The deal I can see between Trump and DeSantis

You do favor strongmen who do not want to use normal limited authority.

Agreed. They want to limit the rights of Americans to their values and their values alone.

First I believe either one would beat Biden or any other dim after this train wreck of an administration.

Both would like to run in 2024 and they’d have to be considered the front runners at this point.

Would DeSantis acquiesce to Trump and be the VP running mate with the express intent of running for president after 4 years since Trump would be ineligible then?


You really think this nation will tolerate trump running again. You really do? Wow. The Republicans DON'T want him to - DeSantis, especially because he's got his eye on the "first prize". No one wants to be VP.
We already know that Trump can lose to a basement dwelling dementia patient. There is no way the republicans should select someone we already know can lose to Brandon to be their candidate. Choose someone else.

The thing is, my friend, they can't control him. Their best bet would be to "buy him off". By that I mean, offer to pay all his legal defense costs both personally and from his presidency if he agrees NOT to run.

I can see that happening. I really can.
Please run Trump again!

Seeing him get defeated and lose the popular vote three times in a row would be comedy gold.

I actually thing trump running again would really hurt this nation and further damage our world reputation. I'd rather he and his crime family either go to prison or just go away.
Like Elizabeth Dole?

Dole has been retired for 15 years.

So your whole argument is that 20 years ago, you supported someone who was not a Nazi, not perfect, but definitely not a Nazi... So somehow we should give you a pass on everything since then? Really?
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Not at all. But he is running.

And that is bad for Republicans. The voters are angry at everyone, including themselves, but the majority are most angry at trump. 51% wanted him impeached. That is 51% who will NEVER vote for trump. trump can still win, but it would be unbelievably hard.
Not at all. But he is running.

I really don't think he will. The Republicans don't want him to. He needs money to defend himself from the crimes he's committed. The Republicans will bribe him not to run - they'll just offer him money. Mark my words :)
I supported her. I left the Republican Party when she was ignored for Bush II and the war pig McCain ( who the left lionized).

So your whole argument is that 20 years ago, you supported someone who was not a Nazi, not perfect, but definitely not a Nazi... So somehow we should give you a pass on everything since then? Really?
So your whole argument is that 20 years ago, you supported someone who was not a Nazi, not perfect, but definitely not a Nazi... So somehow we should give you a pass on everything since then? Really?

Let me know if I’m supposed to care .
Like my support for the repeal of the 2nd amendment? My pro death stance on abortion? Or is it the fact I’m an atheist?

The Alt-Right seeks to impose a white supremacist authoritarian state. That would include disarming parts of the population so repealing the 2nd Amendment would fit you. Same for mandatory aborting of non-white fetuses and forced sterilization. Only Trump and Money is God in the Alt-Right universe.

I supported her. I left the Republican Party when she was ignored for Bush II and the war pig McCain ( who the left lionized).
The Left ONLY lionized McCain after he was terminal, and finally voted his conscience re. taking away healthcare from millions.

And that was just a gesture of the Left's compassion. McCain was still a piece of shit.
So your whole argument is that 20 years ago, you supported someone who was not a Nazi, not perfect, but definitely not a Nazi... So somehow we should give you a pass on everything since then? Really?

Yes, that's his argument....and he's not alone. Many Trumpers take a convoluted path to justify their support for an Alt-Right authoritarian state.

It's not just important on what they say or what they support, but also what they never support such as equal rights for all or Freedom of Speech for all.
What makes you think I favor an authoritarian government?

Your support for Alt-Right values. It's just the flip side of coin for the authoritarian Marxists.
I see. How do you reconcile having an authoritarian government along with a decentralized federal republic?
I'd like to see a decentralized govt. much like Switzerland's cantons.
Would prefer we were a confederacy of 50 cantons.
I've long advocated for a confederacy similar to Switzerland cantons.
I've advocated the Swiss canton system for years now.
Yes, that's his argument....and he's not alone. Many Trumpers take a convoluted path to justify their support for an Alt-Right authoritarian state.

It's not just important on what they say or what they support, but also what they never support such as equal rights for all or Freedom of Speech for all.

Absolutely true. Republicans are all about censorship of facts that make them uncomfortable.