Big Fucking Deal...when analyzed, the stats STILL show a favoritism....analysis that is more than just general, as I've shown. And since the facts and players from my links HAVE NOT CHANGED OVER THE YEARS, your "got'cha" falls flat.
But if you want something more update:
Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight claims that Rasmussen Reports has a pro-Republican bias of 3.9%.
you are such a retard
A Sampling bias is a type of survey bias that occurs when a research study does not use a representative sample of a target population.
Rasmussen was one of the most accurate pollsters because they got their sampling bias right.
so you - the retard - try to pretend a sampling bias is a bad thing - but their sampling bias is why they were so accurate
you proved to anyone that understands statistics that you are a barely functioning retard. which is pretty common on the left honestly.