The Covid Jab Jive: a gentle reminder

I'm getting my seventh one this month, along with my flu shot.

The first six didn't hurt,
I've never had Covid,
and even if the seventh one does me in,
I've been around for nearly eight decades already.

I'm beyond the third act and into the epilogue anyway.

I trust medical science more than conspiracy theories,
because the fact that I'm still around,
longer than either of my parents were,
is all the evidence I need to justify that trust.

I haven't exactly lived my life as though I was trying to last this long.
I've done it all through the magic of chemistry.
I'm getting my seventh one this month, along with my flu shot.

I haven't exactly lived my life as though I was trying to last this long.
I've done it all through the magic of chemistry.

We just started the senior citizen march of the annual vaccinations. COVID, Flu, gotta get Pneumonia still. Couple years ago we did shingles after hearing my brother-in-law's experience we decided it was not worth the risk to not take the vax.

As for your second part there: totally agree. My wife's excuse for when something doesn't work out healthwise or appears to be dangerous is "who wants to live that long?". And I also agree with the magic of chemistry.
Here's a little tidbit from 2 years ago regarding just how objective and scientific all the pro-Covid vaccine mantra from the professionals and arm chair experts were regarding the public discussion:
I was 65 during the COVID pandemic and have all the COVID vaxxes along with all other recommended vaccinations.

I recommend all stupid people to avoid all vaccinations. The world needs smarter people.

I was 65 during the COVID pandemic and have all the COVID vaxxes along with all other recommended vaccinations.

I recommend all stupid people to avoid all vaccinations. The world needs smarter people.

I'm always fascinated how folk like you take this condescending stance because you are lucky enough (so far) hasn't been negatively affected by the jabs and boosters. Here's what you don't want to hear:
I'm getting my seventh one this month, along with my flu shot.

The first six didn't hurt,
I've never had Covid,
and even if the seventh one does me in,
I've been around for nearly eight decades already.

I'm beyond the third act and into the epilogue anyway.

I trust medical science more than conspiracy theories,
because the fact that I'm still around,
longer than either of my parents were,
is all the evidence I need to justify that trust.

I haven't exactly lived my life as though I was trying to last this long.
I've done it all through the magic of chemistry.
So when board certified and doctors/scientist do the due diligence and conclude different than what you are told by official stances, they're "conspiracy" theorist. Yeah, God go with you (so far). Meanwhile,

And remember, the status quo did/does not even want to cop to jab/booster related caused deaths. And yet even then ...

I support requiring mental fitness checks for people to be able to vote, drive, own a firearm and have unlimited internet access.
Mr. Tiny Penis, if that were the case, you would be screwed unless, of course, your neighbors haven't red-flagged you already for threatening to shoot them because they are Republicans. God knows, anyone reading your irrational childlike posts would prevent you from ever getting near casting your vote for Heels Up Harris.
Side question, what number Chiina Virus jab you on now, #nine? Had the China Virus how many times? How's that immune system working?
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Mr. Tiny Penis, if that were the case, you would be screwed unless, of course, your neighbors haven't red-flagged you already for threatening to shoot them because they are Republicans. God knows, anyone reading your irrational childlike posts would prevent you from ever getting near casting your vote for Heels Up Harris.
Side question, what number Chiina Virus jab you on now, #nine? Had the China Virus how many times? How's that immune system working?
That is all very very true...
for our next novel pandemic, we really need to take advantage of the unique aspect of our system.

we have 50 different government models - we can use that to level up our scientific understanding of what works and what doesn't when trying to understand something new.

the problem is the central planning authoritarians will always try to nationalize everything because they of course know it all and know it best