The debate must be coming up!

Will Obama bin laden be leading Joe onto the stage this time?
Trump says Biden will be all drugged up.... So why. You guys got it covered, if Biden does well, its Coke, if Biden bombs, of course he did, he is an idiot.
That one is more retarded than it comes off

Why the repubs allow that is beyond me
same reason they go along with the not shutting down government bullshit every time they fight for budget sanity

some of them are pussies, some are unity party plants
Just the usual, one Big Lie after another Big Lie, the MAGA cult swallows them all

Notice that Fox has already begun laying the groundwork incase Trump loses the election, their prime time pimps are citing polls and implying the only way Trump can lose is if the election is fixed

It was FOX who recently released a poll that claims that Biden is up 2 points nationally, and that Biden is leading Trump in the rural vote 50-48...

What is all the whining about this being on CNN if he is standing up to them?

The whining I've heard comes from you, not Trump.

You are creating a fiction. The Quid Pro team created absurd demands in the belief that Trump would reject them. Trump called your bluff. Even with an utterly biased team he's ready to go.

I only see whining and complaining and moaning about how unfair this is for Trump. It only shows us how weak he actually is since he can't even take heat from CNN moderators.

You're just hoping beyond hope that somehow Trump calls it off before Thursday.
I would think the first time it is mentioned, Trump will be prepared

something along the lines of reminding the viewing audience that Biden lied about laptop - it's what he and the swamp do. they lie

Or how he lied about the very fine men comment - and it took years for that lie to be exposed

This is Joe Biden and the media. they used to call him out for his lies right away - they actually had him leaving the campaign trail in disgrace once upon time for stealing speeches and lying abut grades. Now the media helps him with these lies

so I would look right in the camera and say every time Dementia Joe brings up my criminal record, remember all his other lies and how that is what he does - he steals speeches, he lies, and the media and the one sided justice system helps him.
Probably not a great idea for Trump to be bringing up the subject of lies.

Tax fraud - lied
Sexual abuse - lied
Defamation - lied
Trump U - lied
Trump charity - stole

And those are just the adjudicated cases. Funny, Biden doesn’t have a single one.
Trump says Biden will be all drugged up.... So why. You guys got it covered, if Biden does well, its Coke, if Biden bombs, of course he did, he is an idiot.

You'll say Biden did well regardless.

I expect him to be maniacal, shouting and waving his arms like he was during the SOTU.
The whining I've heard comes from you, not Trump.

You are creating a fiction. The Quid Pro team created absurd demands in the belief that Trump would reject them. Trump called your bluff. Even with an utterly biased team he's ready to go.

You're just hoping beyond hope that somehow Trump calls it off before Thursday.
Why would I hope Trump calls it off? I am hoping Trump shows up and is his true self, arrogant narcissist that can't talk about policies but can only whine about how everything is rigged.
it is absolutely necessary to reconcile things once during this debate

Trump must remind the voters of Biden's crime family and how they lied last time they were in a debate. How we have a 2 tiered justice system, and Biden needs to be kicked the the curb if you want that fixed

Biden can go ahead and talk about the felon Trump all he wants for the remainder of the debate
Trump reminding voters about liars and criminals is like William Howard Taft reminding voters about fat presidents.