Why would they come after me "with weapons and violence" to take away my property and/or freedom? We're a nation of laws.
Don't both of you live in the Republic of Texas? No one is going to be coming after your guns here, end of story.
Why would they come after me "with weapons and violence" to take away my property and/or freedom? We're a nation of laws.
Why would they come after me "with weapons and violence" to take away my property and/or freedom? We're a nation of laws.
Don't both of you live in the Republic of Texas? No one is going to be coming after your guns here, end of story.
Maybe, thing is firearms are already in short supply since early last year, so that may curtail sales, they have been flying off the shelves since March 2020.
She also proved that shotguns do not scatter as so many seem to believe, so yes you still have to aim. While a shotgun is very deadly, many will not prefer them because when you actually use manstopping loads the kick is prohibitive to practicing. Plus the best and most reliable Shotguns are Pump shotguns, which requires a person to rack another round properly during a time of high stress.
My mother in law showed me what she and my father in law, before he passed away, had bought for defense and it was a 20g Rem 870, and she said they shot it once and she did good with it. So I asked her to show me, unloaded of-course, so she goes to her closet and after some digging pulls out the shotgun, in the case, she takes it out and after some more searching found some shells, birdshot. Before I said anything else I asked her to show me what she would do if someone entered the house, she pointed the shotgun at the door and pulled the trigger then looked at me and I said now what, she did not know, I said rack the slide, and she said she forgot that part and did a crap job when she tried. Let's just say I now have the shotgun and she has a nice Kimber .38 special which requires little thought, is very reliable and she comes out to our place or to a local range and shoots at least once a month. Oh I forgot to add she is around 4'7" tall and that 20g was too much for her to handle and her handgun is now in her nightstand and not hidden away in a closet. Thing is get a firearm you can actually use and keep it where you can get to it if needed, otherwise you are wasting your money, and learn how to use it, practice, practice, and practice. Heck I have been shooting all my life but if I go a couple of months without shooting I can tell the rust has started creeping in.
We have a couple in common.
The AR platform has improved a Lot since you had an early version of the M16, they are by no means a piece of shit as you claim.
Your last comment is just BS.
My bowel movements are smarter than you.
Cussing and intellect
My last comment may have been hyperbole but it wasn't bullshit.
You don't need an AR15 to hunt.
You don't need an AR15 to defend your family's home.
It might be useful to have, however, next time you storm the Capitol.
I'll bet you don't even own one decent suit.
Nice things are only for people who appreciate them.
all of this is purely based on YOUR opinions, not reality
I disagree with the above reality comment, but it's true
that I'm only authorized to offer my own opinion,
not somebody else's,
and I've given my credentials as a firearms owner
which you can of course choose to believe or not.
ROFL how well did that work out for randy weaver?
My last comment may have been hyperbole but it wasn't bullshit.
You don't need an AR15 to hunt.
You don't need an AR15 to defend your family's home.
It might be useful to have, however, next time you storm the Capitol.
My last comment may have been hyperbole but it wasn't bullshit.
You don't need an AR15 to hunt.
You don't need an AR15 to defend your family's home.
It might be useful to have, however, next time you storm the Capitol.
AFAIK, yes. Who can be sure on the Internet?Don't both of you live in the Republic of Texas? No one is going to be coming after your guns here, end of story.
i have no reason to disbelieve it, however, i'm more proficient with a rifle than a shotgun........so I counter your claim that ARs are not good home defense weapons
ROFLMAO. You have to reach back 30 years for an example? LOL Why not just say the Soviets are coming?
AFAIK, yes. Who can be sure on the Internet?
The point being I don't want to be in that situation. Prevention is better than finding a cure. End of story.
Storm the Capital? You have the wrong person there....
I have three handguns:
Browning Medalist .22 rimfire target pistol
Colt Gold Cup .45 ACP single action 1911 type autoloader.
Ruger Super Blackhawk .44 magnum single action revolver.
I have one shotgun:
Beretta 3" 20 gauge O/U.
I have three bolt-action rifles:
Swedish Husqvarna in .22-250
Remington 40XB [single shot / stainless barrel] in .220 Swift.
drop dead gorgeous Weatherby in .224 Weatherby belted magnum
I have two autoloading rifles:
matching Ruger carbines in .22 rimfire and .44 magnum.
That's nine altogether.
I've been inadvertently lying to you saying that I owned eight.
I haven't played with them for so long that I forgot the actual number.
In the Army, I had an M16, the then recent replacement for the heavy M14,
and to be perfectly honest,
I wouldn't have a piece of shit like that in my home.
If you feel that you need one, more often called AR15,
then you're obviously a depraved criminal.