The crisis in cosmology

Show me where I did this. If it is true you can definitely report it to the mods. They'll take care of it.
Thanks for proving you have short term memory issues along with being mentally challenged, Perry. Was this a life-long issue? Adult onset? An accident?
Most physicists seem to think dark matter is a real phenomena rather than a mistake in Newtonian mechanics, so I can't really challenge the consensus.
Any ideas what it is? If it's so common, then it must exist within our own solar system. Considering the size of space, it could easily be single particle spaced out over a cubic mile. About 1.3 million Earths could fit inside the sun, according to NASA's statistics.

The volume of the Solar System itself could hide a lot of matter.
Dark matter is a mysterious non-luminous substance making up the vast majority of matter in the universe. Though experts have observed the gravitational effects of dark matter for decades, scientists remain baffled as to its true nature...

...Researchers had no idea what this unseen mass consisted of, with some astronomers speculating that dark matter was made up of small black holes or other compact objects that gave off too little light to show up in telescopes. The results got even stranger in the 1990s, when a space telescope called the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) showed that this dark matter outweighed ordinary visible matter by five to one, according to NASA....

...The reigning candidate for dark matter is called a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle or WIMP. These speculative entities are not found in the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes almost all particles and forces. WIMPs would be more similar to the ghostly neutrino, except it would weigh 10 to 100 times more than a proton. (Neutrinos' exact masses are unknown but they are far lighter than electrons).

Like neutrinos, WIMPs would only interact with two of the four fundamental forces in the universe: Gravity and the nuclear weak force, which mediates the decay of radioactive atomic nuclei. These dark matter particles would be electrically neutral, which means they would not interact with electromagnetism, the basis of light, and would therefore remain invisible.

Physicists have built enormous detectors and placed them deep underground to protect them from interfering cosmic rays in efforts to detect WIMPs, but so far no experiment has uncovered evidence for them. In recent years, this failure has led some in the field to begin wondering if they've headed on a wild particle chase with no real end.
Any ideas what it is? If it's so common, then it must exist within our own solar system. Considering the size of space, it could easily be single particle spaced out over a cubic mile. About 1.3 million Earths could fit inside the sun, according to NASA's statistics.

The volume of the Solar System itself could hide a lot of matter.
Dark matter is a mysterious non-luminous substance making up the vast majority of matter in the universe. Though experts have observed the gravitational effects of dark matter for decades, scientists remain baffled as to its true nature...

...Researchers had no idea what this unseen mass consisted of, with some astronomers speculating that dark matter was made up of small black holes or other compact objects that gave off too little light to show up in telescopes. The results got even stranger in the 1990s, when a space telescope called the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP) showed that this dark matter outweighed ordinary visible matter by five to one, according to NASA....

...The reigning candidate for dark matter is called a Weakly Interacting Massive Particle or WIMP. These speculative entities are not found in the Standard Model of particle physics, which describes almost all particles and forces. WIMPs would be more similar to the ghostly neutrino, except it would weigh 10 to 100 times more than a proton. (Neutrinos' exact masses are unknown but they are far lighter than electrons).

Like neutrinos, WIMPs would only interact with two of the four fundamental forces in the universe: Gravity and the nuclear weak force, which mediates the decay of radioactive atomic nuclei. These dark matter particles would be electrically neutral, which means they would not interact with electromagnetism, the basis of light, and would therefore remain invisible.

Physicists have built enormous detectors and placed them deep underground to protect them from interfering cosmic rays in efforts to detect WIMPs, but so far no experiment has uncovered evidence for them. In recent years, this failure has led some in the field to begin wondering if they've headed on a wild particle chase with no real end.

It would be nice if it were a subatomic particle we could design an experiment to test. That would be nice, conventional physics.

I've heard some speculations that dark matter might exist in a fourth spatial dimensional hyperspace, outside the three spatial dimensions we can directly observe, which might be why we can't detect it.
I'm sure when you find actual evidence of your claim you can report it.

I did when it happened. That's why you deleted all the Prince Andrew photos. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Now lie and deny you did, Perry. Prove to me, once again, what a mentally challenged little lowlife you truly are.
I did when it happened. That's why you deleted all the Prince Andrew photos. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

Now lie and deny you did, Perry. Prove to me, once again, what a mentally challenged little lowlife you truly are.

Ummmm, what photos again? And how does one prove the non-existence of something?

(YOu really seem bent about this. Really angry. You should try relaxing a bit. Would it make you feel better to shout "cocksucker" at me a couple dozen more times?)
Ummmm, what photos again? And how does one prove the non-existence of something?

(YOu really seem bent about this. Really angry. You should try relaxing a bit. Would it make you feel better to shout "cocksucker" at me a couple dozen more times?)
LOL I know you're a lying piece of shit and you know you're a lying piece of shit. After that, it doesn't matter, Perry.

