The charges brought against President Biden’s son Hunter Biden are rarely prosecuted

Did he ever fly him to work? Have lunch with him at work? Network for Hunter's co-"workers"?
If one of those bank accounts isn't his...and Hunter never paid any of his bills...all he has to do is say so...;)
In this case, "discussing business" means being "involved in the business"...there's all kinds of evidence...

So much evidence we'd see one by now. ;)
You are an idiot. The right does not have a stitch of evidence that Joe Biden ever recieved a fucking dime from his son and his son's off the cuff bullshit comments are not evidence of anything. They would not even be brought up in court without real evidence. The guy was doing drugs, not paying taxes and purchasing a gun illegally but now you want to take his word as evidence? Ignorant shitheads like you never fail to amaze me.

You are very wrong about that.
Hell, we had a president encouraging foreign dignitaries stay in his hotel in DC and to have PGA tournaments at his country clubs, both Doral and Bedminster. That is using your office to make money and Trump says it's beautiful and his fucking cult members agree. Biden never has done anything of the sort and republicans know it, they just hopefully will find a few ignorant to buy their bullshit.

Joe Biden is arguably one of the most exposed citizens in all of the US.

An entire career, spent in the public eye under public disclosure laws. Often gently mocked as one of the poorer members of Congress who did not avail himself of all the deliberate legal loopholes that make Congress people rich.

With so much public record filings, and these last 5+ years of intense scrutiny, by Special prosecutor Weiss and 3 House committees, searching for a single thing that shows Joe crossed a single line, and them coming up with NOT a shred of fact or evidence they can even show their fellow republi'cans', who have asked to see something (any evidence), to get their votes, you should bet Joe is squeaky clean.
You are very wrong about that.

No he is not.

You have all sorts of republi'cans' who they need to vote in favor saying 'they have not shown us a single piece of evidence to justify an impeachment inquiry' who want to see it and would gladly vote for the inquiry with that evidence.

This idea that they are hiding it from their own people, and harming the perception of independent voters who also need to see some shred of evidence will become the next great conspiracy theory that Trump has undeniable election interference proof that he just refuses to share with the courts or anyone else. It is his little secret.

Only derps believe that garbage.

James Comer and Kevin McCarthy have both said publicly that while they do not have any evidence or proof now 'they are working on it'. That is as close as they come to offering any, other than saying 'it smells bad'.
No he is not.

You have all sorts of republi'cans' who they need to vote in favor saying 'they have not shown us a single piece of evidence to justify an impeachment inquiry' who want to see it and would gladly vote for the inquiry with that evidence.

This idea that they are hiding it from their own people, and harming the perception of independent voters who also need to see some shred of evidence will become the next great conspiracy theory that Trump has undeniable election interference proof that he just refuses to share with the courts or anyone else. It is his little secret.

Only derps believe that garbage.

James Comer and Kevin McCarthy have both said publicly that while they do not have any evidence or proof now 'they are working on it'. That is as close as they come to offering any, other than saying 'it smells bad'.

The inquiry is going ahead, derp boi. :rolleyes:
The inquiry is going ahead, derp boi. :rolleyes:

Yes as did the theater called Benghazi for countless hearings and investigations. All resulting in nothing.

But McCarthy and Comer both admitting by keeping the investigations going , despite them being nothingburgers, it hurt Hillary and Obama in the polling. Which was the entire point of them.

So i have no doubt that as long a the republi'cans' can do more investigations, they will. They will investigate Hunter another 5 years if they think they it helps and get the same nothingburger on Joe they got with Benghazi.

You derps will eat it up.
No he is not.

You have all sorts of republi'cans' who they need to vote in favor saying 'they have not shown us a single piece of evidence to justify an impeachment inquiry' who want to see it and would gladly vote for the inquiry with that evidence.

This idea that they are hiding it from their own people, and harming the perception of independent voters who also need to see some shred of evidence will become the next great conspiracy theory that Trump has undeniable election interference proof that he just refuses to share with the courts or anyone else. It is his little secret.

Only derps believe that garbage.

James Comer and Kevin McCarthy have both said publicly that while they do not have any evidence or proof now 'they are working on it'. That is as close as they come to offering any, other than saying 'it smells bad'.

Sit back and relax QPeeeee

Here’s All The Evidence Connecting Joe Biden To Hunter Biden’s Foreign Business Dealings

Excerpt specifically what you see as the indicting evidence on Joe to be, as i see none in that article. Lots of allegations, just as Trump and his lawyers repeated constantly before going into 61 courts, that 'they had evidence of election fraud' but when in court where lying to a court matters, they said 'no your honor we are not claiming election fraud', only to then return to the media after to repeating they had proof of fraud.

But please, show us what you got and send it to Jim COmer, and all the republi'cans' going on interviews asking for any evidence FIRST before doing any impeachment hearing and stating they 'have not been presented with any'.
Excerpt specifically what you see as the indicting evidence on Joe to be, as i see none in that article. Lots of allegations, just as Trump and his lawyers repeated constantly before going into 61 courts, that 'they had evidence of election fraud' but when in court where lying to a court matters, they said 'no your honor we are not claiming election fraud', only to then return to the media after to repeating they had proof of fraud.

