The charges brought against President Biden’s son Hunter Biden are rarely prosecuted

They brought these because of all the charges he can face this was the only one that cannot involve the current President or implicate him. Unlike the tax evasion charges where it can show he was paying Brandon's bills (as he literally texted his assistant to complain about how he was paying so many of his father's bills with those unearned and ill gotten gains for the "past 11 years"...). Apparently so many people had access to his Well's Fargo account that he was constantly getting kicked out of online access and had to go into the bank and give identification to get access back. He was locked out...

This is literally a text complaining about how Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. himself benefitting and paying bills with the money Hunter got from foreign sources for selling access to his father kept having folks access the account so much that he, Hunter the owner of the account, kept getting locked out of it.

And pretending that it was an "illusion of access" when these folks were talking to his father during meetings with Hunter is ignoring that they were literally gaining access to the man. That isn't an illusion, it is access in fact.

Then we learn he also had breakfast with some of them...

And one of them was literally in his employ while he was VP. Literally handled all of the VP expenses...

I didn't realize you were a Fox News flunky, Damo. Like the old saying goes, "let them prove it in court". To date the MAGA mooks in Congress can't, despite their oft repeated claims via Fox and NewsMax and such.

Hunter should get the same treatment you or I would regarding his taxes, falsifying applications, whatever. What burns the butts of the right wing crowd is that they can't legally tie it to Biden. But you've got to give the little cusses an A for effort.

And the band played on.
:palm: Yes, we KNOW you did. You seem to do that VERY OFTEN. It's a running theme with you whenever you get bested in a debate here. THAT is why I suggest a therapist for you, because on average the majority of heterosexual men do NOT consistently reference other men's genitalia for insult. Maybe you have insecurity problems. Whatever.

RB60 = Really Boorish 60 yr. old.
Why do you lie so much? VERY OFTEN? Show us these "themes."
You and your fucking sheet wearer bullshit gets old. Same shit from you to anyone you disagree with, calling them KKK racists when there's no evidence of it. Talk about boorish...
:palm: Yes, we KNOW you did. You seem to do that VERY OFTEN. It's a running theme with you whenever you get bested in a debate here. THAT is why I suggest a therapist for you, because on average the majority of heterosexual men do NOT consistently reference other men's genitalia for insult. Maybe you have insecurity problems. Whatever.

RB60 = Really Boorish 60 yr. old.

Lots of Trumplers are into homoeroticism. Maybe it's a prison thing they picked up from the Aryan Nations?

Matt Dillon keeps offering anal sex with JPP men.

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Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Yes, we KNOW you did. You seem to do that VERY OFTEN. It's a running theme with you whenever you get bested in a debate here. THAT is why I suggest a therapist for you, because on average the majority of heterosexual men do NOT consistently reference other men's genitalia for insult. Maybe you have insecurity problems. Whatever.

RB60 = Really Boorish 60 yr. old.

Why do you lie so much? VERY OFTEN? Show us these "themes."
You and your fucking sheet wearer bullshit gets old. Same shit from you to anyone you disagree with, calling them KKK racists when there's no evidence of it. Talk about boorish...

Hey, YOU'RE RIGHT! You personally don't harp on gay themed retorts when you're on the ropes....many of your like minded brethren (on various right wing wonk issues) do with weekly frequency. I should have made my response more generic....YOU shouldn't get into the habit of moronic responses that are gay themed.

As for me labeling bigots and racists "sheet wearers" .... TFB if you don't like it. If you're going to say that there are no posters here that are consistently making anti-black statement and posting to that effect, then you are either lying to yourself or are sympathetic to their agenda. Either way, if it bothers you so much PUT ME ON IGNORE and then go support them with a intellectually limited circle jerk or trolling. But we both know you don't have the cojones to do that.

RB60=Really Boorish 60 yr. old.
Hey, YOU'RE RIGHT! You personally don't harp on gay themed retorts when you're on the ropes....many of your like minded brethren (on various right wing wonk issues) do with weekly frequency. I should have made my response more generic....YOU shouldn't get into the habit of moronic responses that are gay themed.

As for me labeling bigots and racists "sheet wearers" .... TFB if you don't like it. If you're going to say that there are no posters here that are consistently making anti-black statement and posting to that effect, then you are either lying to yourself or are sympathetic to their agenda. Either way, if it bothers you so much PUT ME ON IGNORE and then go support them with a intellectually limited circle jerk or trolling. But we both know you don't have the cojones to do that.

RB60=Really Boorish 60 yr. old.

It's rather amusing you can't justify your bullshit. You're not nearly as smart as you think.
Can't you fools realize most of us don't give a shit about the gun charge. It's his peddling of his father's political influence that we want to see.

Right...just like you wanted charges brought against Ivanka and Jarod and Junior, and the dolt...just like you fought for charges to be brought against them, right?

C'mon, RB...ya know you did not fight for those people to be charged!
Right...just like you wanted charges brought against Ivanka and Jarod and Junior, and the dolt...just like you fought for charges to be brought against them, right?

C'mon, RB...ya know you did not fight for those people to be charged!

Nice to see you back, Frank Hope all is well. :)
Sometimes I wonder if Frank is trying to hide that he is a stand up guy.

We go way way way the fuck back, and he has come through for me several times.
Trump cheats the American people, and MAGA lap dogs like you wag their tails. This is old news

Personally, I think Hunter should be treated just like you or I would in similar circumstances. That being said, the OP is dead on target.

