the customers the NRA doesnt want to buy guns

Yet he had one on facebook didn't he ?

Yes he did...

Here are the Florida Ownership laws:

Rifles and Shotguns

Permit to purchase rifles and shotguns? No
Registration of rifles and shotguns? No
Licensing of owners of rifles and shotguns? No
Permit to carry rifles and shotguns? No


Permit to purchase handgun? No
Registration of handguns? No
Licensing of owners of handguns? No
Permit to carry handguns? Yes

Purchase and Possession:
No state permit is required to possess or purchase a rifle, shotgun or handgun.

It is unlawful for:

any convicted felon to have in his or her possession any firearm or to carry a concealed weapon unless his civil rights have been restored.

The following persons to own, possess or use any firearm - drug addicts, alcoholics, mental incompetents, and vagrants.

For persons to have in their care, custody, possession, or control any firearm or ammunition if the person has been issued a final injunction that is currently in force and effect, restraining that person from committing acts of domestic violence.

To sell, give, barter, lend or transfer a firearm or other weapon other than an ordinary pocketknife to a minor less than the age of 18 without his parent’s permission, or to any person of unsound mind.

Any dealer to sell or transfer any firearm, pistol, Springfield rifle or other repeating rifle to a minor.

A minor less than 18 years of age to possess a firearm, other than an unloaded firearm at his home, unless engaged in lawful activities.
Stand his ground against what ?....being stared at ?...being watched ?

He could have stood his ground and stared right back...become the watcher, but he didn't...

How about stand his ground against the alleged child molester creepy cracker!

"Creepy Cracker" Boy...did Trayvon ever get that one right!
No.. unless it is in a case of self defense within the Home.

No minor is permitted to handle a loaded weapon in Any State without a parent present.
simply not true. I was able to carry a rifle/shotgun while hunting in Illinois without a parent present and under the age of 17, though parents were required to sign for consent to get an FOID card and a hunting license.
guns are only for white guys in the NRA minds

Which is why the ones on this board who say white men should take up arms against a govt that tries to take their guns AREN'T saying that black people should take up arms against their govt that allows killing of their children under pretty feeble self-defense claims.

(note: I don't think EITHER group should take up arms; I'm just pointing out hypocrisy)
A minor less than 18 years of age to possess a firearm, other than an unloaded firearm at his home, unless engaged in lawful activities.[/COLOR][/B]

Well, surprised the NRA isn't lobbying to change that. Why shouldn't minors be able to defend themselves?

What's a lawful activity? walking home from the store seems lawful.
the thought of second amendment remidies to not winning elections for blacks would scare the bricks out their butts
How about stand his ground against the alleged child molester creepy cracker!

"Creepy Cracker" Boy...did Trayvon ever get that one right!

Whats with your sig. there some question about who killed Martin in your tiny mind ?
Actually he does as proven by the state of Florida. Blacks benefit from SYG disproportionately to their population in Florida. They aren't victims of it. They benefit from it. That has been shown to you, but like a good little ostrich you keep your head in the sand

More lies and manipulation of numbers by the racists...

It is not the case, as the conservative blog The Daily Caller argues, that Florida blacks "benefit" from the state's "stand your ground" law. The site's article—"Blacks benefit from Florida 'Stand Your Ground' law at disproportionate rate"—masks the reality: That killings by black perpetrators are more likely to be found justified under the law in part because their victims also are black.

The Daily Caller used a Tampa Bay Tribune database for its analysis, finding:

Black Floridians have made about a third of the state’s total “Stand Your Ground” claims in homicide cases, a rate nearly double the black percentage of Florida’s population. The majority of those claims have been successful, a success rate that exceeds that for Florida whites.
Nonetheless, prominent African Americans including Holder and “Ebony and Ivory” singer Stevie Wonder, who has vowed not to perform in the Sunshine State until the law is revoked, have made “Stand Your Ground” a central part of the Trayvon Martin controversy.

It's clearly not the case that the law, which allows those who fear for their lives to use deadly force in response, is at the center of the Trayvon Martin case due to Holder and Wonder's post hoc comments. But the more egregious error is in the first paragraph...

But something interesting happens when you look at the reverse: how often killings are considered justified when you look at the race of the victim.

In this case, there is a very clear dichotomy. For killings involving victims of color—black or Hispanic—78 percent of the time the death was considered justified. For killings involving white victims, that rate sinks to 56 percent.

This becomes important when you look at the racial relationship between killer and victim. In raw numbers, here's what the Tampa Bay Tribune suggests that looks like.

Eighty-two percent of white killers' victims were also white. Seventy-five percent of black killers' victims, also black. Which therefore makes the second graph above significant. If black killers were much more likely to kill black victims, and black victims' deaths were more likely to be considered justified, you get that remarkable datapoint around which the Daily Caller built its article.
so you don't allow black children to have a gun to defend themselves but you allow domestic violence perps to have one so they can hunt black kids in the dark?
this fool is actually trying to say it was illegal for trayvon to hold a gun

All those people on Facebook better take their family photos down then! I have seen more family pictures featuring children posing with guns then ever before.
simply not true. I was able to carry a rifle/shotgun while hunting in Illinois without a parent present and under the age of 17, though parents were required to sign for consent to get an FOID card and a hunting license.

Really? Illinois Law STATEWIDE requires:

The purpose of the Apprentice License Program shall be to extend limited hunting privileges, in lieu of obtaining a valid hunting license, to persons interested in learning about hunting sports.

Provides that an Apprentice Hunter License may be issued to a person of any age.

Youth under the age of 18 years old must be supervised by a validly licensed resident or nonresident parent, guardian, or grandparent.

Provides that a person with an Apprentice Hunter License who is 18 years of age or older must be supervised by a validly licensed resident or nonresident hunter who is 21 years of age or older.
The Apprentice License shall be a one-time, non-renewable license that shall expire on March 31st of the following year.