The Death of Dilbert and False Claims of White Victimhood

Big Fucking Deal...when analyzed, the stats STILL show a favoritism....analysis that is more than just general, as I've shown. And since the facts and players from my links HAVE NOT CHANGED OVER THE YEARS, your "got'cha" falls flat.

But if you want something more update:

Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight claims that Rasmussen Reports has a pro-Republican bias of 3.9%.

you are such a retard

A Sampling bias is a type of survey bias that occurs when a research study does not use a representative sample of a target population.

Rasmussen was one of the most accurate pollsters because they got their sampling bias right.

so you - the retard - try to pretend a sampling bias is a bad thing - but their sampling bias is why they were so accurate

you proved to anyone that understands statistics that you are a barely functioning retard. which is pretty common on the left honestly.
I can't claim to closely follow every move he makes but I thought it started with Trump winning in 2016 and him not seeing it and then articles started coming out about him not being this guru and now people on Twitter saying he's a right-wing shill and so forth.

It's definitely possible to have people on the right and left dislike you. Wouldn't be the first time for someone. But that's why your comment caught my attention.

Nate Silver is a Dart Throwing Chimp

How Big Data missed the rise of Trump

The Fall of Nate Silver

Behind Nate Silver’s war with The New York Times

Interesting. Thanks.
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Big Fucking Deal...when analyzed, the stats STILL show a favoritism....analysis that is more than just general, as I've shown. And since the facts and players from my links HAVE NOT CHANGED OVER THE YEARS, your "got'cha" falls flat.

But if you want something more update:

Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight claims that Rasmussen Reports has a pro-Republican bias of 3.9%.

you are such a retard

A Sampling bias is a type of survey bias that occurs when a research study does not use a representative sample of a target population.

Rasmussen was one of the most accurate pollsters because they got their sampling bias right.

so you - the retard - try to pretend a sampling bias is a bad thing - but their sampling bias is why they were so accurate

you proved to anyone that understands statistics that you are a barely functioning retard. which is pretty common on the left honestly.

:palm: Let's continue to watch this myopic MAGA parrot :bdh:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
translation: zymurgy's MAGA mook mentality allows him to accept a polling company with a proven bias in its stated by an assessment company's management personnel that zymurgy touted.

Typical insipid MAGA stubbornness. No wonder Trump loves to wipe his feet on these fools.

translation - you are a barely functioning retard.

:palm: Ziggy's first sentence is sheer projection.

Nate Silver of FiveThirtyEight claims that Rasmussen Reports has a pro-Republican bias of 3.9%.

So now let's watch this myopic MAGA mook :bdh:
Last edited:
you are such a retard
You are the one who is mistaken (you got it backwards) and you owe Taichiliberal an apology.

so you - the retard - try to pretend a sampling bias is a bad thing
Yes, sampling bias is absolutely a bad thing. It represents the error introduced by not selecting an appropriately representative sample. You want your sampling to be as reresentative as possible, so as to reduce/eliminate as much sampling bias possible, so that your sampling error is as small as possible. No one can eliminate all sampling bias, but it can be made negligible.

Sampling bias occurs when the wrong people are selected for a poll, and this happens intentionally all the time. In their zeal to sell hope to their customers, most pollsters run a poll fully intending to get their predetermined results which they believe will resonate most with their target market. Sampling bias with careful question wording is the preferred method to accomplish this.

So, an apology on your part is in order.
You are the one who is mistaken (you got it backwards) and you owe Taichiliberal an apology.

Yes, sampling bias is absolutely a bad thing. It represents the error introduced by not selecting an appropriately representative sample. You want your sampling to be as reresentative as possible, so as to reduce/eliminate as much sampling bias possible, so that your sampling error is as small as possible. No one can eliminate all sampling bias, but it can be made negligible.

Sampling bias occurs when the wrong people are selected for a poll, and this happens intentionally all the time. In their zeal to sell hope to their customers, most pollsters run a poll fully intending to get their predetermined results which they believe will resonate most with their target market. Sampling bias with careful question wording is the preferred method to accomplish this.

So, an apology on your part is in order.

you are an idiot. a sampling bias indicates you do not expect the election to match the overall demographic - and it rarely does.

I don't owe any of you fools an apology as you have no clue what you are talking about.

but I do not expect barely functioning retards to apologize for their lack of understanding of a sampling bias. in other words - go procreate amongst yourself
Hey folks, get a load of this!

Zymurgy said, "... a sampling bias indicates you do not expect the election to match the overall demographic ..."


For the record:


opinion poll
: an activity in which many people are asked the same questions in order to find out what most people think about something.

poll·​ster ˈpōl-stər
Synonyms of pollster
: one that conducts a poll or compiles data obtained by a poll

1 of 4
bi·​as ˈbī-əs
Synonyms of bias

: an inclination of temperament or outlook
especially : a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment : PREJUDICE
: an instance of such prejudice
: deviation of the expected value of a statistical estimate from the quantity it estimates
: systematic error introduced into sampling or testing by selecting or encouraging one outcome or answer over others

The chronology of the posts shows proof of the bias in the pollster that zymurgy touts....and yet in his MAGA mind that bias is acceptable because it "validates" his viewpoint.

