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America seriously need to stop letting people with Alzheimer's run their country.
Nancy Pelosi "A Wall is an Immorality"
Nancy Pelosi "A Wall is an Immorality"
If this is the product of the constitution, that it's a failed document, and needs to be replaced... Perhaps the UN can do something to help Detroit, since... Trump is useless.
The constitution has failed. America is in $23 Trillion in debt and is entering terminal decay with thousands of Opioid deaths.. China is now the city on the hill.
America is the past. China is the future.
plenty come across the border. you're gonna listen to chapo's opinion on the wall? that's just idiotic.
Nicely put, Maestro. And written mostly by Thomas Jefferson, a true genius.
Yep they come through ports. Trump wants a show wall to stop iguanas and roadrunners from coming to America.
Dumbfuck, not only did Jefferson NOT write the Constitution, he wasn’t even a signatory.
No they do not. Another liberal fallacy. Those are only the drugs that are caught and known about, i.e:, the liberal equivalent of a drug smuggler. Do it where the police would be at. Dumb as fuck. Successful smugglers are not that desperate or stupid. Hence the reason they are successful.
James Madison was charged with drafting the constitution. Once he finished it went to a convention where it was changed by the conventioners. Who knows who added or subtracted what?
No they do not. Another liberal fallacy. Those are only the drugs that are caught and known about, i.e:, the liberal equivalent of a drug smuggler. Do it where the police would be at. Dumb as fuck. Successful smugglers are not that desperate or stupid. Hence the reason they are successful.[/QUOT
Why can you not accept facts? There are only Trump and uninformed rightys who make that spurious claim. Trump's own DEA 2018 Drug Threat Assessment says the opposite. They say a small percentage of drugs come from between border crossings. Do you simply believe everything Trump says? He lies a lot, you know.
Absolutely true. they come through ports of entry. There was never a discussion until the liar in chief required justification for the wall, the one Mexico was paying for. This is not debatable. The stats have been collected for decades. But Trump creates his own reality and you buy it all. On my side, I have all the data collected over decades. On yours, you have what Trump says and your absolute faith in what he says.[/QUOTE]
What you have is the inability to read and comprehend for one. Two, my basis on knowing what and how things are smuggled into this country and others has nothing to do with Trump. Not one thing.
Here, this may help:
"Illicit Drugs Seized (or Not)at the Border: There are no exact data on the total quantity of foreign-produced illicit drugs flowing into the United States. Indeed, a fundamental element to understanding drug smuggling is the acknowledgement that the total flow of drugs crossing the border—at and between ports of entry (POEs)22—into the United States is unknowable. As reflected in Figure 1, as illicit drugs are brought to the border of the United States,they generally fall into two initial categories:drugs that are detected and seized by officials at the border, anddrugs that, whether detected or not,23are not seize dby officials at the border.Illicit drugs that are detected and seized at the border during inbound inspections are quantifiable. Those drugs that are not seized at the border are generally not quantifiable at the time they enter the country.24However, some portion of illicit drugs successfully smuggled across the border may later be seized by law enforcement officers. The largely unknown subset of foreign-produced drugs that enter the country but are not seized by officials during inbound inspections at the border is divided into two categories:drugs that are later detected and seized by federal, state, local, or tribal officials;anddrugs that, whether detected or not, are not seized by officials.Illicit drugs not seized at the border enter the United States where there are also domestically produced drugs. As such, drugs that are later seized by federal, state, local, or tribal officials in the United States may be of foreign or domestic origin. These drugs may be seized in the interior of the country or by border officials conducting outbound inspections of people and goods leaving the country."
Absolutely true. they come through ports of entry. There was never a discussion until the liar in chief required justification for the wall, the one Mexico was paying for. This is not debatable. The stats have been collected for decades. But Trump creates his own reality and you buy it all. On my side, I have all the data collected over decades. On yours, you have what Trump says and your absolute faith in what he says.[/QUOTE]
What you have is the inability to read and comprehend for one. Two, my basis on knowing what and how things are smuggled into this country and others has nothing to do with Trump. Not one thing.
