Every time Biden opens his lying mouth, he illustrates his ignorance of what the constitution is. Every time Democrats open their lying mouths they illustrate their ignorance of what the constitution is.
This is a Constitutional lesson missed by our failed leftist educational establishment
The Constitution is not about rights. Our rights are presumed to be God given. The Constitution LIMITS the governments power to intrude on those rights.
That is why gun bans are unconstitutional. Inferring that marriage is a right within the Constitution is false. Inferring that abortion is a right within the Constitution is false.
The 2nd amendment prevents the government from infringing on a God given right. It doesn’t just mean hunting rifles. It doesn’t just mean militia. It is mostly about self defense and preventing tyranny.
When I see idiots like Biden and miscreants like Whoopi Goldberg rant stupidly and ignorantly that the AR15 is not needed to hunt with, they should be slapped until the stupid drops out of them.
The AR15 is the most effective, light weight, easy to operate self defense weapon ever made. Period. So do the planet a favor leftist dunces and STFU about a topic you absolutely know nothing about.
So now owning a gun is a God given right, beautiful, appears “copy and paste” never heard of the social contract. To put it in the simplest way so that even he can comprehend it, taking a shit is a God given right but that doesn’t mean one can do it anywhere they want when the want.
Amazing how little wingers who love to throw around the Constitution understand so little about the Constitution, no right in the Constitution is absolute, they never have been, they are all regulated, Second Amendment is no different, rights are not absolute, they are based upon reason, not desire
Abortion and marriage are not directly listed in the Constitution, nor is commercially sold bullets, so based on “copy’s” logic, selling bullets could be Constitutionally banned, and even Saclia’s sophomoric Originalism couldn’t refute that logic
And needing semiautomatic weapons to hunt is bullshit, let alone not what someone would call sport, their only purpose is to kill people, as many as they can and as quick as they can, there’s a reason the military employs them