The climate always changes


Oooh, lookie. The parrot is back for another round of inane attention-seeking.

Remember, ......................

These are recent ' Into the Nightsoil's' statements ;

"Sweden is not to the east of the UK "
" There is no such science as paleoclimatology "
" There is no such thing as an unwritten Constitution "
" There were WMD in Iraq "
Dumbass or troll ?

Are you a competent climate scientist???

As loath as I am to say this...since we have taken SO LONG to address climate change because scientific illiterates demanded that we not that at some point we WILL have to make much more draconian cuts in our lifestyle.

That's just a fact.

And a big portion of the blame for that will definitely fall on those who fought the science for decades based on their politics and lack of scientific training.

So, yeah, and then we'll tell the kids that it's in part because none of us could actually make any meaningful changes when we could still do so without major lifestyle changes.

As loath as I am to say this...since we have taken SO LONG to address climate change because scientific illiterates demanded that we not that at some point we WILL have to make much more draconian cuts in our lifestyle.

That's just a fact.

And a big portion of the blame for that will definitely fall on those who fought the science for decades based on their politics and lack of scientific training.

So, yeah, and then we'll tell the kids that it's in part because none of us could actually make any meaningful changes when we could still do so without major lifestyle changes.

So you blame the Chinese???
Are you a competent climate scientist???
Can you accurately measure the heat content of the oceans when we can't even understand and measure the deepwater circulation currents?

Which of the thousands of computer models do you believe in?
Can you accurately measure the heat content of the oceans when we can't even understand and measure the deepwater circulation currents?

Which of the thousands of computer models do you believe in?
Who told you that???? Some charlatan who was paid by Big oil.
So you blame the Chinese???

The Chinese are currently doing a great job in spewing out masses of greenhouse gases (primarily to service the demand from American and other Western societies...we like Chinese goods because they are cheap due to less focus on sustainability and human needs).

But at the end of the day the vast majority of the increase in CO2 in the atmosphere is still due to the US and western Europe when you look at the increase over time. HIstorically we ushered in the Industrial Revolution and we haven't really slowed down since. If you were to somehow check where most of that excess CO2 came form we still hold the record.

We're doing a lot better these days but not really. Because we merely shifted our manufacturing systems overseas to the Chinese who have a hit-or-miss approach to environmental regulations. We buy their stuff so we are supporting it.

But it doesn't really matter, does it? Last I checked China and America are stuck on the same planet so it's not like any bad outcomes will ONLY affect China.
As loath as I am to say this...since we have taken SO LONG to address climate change because scientific illiterates demanded that we not that at some point we WILL have to make much more draconian cuts in our lifestyle.

Actually, it's because the scientific illiterates are being challenged on many fronts about their stupidity. For example, the focus on CO2 alone. Methane, water (contrails), etc., are an issue but dismissed or ignored by the Gorebal Warming True Believers. Demands are being made from the scientific illiterates that we take certain courses with no alternatives considered like:

Battery cars but not ones that run on ammonia or hydrogen.
Solar and wind but not nuclear and natural gas

The envirotard front of Gorebal Warming is the great threat to civilization and the planet, not sane and sensible people wanting realistic solutions.
That's just a fact.

And a big portion of the blame for that will definitely fall on those who fought the science for decades based on their politics and lack of scientific training.

So, yeah, and then we'll tell the kids that it's in part because none of us could actually make any meaningful changes when we could still do so without major lifestyle changes.

Yep, as usual, the Left will be blamed after the disaster but their academic class will "1984" the histories to make them blameless until they create a new social and economic disaster.