Here, this may help:
"Illicit Drugs Seized (or Not)at the Border: There are no exact data on the total quantity of foreign-produced illicit drugs flowing into the United States. Indeed, a fundamental element to understanding drug smuggling is the acknowledgement that the total flow of drugs crossing the border—at and between ports of entry (POEs)22—into the United States is unknowable. As reflected in Figure 1, as illicit drugs are brought to the border of the United States,they generally fall into two initial categories:drugs that are detected and seized by officials at the border, anddrugs that, whether detected or not,23are not seize dby officials at the border.Illicit drugs that are detected and seized at the border during inbound inspections are quantifiable. Those drugs that are not seized at the border are generally not quantifiable at the time they enter the country.24However, some portion of illicit drugs successfully smuggled across the border may later be seized by law enforcement officers. The largely unknown subset of foreign-produced drugs that enter the country but are not seized by officials during inbound inspections at the border is divided into two categories:drugs that are later detected and seized by federal, state, local, or tribal officials;anddrugs that, whether detected or not, are not seized by officials.Illicit drugs not seized at the border enter the United States where there are also domestically produced drugs. As such, drugs that are later seized by federal, state, local, or tribal officials in the United States may be of foreign or domestic origin. These drugs may be seized in the interior of the country or by border officials conducting outbound inspections of people and goods leaving the country."
I wish it were hard to understand the facts. Your supposition is that we have to stop all the drugs to make a fair determination. Sorry, but when you interdict a huge amount of vehicles you can draw conclusions about what comes over in total.
But on the other hand, they are pulling truckloads of drugs and immigrants from border crossings. Do you think truckloads are coming across the deserts.? You might.
here is the border traffic. Can you understand how many people would have to be walking across a hot open inhospitable desert to come near what the trucks bring over? You are making no sense. Nobody should give any weight to your ridiculous beliefs. You are twisting yourself into knots again.
I wish it were hard to understand the facts. Your supposition is that we have to stop all the drugs to make a fair determination. Sorry, but when you interdict a huge amount of vehicles you can draw conclusions about what comes over in total.
But on the other hand, they are pulling truckloads of drugs and immigrants from border crossings. Do you think truckloads are coming across the deserts.? You might.
here is the border traffic. Can you understand how many people would have to be walking across a hot open inhospitable desert to come near what the trucks bring over? You are making no sense. Nobody should give any weight to your ridiculous beliefs. You are twisting yourself into knots again.
Every time, and I mean every time, you post is is quite obvious you cannot read. Or comprehend. Seems to be a common thing among dumb fuck liberal Democrats. This is the simplest concept in the world to understand. Not that I would expect some government paid for apartment dwelling, HS dropout like you to get it.
So tell me Nordberg, what do you do for a living? I would really like to know.
Every time, and I mean every time, you post is is quite obvious you cannot read. Or comprehend. Seems to be a common thing among dumb fuck liberal Democrats. This is the simplest concept in the world to understand. Not that I would expect some government paid for apartment dwelling, HS dropout like you to get it.
So tell me Nordberg, what do you do for a living? I would really like to know.
You do not even understand what you post. That is sad. The quantification has been done for decades by experts. This is not even debatable. This is NPR interviewing former drug boss. Those who know tell the truth. Trump and apparently you have alternative facts. I feel sorry for you it must be tough living in a vulpine reality devoid of facts, The logic is beyond you. Thousands of trucks come through each port of entry everyday. It would be impossible to stop them all. But there are simply not truckloads driving through the desert. Is that hard for you to understand? There are not thousands of drug runners running through the hot and dangerous deserts. What is wrong with you?
I have read the Constitution many times, and with every reading I am amazed by this singular document - this blueprint of the structure and function of our government, this guarantee of our rights and liberty by law - it is unique. It is deceptively simple (only 4,400 words), but on closer examination, its parts have the intricacy and precision of the most complicated timepiece made by George Daniels. It is a masterpiece. It has suffered some bumps and bruises over the years, and it has undergone more than a few amendments; but it has withstood the test of time. I think that we are most fortunate to have this great treasure that is our Constitution.
You do not even understand what you post. That is sad. The quantification has been done for decades by experts. This is not even debatable. This is NPR interviewing former drug boss. Those who know tell the truth. Trump and apparently you have alternative facts. I feel sorry for you it must be tough living in a vulpine reality devoid of facts, The logic is beyond you. Thousands of trucks come through each port of entry everyday. It would be impossible to stop them all. But there are simply not truckloads driving through the desert. Is that hard for you to understand? There are not thousands of drug runners running through the hot and dangerous deserts. What is wrong with you?
Pipe you fucking idiot. And actually READ your own link. Once again, what the fuck do you do for a living? Not much I suppose with your obvious lack of intellect and education.