The Cost of War: Interesting perspective

I have and it is all needed change to prepare for the future.

I agree, but those empowered by the current state of affairs will have no part of it. No chamber of commerce of a metro area will allow the dollars to go rural. No politician will allow the captive votes to go rural. We will probably drive straight off the cliff. Shit. I sound like you today! :)
more people are telecommuting each day,
the higher up you are on the education later and sophistication of work the more % you see doing it.
Those of you with boss's noses up your *@$$ all day will have to wait.
more people are telecommuting each day,
the higher up you are on the education later and sophistication of work the more % you see doing it.
Those of you with boss's noses up your *@$$ all day will have to wait.

Wait for what? What do you think we're waiting for?
more people are telecommuting each day,
the higher up you are on the education later and sophistication of work the more % you see doing it.
Those of you with boss's noses up your *@$$ all day will have to wait.

No one in my company telecommutes at any level.

So, we can take this post to mean that you telecommunite...right?
very many telecommute at mine, in 6 months I'll be 10 min away so no need.
But then again we have a lot of highly educated workers who don't need hand holding.
very many telecommute at mine, in 6 months I'll be 10 min away so no need.
But then again we have a lot of highly educated workers who don't need hand holding.

So you do not telecommute and had to move closer to work in order to cut your physical commute.

So you are not "educated and sophisticated" either, and your mocking of others is just your self-doubt showing up.

Not surprising.
I agree, but those empowered by the current state of affairs will have no part of it. No chamber of commerce of a metro area will allow the dollars to go rural. No politician will allow the captive votes to go rural. We will probably drive straight off the cliff. Shit. I sound like you today! :)

The longer we put off change the higher the cost/pain.
Move more to mass transit, reduce gas consumption, move to alternative energy sources, etc...

My gas tax to pay for the war would go a long way in helping these goals to start happening.
No matter how we go it will not be painless, but the longer we wait the larger the pain.
Move more to mass transit, reduce gas consumption, move to alternative energy sources, etc...

My gas tax to pay for the war would go a long way in helping these goals to start happening.
No matter how we go it will not be painless, but the longer we wait the larger the pain.

How about telecommuting? I know a guy who was all for increased public transit, but when I asked him why he wasn't for telecommuting he had a mental brainfart. The urban slumlords, real estate barons, and boss tweed types are all against tellecommuting. they want their immoral centers of hierarchy (cities) to remain the hubs of power.
Telecomutting is one part, but will only work in a minority of jobs. Can you telecommute flip burgers, stock shelves, Install a network router, fix my car or home HVAC ?
One problem with getting the city folks out of the city by telecomuting is that we now have city folks wanting to bring city rules to the country.
So ya want the oil companies to tax us $3.00 plus per gallon is not enough profit...get real cit...did ya not learn is not the 'real govt' that is the enemy it is the 'shadow govt' the research...and by the way both Dems and Repubs are one and the same...don't let the hype on both sides fool the Lt. you stated screwed ya ,well so are the rest...corporate America(let me rephrase that...World Bank)..sad but true!

A tax on gas would not raise the cost to the consumer dollar for dollar. A large percentage of the price is pure profit and the oil companies charge what they think they can get away with. If a new tax were added to gas Oil companies would drop the price just enough to get back to the price point they wanted.
It will work in more than you think. Why are you slightly anti?

I am slightly anti, becuase I understand the reality of telecomuting. The mindsets and self disipline of some do not work with working mostly unsupervised. And some jobs cannot be done by telecommuting.
Telecommuting is a part of the answer to reducing our energy independence, but just one small part.