new. Family members, ex business partners and friends of those who become powerful can grift off the name and proximity to power.

It is NOT illegal. There is NOTHING that can be to stop it.

People get mad when they here of a grifter with no skills making big money and the republi'cans' have weaponized that anger to splash over on to Joe who has proven to be innocent of it.

None of the previous POTUS or Governors have been forced to own the sins of their family relations.
Actually you got that backwards. the Trumpers are the ones who use lies in argument, when they know they are wrong and that is what you did.

In no instance NONE, did i say or even suggest I was against the Courts deciding whether Hunter committed a crime that needed punishing.

I simply asked you one question which was 'why do you think Hunter would personally benefit from being in jail now' when few people do.

You take that question and change it (lie) to suggest i was pushing a narrative that the Courts should not judge him.

Why do you think you felt the need to so blatantly lie like that?

Disagreed. Like a Trumper, you are overly emotional and start slinging insults at people who disagree with you.

I'm fine with this being resolved in court. YMMV depending up the political affiliation of the accused.
Hunter Biden was charged Thursday with three felony gun-related counts, including possession of a firearm by a person who is an “unlawful user of or addicted to any controlled substance." Under a plea deal that later fell apart, Biden was also charged with two misdemeanor charges of failing to pay taxes, which he later reimbursed; those charges are not included in Thursday's indictment.

Former federal prosecutor Renato Mariotti agreed. "It insults the intelligence of the American people to compare misdemeanor tax charges to a scheme to steal Top Secret documents and obstruct justice when the government asked for them back," he tweeted, comparing the charges against Hunter Biden to the recent federal indictment against former President Donald Trump. "If anything, Hunter Biden was treated harshly — those crimes are rarely charged."

The case is being overseen by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the District of Delaware, which is headed by Donald Trump appointee David Weiss, who was named special counsel in the case.

The gun charge itself is under legal threat. A federal appeals court ruled in June that the government cannot ban those convicted of nonviolent crimes from possessing a weapon, and a federal court in Texas recently ruled — following a major Supreme Court case last year that expanded gun rights — that the ban on drug users possessing weapons violates the Second Amendment.

They brought these because of all the charges he can face this was the only one that cannot involve the current President or implicate him. Unlike the tax evasion charges where it can show he was paying Brandon's bills (as he literally texted his assistant to complain about how he was paying so many of his father's bills with those unearned and ill gotten gains for the "past 11 years"...). Apparently so many people had access to his Well's Fargo account that he was constantly getting kicked out of online access and had to go into the bank and give identification to get access back. He was locked out...

This is literally a text complaining about how Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. himself benefitting and paying bills with the money Hunter got from foreign sources for selling access to his father kept having folks access the account so much that he, Hunter the owner of the account, kept getting locked out of it.

And pretending that it was an "illusion of access" when these folks were talking to his father during meetings with Hunter is ignoring that they were literally gaining access to the man. That isn't an illusion, it is access in fact.

Then we learn he also had breakfast with some of them...

And one of them was literally in his employ while he was VP. Literally handled all of the VP expenses...
The gun was not used in a crime. it was not stolen. He owned it for 10 days. He never fired it. Those are the kinds of things that result in charges.

I think Hunter just bought the gun because he was contemplating suicide for being such a weak human, in light of his brother being such a model son, and he was such a bad son using his Daddy's name to make himself rich, and risking his Dad's reputation just to be some pleasure seeking over-emotional monkey!

When his sister-in-law, who he was playing on for her sympathy, found out about his plan to do himself in, she took the gun and tossed it into the nearest garbage can.

And it is no surprise, the TRUMPTARDS want to burn him to the stake.

That's just the kind of people they are!

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Disagreed. Like a Trumper, you are overly emotional and start slinging insults at people who disagree with you.

I'm fine with this being resolved in court. YMMV depending up the political affiliation of the accused.

There is nothing to 'disagree' with.

You said upthread that you did not like Hunter and wanted to see him suffer some pain in prison and that is where you position flowed from.

that is no way to look at this.
There is nothing to 'disagree' with.

You said upthread that you did not like Hunter and wanted to see him suffer some pain in prison and that is where you position flowed from.

that is no way to look at this.
Now who's lying? LOL

Are you female or gay, Kewpie?
Fucking stupid people! I called you a limp typing penis, I couldn't care less if you have one mo matter who's it is. My assessment of you stands.

:palm: Yes, we KNOW you did. You seem to do that VERY OFTEN. It's a running theme with you whenever you get bested in a debate here. THAT is why I suggest a therapist for you, because on average the majority of heterosexual men do NOT consistently reference other men's genitalia for insult. Maybe you have insecurity problems. Whatever.

RB60 = Really Boorish 60 yr. old.