The climate always changes

Stop pretending. You have already ignored too many theories of science.

Says the guy who claims to be a chemist but has no clue what I'm talking about when I ask him about pchem.

He doesn't even use standard notation for entropy.

That's pretty much all you need to see to know the truth. Poseur.
Says the guy who claims to be a chemist but has no clue what I'm talking about when I ask him about pchem.
Chemistry is not a class, school, degree, title, license, government agency, college, university, website, book, pamphlet, paper, or any other sanctification. Neither is science.
He doesn't even use standard notation for entropy.
There isn't one.
That's pretty much all you need to see to know the truth. Poseur.
Buzzword fallacy ('truth'). Circular argument fallacy (fundamentalism).
We can't even predict glaciation cycles.

As I was saying, the white climate experts can not predict glacials and interglacials. The whole thing is based on the hoax that they can. And that Climate Science it is an exact science down to 1/100 of a degree C.
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You've already admitted you're a fake oceanographer. All you do is talk about yourself, and pump your own ego. Typical white lib.

I NEVER once claimed to be an oceanographer. In fact I EXPLICITLY STATED I was not trained as an oceanographer.

Get your shit straight before you come at me.
I NEVER once claimed to be an oceanographer. In fact I EXPLICITLY STATED I was not trained as an oceanographer.

Get your shit straight before you come at me.
Exactly, you are not an oceanographer.

All you have done is talk about how you are better than everyone else. And you use that as excuse to evade any questions about "climate science". :rofl2:
Yet somehow I know more than you do about oceanography.

What questions do you have about climate science? I can probably help you.
All you did was prove Trumpette wrong. You verified what I said about deep ocean currents. Thank you.

What scientific evidence proves that the Earth SHOULD BE cooling right now?
All you did was prove Trumpette wrong. You verified what I said about deep ocean currents. Thank you.

What scientific evidence proves that the Earth SHOULD BE cooling right now?
The ones that are provided by the worlds TOP EXPERTS on the issue

The ones you simply deny are real every time you are offered acess to these facts

Instead you lick the ass of idiot criminals like Alex Jones
The ones that are provided by the worlds TOP EXPERTS on the issue

The ones you simply deny are real every time you are offered acess to these facts

Instead you lick the ass of idiot criminals like Alex Jones
Since you listened to THEM explain it, you should be able to answer my science questions.
Since you listened to THEM explain it, you should be able to answer my science questions.

You won’t even read it from the experts

I’m not an expert

But I believe in science and the people who are the experts

You trash experts and trust Putin turds as your guide
Just ask whatever question you have. Don't tell me what I am claiming or whatever this is. Just ask you question.

Citation please. Oh, I forgot, you don't actually know any science. I won't hold my breath
Again, you just evade. Typical white lib.

You made the claim about M. cycles, you provide the citation Mr "scientist". :palm:

Hint: Milankovitch cycles have not predicted glaciation cycles for the last 2 million years.