But please, show us what you got and send it to Jim COmer, and all the republi'cans' going on interviews asking for any evidence FIRST before doing any impeachment hearing and stating they 'have not been presented with any'.

They're gettting bank records from the inquiry. That's really all it's about.

It will show payments from high-level people in Chinese government directly to Biden for absolutely nothing tangible but access.
They're gettting bank records from the inquiry. That's really all it's about.

It will show payments from high-level people in Chinese government directly to Biden for absolutely nothing tangible but access.

Oh, you mean the 4 or more banks Comer already subpoenaed and got thousands of bank records from and he admitted he has always got everything he subpoena';d with no resistance (because the Dems or no one is tying to block them?

Those bank records?

Comer was not limited in what he could subpoena and he was getting no resistance to them so why not just let his committee subpoena them?

Oh ya, they already did and this is just to re-run the investigation for the 4th time. Or is it 5th??
Oh, you mean the 4 or more banks Comer already subpoenaed and got thousands of bank records from and he admitted he has always got everything he subpoena';d with no resistance (because the Dems or no one is tying to block them?

Those bank records?

Comer was not limited in what he could subpoena and he was getting no resistance to them so why not just let his committee subpoena them?

Oh ya, they already did and this is just to re-run the investigation for the 4th time. Or is it 5th??

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Hey, YOU'RE RIGHT! You personally don't harp on gay themed retorts when you're on the ropes....many of your like minded brethren (on various right wing wonk issues) do with weekly frequency. I should have made my response more generic....YOU shouldn't get into the habit of moronic responses that are gay themed.

As for me labeling bigots and racists "sheet wearers" .... TFB if you don't like it. If you're going to say that there are no posters here that are consistently making anti-black statement and posting to that effect, then you are either lying to yourself or are sympathetic to their agenda. Either way, if it bothers you so much PUT ME ON IGNORE and then go support them with a intellectually limited circle jerk or trolling. But we both know you don't have the cojones to do that.

RB60=Really Boorish 60 yr. old.

It's rather amusing you can't justify your bullshit. You're not nearly as smart as you think.

It's actually tragic that you act like a school kid when faced with an opponent who can dismantle your BS with ease. "You think you're so smart!" I haven't heard that one since grade school!

Bottom line: I admitted to error. I also pointed the fallacy in your complaint about my labeling bigots and racist, offering a simple remedy for your troubles. But we both know you'll just regurgitate the SOS as you follow me around on this site like a bitch in heat. Carry on.

RB60 = Really Boorish 60 yr. old
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Trump cheats the American people, and MAGA lap dogs like you wag their tails. This is old news

Personally, I think Hunter should be treated just like you or I would in similar circumstances. That being said, the OP is dead on target.

Treated like you or I? That means he gets little or no time and a suspended sentence. The law is there to add charges and time to a criminals sentence, not to put away people for simply purchasing a gun illegally. The vast majority of those commiting this violation are not even charged much less sentenced to time. Was this gun used in a crime? No, then most prosecuters won't bother with even bringing charges. Go ahead, set precedent, put him away for time, the right and NRA will have fits screaming it's unconstitutional.

I think the taxes will have a better chance of him getting chump time (time served). As for the gun, since it's up to the discretion of the prosecution and the judge, he could be convicted of such. Still, I see only chump time (time served) given. Just saying.
The charges brought against President Biden’s son Hunter Biden are rarely prosecuted

Bullshit. But, forget about that. Funny how the foreign agent shit wasn't there at all.

They all need to die.
It's actually tragic that you act like a school kid when faced with an opponent who can dismantle your BS with ease. "You think you're so smart!" I haven't heard that one since grade school!

Bottom line: I admitted to error. I also pointed the fallacy in your complaint about my labeling bigots and racist, offering a simple remedy for your troubles. But we both know you'll just regurgitate the SOS as you follow me around on this site like a bitch in heat. Carry on.

RB60 = Really Boorish 60 yr. old

Follow you? Don't give yourself that much credit. You're frivolous, nothing more.
No he is not.

You have all sorts of republi'cans' who they need to vote in favor saying 'they have not shown us a single piece of evidence to justify an impeachment inquiry' who want to see it and would gladly vote for the inquiry with that evidence.

This idea that they are hiding it from their own people, and harming the perception of independent voters who also need to see some shred of evidence will become the next great conspiracy theory that Trump has undeniable election interference proof that he just refuses to share with the courts or anyone else. It is his little secret.

Only derps believe that garbage.

James Comer and Kevin McCarthy have both said publicly that while they do not have any evidence or proof now 'they are working on it'. That is as close as they come to offering any, other than saying 'it smells bad'.

The reds said they would impeach Biden immediately. They could not because they found nothing to base it on. An inquiry will slowly taint Biden's reputation. People will think that if they are investigating him, he must have done something. That is what McCarthy wants. He opened up the Hillary playbook again.
The people inside politics know joe is an honest man. Reds keep believing conspiracies and lies.