The fact you keep lying about deleting the pictures, which I proved you did with the link below, reveals who is the most emotionally upset about this; it's you, Perry the liar. :laugh:

It also proves to my satisfaction that you don't have a college degree, much less a PhD. You're too immature and ill-informed.
Go fly a helicopter.

Ummmm, what photos again? And how does one prove the non-existence of something?

(YOu really seem bent about this. Really angry. You should try relaxing a bit. Would it make you feel better to shout "cocksucker" at me a couple dozen more times?)

I remember you posting Prince Andrew helicopter photos.

What's your motivation for denying you did?
I remember you posting Prince Andrew helicopter photos.

What's your motivation for denying you did?
By deleting them he was admitting he knowingly compared me to a pedophile just like he did with "Gaugin in Tahiti".

It's fun watching him dance around it. He's too stupid to realize his behavior negates all of his claims about being a PhD professional.

What's your best guess on his age? I'm thinking mid-30s with the maturity of a teenager.
By deleting them he was admitting he knowingly compared me to a pedophile just like he did with "Gaugin in Tahiti".

It's fun watching him dance around it. He's too stupid to realize his behavior negates all of his claims about being a PhD professional.

What's your best guess on his age? I'm thinking mid-30s with the maturity of a teenager.

There is obviously an intent and motivation to deny ever posting photos of Prince Andrew in a helicopter. I leave it to Perry to explain the motivation.
There is obviously an intent and motivation to deny ever posting photos of Prince Andrew in a helicopter. I leave it to Perry to explain the motivation.

Perry lies, dodges and weaves. He's impish like Jack and Steve Vandermolen which indicates to me that they all share similar mental condition(s).
Perry lies, dodges and weaves. He's impish like Jack and Steve Vandermolen which indicates to me that they all share similar mental condition(s).

LOL. You can't dislike someone without assuming THEY are mentally ill.

Maybe, given the VAST number of people you decree mentally ill...just maybe it isn't THEM. ;)

(Go ahead and graph that sentence out since I'm sure it will take a while to sink in there, grampa.)
LOL. You can't dislike someone without assuming THEY are mentally ill.

Maybe, given the VAST number of people you decree mentally ill...just maybe it isn't THEM. ;)

(Go ahead and graph that sentence out since I'm sure it will take a while to sink in there, grampa.)
You're assuming I dislike others is erroneous. Dislike is a display of projection. I don't dislike you, Perry. Dislike is an emotional reaction. I don't trust you because you're a liar, a bullshitter, a bully and an unrepentant dumbass...and probably mentally "off". You're not that bright either, but I neither like nor dislike you.

JPP is a collection point for Internet wackadoodles. A target rich environment for people like you, Perry. Consider yourself "average" in comparison to TDAK, Truth Detector, volsrock, Terry, Sybil, Legion, etc.

I'm a casual observationalist, Perry. I have no desire do anything for you.
I'm a casual observationalist, Perry. I have no desire do anything for you.

You're a rude son-of-a-whore who insults most people on the forum. YOU are the bully. Sorry to break it to you. But you bully like there's no tomorrow and you think the disabled are funny.

You are a sick bastard. I personally despise you. I can't imagine not disliking someone whom I think is a complete and total bastard. Which means I think you are lying about not disliking me. People don't scream "cocksucker" 24 times in a row to people they don't feel something about.
You're a rude son-of-a-whore who insults most people on the forum. YOU are the bully. Sorry to break it to you. But you bully like there's no tomorrow and you think the disabled are funny.

You are a sick bastard. I personally despise you. I can't imagine not disliking someone whom I think is a complete and total bastard. Which means I think you are lying about not disliking me. People don't scream "cocksucker" 24 times in a row to people they don't feel something about.
Awesome rant, Perry. Kudos. :thup:

Now tell everyone how you're a PhD. :)

Did you miss medication time, son?

Awesome rant, Perry. Kudos. :thup:

Now tell everyone how you're a PhD. :)

Did you miss medication time, son?


Like I said. You lie. You dislike me immensely. People don't do the kind of shit you do unless they feel dislike.

(Or you are a psychopath...I guess that's a possibility too. At the very least "Borderline Personality Disorder". Go ahead Helicopter Steve, google that.)
Like I said. You lie. You dislike me immensely. People don't do the kind of shit you do unless they feel dislike.

(Or you are a psychopath...I guess that's a possibility too. At the very least "Borderline Personality Disorder". Go ahead Helicopter Steve, google that.)
Why would I dislike someone I consider to be mentally ill, Perry? Do what kind of shit? Have I called anyone a pedophile then lied about it?

Do you know the difference between a sociopath and a psychopath, Perry? Which one would you be if you could choose?