Treated like you or I? That means he gets little or no time and a suspended sentence. The law is there to add charges and time to a criminals sentence, not to put away people for simply purchasing a gun illegally. The vast majority of those commiting this violation are not even charged much less sentenced to time. Was this gun used in a crime? No, then most prosecuters won't bother with even bringing charges. Go ahead, set precedent, put him away for time, the right and NRA will have fits screaming it's unconstitutional.
I do so love the nicknames that accompany the posts from those with terminal TDS...they are so creative.... smart and witty...;)

The only ones with any derangement syndrome are those who would actually consider voting for someone guilty of rape and charged with nearly 100 felonies. That is what you call deranged.
If it was Trump Jr. you'd be yammering about how illegal it is nonstop, motherfucker.

If it were Trump jr I would not give a shit, he isn't running for office. If this were a charge that could be added on to a number of other criminal charges to extend a real criminals time in the big house, I would be all for doing so, that is what the charge is for. It isn't there to put people in jail for simply lying on an application or owning a firearm and doing a few drugs. Millions of Americans own guns and get stoned now and then, do they all belong in prison?

The NCDAS says almost 20% of those over 12 use cannabis regularly and nearly 50% of Americans have used illegal drugs at some point. So, about 50% of the country should have their guns confiscated? There is something called the 2nd amendment, you need to read up on it.
Except we saw Trump's children (and son in law) doing much worse since the beginnings of his presidency, in not just using the 'name' but also using positions within government, so you are wrong.

Billy Carter
Jimmy Roosevelt
Donald Nixon
Neil Bush
Roger Clinton

Countless relations of governors.

This is nothing new. Family members, ex business partners and friends of those who become powerful can grift off the name and proximity to power.

It is NOT illegal. There is NOTHING that can be to stop it.

People get mad when they here of a grifter with no skills making big money and the republi'cans' have weaponized that anger to splash over on to Joe who has proven to be innocent of it.

None of the previous POTUS or Governors have been forced to own the sins of their family relations.

Hell, we had a president encouraging foreign dignitaries stay in his hotel in DC and to have PGA tournaments at his country clubs, both Doral and Bedminster. That is using your office to make money and Trump says it's beautiful and his fucking cult members agree. Biden never has done anything of the sort and republicans know it, they just hopefully will find a few ignorant to buy their bullshit.
They brought these because of all the charges he can face this was the only one that cannot involve the current President or implicate him. Unlike the tax evasion charges where it can show he was paying Brandon's bills (as he literally texted his assistant to complain about how he was paying so many of his father's bills with those unearned and ill gotten gains for the "past 11 years"...). Apparently so many people had access to his Well's Fargo account that he was constantly getting kicked out of online access and had to go into the bank and give identification to get access back. He was locked out...

This is literally a text complaining about how Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. himself benefitting and paying bills with the money Hunter got from foreign sources for selling access to his father kept having folks access the account so much that he, Hunter the owner of the account, kept getting locked out of it.

And pretending that it was an "illusion of access" when these folks were talking to his father during meetings with Hunter is ignoring that they were literally gaining access to the man. That isn't an illusion, it is access in fact.

Then we learn he also had breakfast with some of them...

And one of them was literally in his employ while he was VP. Literally handled all of the VP expenses...

You are an idiot. The right does not have a stitch of evidence that Joe Biden ever recieved a fucking dime from his son and his son's off the cuff bullshit comments are not evidence of anything. They would not even be brought up in court without real evidence. The guy was doing drugs, not paying taxes and purchasing a gun illegally but now you want to take his word as evidence? Ignorant shitheads like you never fail to amaze me.
If it were Trump jr I would not give a shit, he isn't running for office. If this were a charge that could be added on to a number of other criminal charges to extend a real criminals time in the big house, I would be all for doing so, that is what the charge is for. It isn't there to put people in jail for simply lying on an application or owning a firearm and doing a few drugs. Millions of Americans own guns and get stoned now and then, do they all belong in prison?

The NCDAS says almost 20% of those over 12 use cannabis regularly and nearly 50% of Americans have used illegal drugs at some point. So, about 50% of the country should have their guns confiscated? There is something called the 2nd amendment, you need to read up on it.

True Junior isn't running for office, but unlike Hunter, Junior was part of the Trump administration. His coke habit and affiliation with domestic terrorist groups is a valid area of investigation as part of Trump's treason.

Hell, we had a president encouraging foreign dignitaries stay in his hotel in DC and to have PGA tournaments at his country clubs, both Doral and Bedminster. That is using your office to make money and Trump says it's beautiful and his fucking cult members agree. Biden never has done anything of the sort and republicans know it, they just hopefully will find a few ignorant to buy their bullshit.
Then why lie about your son...and claim over and over that you've never discussed business with him...and insist he's never done anything wrong?
There's so much evidence to the you know....
Then why lie about your son...and claim over and over that you've never discussed business with him...and insist he's never done anything wrong?
There's so much evidence to the you know....

Because fucking dumbshits like you would think that discussing business with your son means "in business" with your son and nothing could be further from the truth. The right has investigated this for years and still have no evidence whatsoever that Joe profitted over his son's business. Did he ever ask him how work was that day, sure.
Because fucking dumbshits like you would think that discussing business with your son means "in business" with your son and nothing could be further from the truth. The right has investigated this for years and still have no evidence whatsoever that Joe profitted over his son's business. Did he ever ask him how work was that day, sure.
Did he ever fly him to work? Have lunch with him at work? Network for Hunter's co-"workers"?
If one of those bank accounts isn't his...and Hunter never paid any of his bills...all he has to do is say so...;)
In this case, "discussing business" means being "involved in the business"...there's all kinds of evidence...