Dutch Uncle
* Tertia Optio * Defend the Constitution
I see. How do you reconcile having an authoritarian government along with a decentralized federal republic?
Trumpers claim they aren't racist. Go figure.
I see. How do you reconcile having an authoritarian government along with a decentralized federal republic?
Trump may not need money. He has organized the collection of donations for his next run to be under his personal control. If you know Trump, he has no intention of giving that money to the party for elections. If he does not run, and it looks like he will not, he will just keep it. His super duper online site blew up. However the start-up money was his. Trump never has enough.
Trumpers claim they aren't racist. Go figure.
That’s nice. So how do you reconcile having an authoritarian government along with a decentralized federal republic?
Nothing, as usual. I'd suggest evicting Multnomah County, Oregon from the union.
My position on guns: I’m for the repeal of the Second Amendment. Gun ownership is a responsibility, not a right IMO.
Demonstrate you’re responsible enough to own a deadly weapon and you earn that right. Same as getting a driver’s license.
I’m also pro-death on abortion including after birth abortions up to the age of 18.
Any other questions?
Multnomah County is a lawless shithole that would gladly secede from the Union. I acquiesce to their desire. An authoritarian central strongman would turn that place into rubble.You say a lot of things contrary to the free and open society envisioned by our Founders.
It's the ultimate authoritarian move to disarm the public and put them to death on a whim.
Multnomah County is a lawless shithole that would gladly secede from the Union. I acquiesce to their desire. An authoritarian central strongman would turn that place into rubble.
I side with progressives on guns except take it a step further.
Pro death = pro choice. Where do I advocate forced abortions? Especially only for minorities???
Nonetheless by advocating shredding the Constitution and evicting Americans from their own country you are advocating an authoritarian state to make that happen.
First I believe either one would beat Biden or any other dim after this train wreck of an administration.
Both would like to run in 2024 and they’d have to be considered the front runners at this point.
Would DeSantis acquiesce to Trump and be the VP running mate with the express intent of running for president after 4 years since Trump would be ineligible then?
So you admit your idea doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of passing a 2/3s vote much less a 3/4s? Agreed.Repeal of an amendment ≠ shredding the constitution. It’s done thru congress. But you knew that.
The mayor of Portland (and Seattle) allow lawlessness and “autonomous zones”. You think a country like Switzerland or any other developed country would allow that?
The alternative is to enforce laws. That’s rather authoritarian, don't you agree?
So if I’m not an anarchist you consider me to be alt-right?
primaries will settle it. what they are there for. I think if DeSantis runs he wins it all -but we'll seeFirst I believe either one would beat Biden or any other dim after this train wreck of an administration.
Both would like to run in 2024 and they’d have to be considered the front runners at this point.
Would DeSantis acquiesce to Trump and be the VP running mate with the express intent of running for president after 4 years since Trump would be ineligible then?
what "core values" - the ones that got China into the WTO?I am flat telling you that many sane folks will flat leave that party if they put Trump back up there. The same folks that were angry when the national party changed the rules making whatever Trump wanted "the platform" to be into the the platform of the party. No one person should be the center of any party, there should be a core of beliefs that the standard bearer is expected to uphold, not a set of "rules" that the most popular person gets to dictate.
Trump should not be the nominee. Not only has he proven that even Brandon can beat him, the republicans that remained would have to sell their frickin' soul to pretend that the party had anything to do with their core values anymore.
Bidens incompetence got them killedHeaven forbid that Biden hold a moment of silence to remember those killed in the Afghan terrorist attack last August. And you think trump is better than him?
primaries will settle it. what they are there for. I think if DeSantis runs he wins it all -but we'll see
So you admit your idea doesn't have a snowball's chance in Hell of passing a 2/3s vote much less a 3/4s? Agreed.
It is rather expensive but they have nice ski resorts. Zermatt was my favorite.Fuck Switzerland.
I prefer their decentralized form of govt. So how do you reconcile having an authoritarian government along with a decentralized federal republic? Previous non-answer:WTF does fucking Switzerland have to do with your authoritarian tendencies?
^ Not a reconciliation. Having trouble with that?You say a lot of things contrary to the free and open society envisioned by our Founders.
So you are against laws so that authoritarians can't enforce them?Yes, authoritarians pass laws so they can enforce them.
The two alternatives areYou want to evict Americans from their own nation
Not me. It's the mothers' decision whether or not to abort.and execute anyone under 18 at will.
The mother ≠ govt. Besides , already decided: Roe v Wade.It takes an authoritarian government to enforce such an idea since a Constitutional Republic would not allow it.
Trumpers scream they want freedom, but they only mean freedom for themselves; others they seek to diminish.
It is rather expensive but they have nice ski resorts. Zermatt was my favorite. I prefer their decentralized form of govt. So how do you reconcile having an authoritarian government along with a decentralized federal republic? Previous non-answer:^ Not a reconciliation. Having trouble with that?
So you are against laws so that authoritarians can't enforce them? The two alternatives are
1. enforce laws so that authoritarians can enforce them
2. Allow lawlessness and anarchy. Not me. It's the mothers' decision whether or not to abort. The mother ≠ govt. Besides , already decided: Roe v Wade.![]()
Trumpers scream they want freedom, but they only mean freedom for themselves; others they seek to diminish.
Wrong on your two choices. There are degrees, not just the White Supremacists and BLM/Antifa as the haters claim.
Only laws that are just should be passed. Enforce all just laws. Eliminate injustice. This advice goes to every community up to DC.
Unfortunately, like you, people are mostly interested in laws that benefit themselves and dictate to others. Sad.
No reconciliation. I understand.
Abbott seems to have ambitions.