The banshee wails from the MAGA's has almost always been couched in the claims of "liberal bias" ... in the media and legal rulings. Yet here we have a die hard MAGA giving a most fantastic display of hypocrisy on the matter....and blathers repeatedly as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. :palm: Sad.

There is no defense of Adams actions, and there is no fault in the reaction of the various agencies who carried his strip. To date, there has been no rational or logical means to change that.
Hey folks, get a load of this!

Zymurgy said, "... a sampling bias indicates you do not expect the election to match the overall demographic ..."


For the record:


opinion poll
: an activity in which many people are asked the same questions in order to find out what most people think about something.

poll·​ster ˈpōl-stər
Synonyms of pollster
: one that conducts a poll or compiles data obtained by a poll

1 of 4
bi·​as ˈbī-əs
Synonyms of bias

: an inclination of temperament or outlook
especially : a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment : PREJUDICE
: an instance of such prejudice
: deviation of the expected value of a statistical estimate from the quantity it estimates
: systematic error introduced into sampling or testing by selecting or encouraging one outcome or answer over others

The chronology of the posts shows proof of the bias in the pollster that zymurgy touts....and yet in his MAGA mind that bias is acceptable because it "validates" his viewpoint.

The banshee wails from the MAGA's has almost always been couched in the claims of "liberal bias" ... in the media and legal rulings. Yet here we have a die hard MAGA giving a most fantastic display of hypocrisy on the matter....and blathers repeatedly as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. :palm: Sad.

There is no defense of Adams actions, and there is no fault in the reaction of the various agencies who carried his strip. To date, there has been no rational or logical means to change that.

too scared to continue a debate, so you cowardly reply without quoting

look shit stain - Rasmussen earned one of the best reviews for their polling last cycle. It isn't up for debate. So any claims of bias impacting their results is laughable. sampling bias is a claim before the results come in. Once they come in, and the polling company was at or near the top - you can shove your concerns of bias out the window. so keep acting a retard, it suits you
Hey folks, get a load of this!

Zymurgy said, "... a sampling bias indicates you do not expect the election to match the overall demographic ..."

For the record:


opinion poll
: an activity in which many people are asked the same questions in order to find out what most people think about something.

poll·​ster ˈpōl-stər
Synonyms of pollster
: one that conducts a poll or compiles data obtained by a poll

1 of 4
bi·​as ˈbī-əs
Synonyms of bias

: an inclination of temperament or outlook
especially : a personal and sometimes unreasoned judgment : PREJUDICE
: an instance of such prejudice
: deviation of the expected value of a statistical estimate from the quantity it estimates
: systematic error introduced into sampling or testing by selecting or encouraging one outcome or answer over others

The chronology of the posts shows proof of the bias in the pollster that zymurgy touts....and yet in his MAGA mind that bias is acceptable because it "validates" his viewpoint.

The banshee wails from the MAGA's has almost always been couched in the claims of "liberal bias" ... in the media and legal rulings. Yet here we have a die hard MAGA giving a most fantastic display of hypocrisy on the matter....and blathers repeatedly as if butter wouldn't melt in his mouth. Sad.

There is no defense of Adams actions, and there is no fault in the reaction of the various agencies who carried his strip. To date, there has been no rational or logical means to change that.

too scared to continue a debate, so you cowardly reply without quoting

look shit stain - Rasmussen earned one of the best reviews for their polling last cycle. It isn't up for debate. So any claims of bias impacting their results is laughable. sampling bias is a claim before the results come in. Once they come in, and the polling company was at or near the top - you can shove your concerns of bias out the window. so keep acting a retard, it suits you

Holy Crap! This MAGA mook is in his own universe, folks! Just follow the chronology of the posts. All I did was take HIS WORDS and place them against the REALITY of definition from Merriam-Webster...which makes Zymurgy quite the fool with his revisionist clap trap. He then just does the usual brain dead recitation of his previous blather, tinged with school yard retorts. That's the major problem with MAGA their orange pated leader, they just repeat the SOS in various forms with blinders on and hands clapped over ears. This way, everything they say righteous and just....impervious to contrary facts or logic or criticism ... so the racist rant of Adams and his subsequent termination can be ardently derided as an injustice of "woke" origin.
And the band played on.
Rasmussen earned one of the best reviews for their polling last cycle. It isn't up for debate.
You are saying that Rasmussen minimized their sampling bias, not that they somehow discovered just the right sampling bias to evenly "balance" the results.

All bias is bad and is minimized, not a necessary component that is somehow "correctly calculated."

You really do owe TaiChiLiberal and the board an apology.

The bright side is that it doesn't matter that you are mathematically incompetent. Most people are. You fit right in ... and you can always take night courses.

Don't be afraid to come to me with the hard stuff.