The constitution - A lesson and debate

Yes you are whining. Your post shows that. Whine away.

Projection from the small minded Troll pounding his little fists on the table. You have no self awareness do you halfwit? :palm:

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.
Projection from the small minded Troll pounding his little fists on the table. You have no self awareness do you halfwit? :palm:

Projection is the process of displacing one’s feelings onto a different person, animal, or object. The term is most commonly used to describe defensive projection—attributing one’s own unacceptable urges to another. For example, if someone continuously bullies and ridicules a peer about his insecurities, the bully might be projecting his own struggle with self-esteem onto the other person.

The thread isn't about danger or what is dangerous you brain dead halfwit. It is about the Constitution. I wish you had a brain. Really I do.

The AR-15s aren't dangerous? Wow you truly are retarded.

That's the definition of irony right there. You first halfwit. No one would care. No one would notice. The world's collective IQ would go up. :palm:

Look dumbass, what is the difference between a well regulated militia and a poorly regulated militia, and why is that important to be written in the 2nd Amendment?

Once again scarecrow, the second amendment isn't about a militia, regulated or otherwise. The Constitution isn't a document that confers the right to bear arms. It limits Governments ability to infringe on it. I know that simple concepts are difficult for the learning impaired.

So stop pounding your tiny little fists on the table insisting we argue your strawman claims. They are irrelevant much like you're life is.

Come on don't whine and just grow up and discuss like a man.

You've illustrated what whining is and how you can't argue and aren't even a man. You're a whiny, thread trolling coward wallowing in strawmen and lies.

Educating anyone as incapable of comprehending even the most basic of concepts is impossible. I get it. You prefer to remain a dumb thread trolling moron. Enjoy it!
Once again scarecrow, the second amendment isn't about a militia, regulated or otherwise. The Constitution isn't a document that confers the right to bear arms. It limits Governments ability to infringe on it. I know that simple concepts are difficult for the learning impaired.

Read it again.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

And dumbass I know that the Constitution doesn't give us the rights.

So stop pounding our tiny little fists on the table insisting we argue your strawman claims. They are irrelevant much like you're life is.

The AR-15s aren't dangerous? Wow you truly are retarded.

Another fabricated strawman. I don't think you can post without looking like an idiot, pontificating strawmen or flat out lying. The Second amendment isn't about dangerous things halfwit. :palm:


Yes, you do a LOT of that when you aren't pontificating dumb strawmen and looking like a halfwit. :thumbsup:
Actually that post computes perfectly. They believe in unfettered rights even if those 'rights' endanger the lives of others. I suspect they object to DUI laws based on that position.

Yeah I understood his question. But I mean it doesn't compute in relation to the argument being presented.
That those who want to form a militia need to be trained?

Now answer my question.

What's all the BS about militias. We don't even have them anymore. The second amendment is very clear what it is about. The Government shall not infringe on the RIGHT to bear arms. It's not hard if you have a brain. :palm:
Another fabricated strawman. I don't think you can post without looking like an idiot, pontificating strawmen or flat out lying. The Second amendment isn't about dangerous things halfwit. :palm:

Yes, you do a LOT of that when you aren't pontificating dumb strawmen and looking like a halfwit. :thumbsup:

What's all the BS about militias. We don't even have them anymore. The second amendment is very clear what it is about. The Government shall not infringe on the RIGHT to bear arms. It's not hard if you have a brain. :palm:

It's in the fucking 2nd Amendment, dumbass. Yes we still have many militias.
Actually that post computes perfectly. They believe in unfettered rights even if those 'rights' endanger the lives of others. I suspect they object to DUI laws based on that position.

Wrong again. But then, you are a reprehensible lying moron on steroids. We believe in the Constitution and the right of self protection of our persons and property.

Of course, for simple minded clueless morons like you, the police will prevent someone from killing or robbing you. That's about as stupid as you can get.