The Deep State Conspiracy Theory

Powerful enough to appoint a special prosecutor ... powerful enough to get illegal warrants to spy on a Presidential candidate and then elected President.

Powerful enough to get an impeachment show going without even having to claim any crimes had been committed ... Orange Man Bad was good enough.

Any of this helping?

There's no evidence that Trump was spied on. One person was spied on who happened to be working on Trump's campaign. Nobody else on the campaign, including Trump, was looked into.
Bribery is a crime and Trump attempted to bribe the president of a foreign country.

So if the Deep State is so powerful, why did they not have the Republicans vote to remove Trump?

And what exactly is the Deep State? You still haven't told me.
Thought there may have been some hope for you.

This is bat-shit crazy stuff right here ... that Trump is "anti-democratic, anti-education, full of conspiracy theories"

Trump tried to cheat in two elections. Anti-democratic.
Trump criticizes colleges and says he loves the poorly educated. Anti-education.
And as for conspiracy theories.... seriously? You're denying this?
There's no evidence that Trump was spied on. One person was spied on who happened to be working on Trump's campaign. Nobody else on the campaign, including Trump, was looked into.

The Title 1 FISA warrant on Page allowed them to spy on anyone Page may talk to or have any contact with ... they weren't spying on Page ... they were spying on Trump.

This has been common knowledge for well over a year ... the warrant was illegal ... the spying was illegal ... you don't seem to know any of this ... how is that possible?

Bribery is a crime and Trump attempted to bribe the president of a foreign country.

One important aspect of a bribe is that the person being bribed knows it ... kinda necessary for the person being bribed to do what you want yes.

Only Trump never informed Ukraine he was temporarily holding up money ... it's not like he told them do it or you wont get any money.

Only a lefty could cook up a story of bribery when only one person is involved.

Now Ukraine was bribed by a US official make no mistake ... the person who bribed them even bragged about it ... he bribed them with US taxpayers money.

And I already know, you have no interest in that bribe.

So if the Deep State is so powerful, why did they not have the Republicans vote to remove Trump?

They don't control pubs in Congress ... they are powerful enough to start a coup without them ... and start an impeachment show with dems ... without even pretending to investigate a crime.

And what exactly is the Deep State? You still haven't told me.

A collection of rabid leftys in our govt who are doing everything in their power, along with willing dems in Congress and the msm, to remove an elected President because their gal lost.

They are infested within the highest levels of our govt agencies ... IRS, CIA, FBM, NSA, DOJ, DIA ... the former heads of the CIA and FBM were deep state.

Me thinks you already knew all of that ... but if this is news to you then you suck at keeping up with current events.
Oh? Then do tell, what is it?
Keep in mind, there are different versions of the theory. The version I heard is that it's a secret society of elites.

It's a super secret society of anyone that has it in for Trump. It consists of the liberal media which is all of them but Fox. All Democrats. Anyone who ever voted for a (D). Everyone in government jobs BT (Before Trump), no matter what administrations they've worked for. It includes all courts, judges, and the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, etc. except those employees appointed by our glorious leader. It's even the Post Office.

You're welcome.
Trump tried to cheat in two elections. Anti-democratic.

You have absolutely zero hope of defending that statement ... bat-shit crazy stuff.

Trump criticizes colleges and says he loves the poorly educated. Anti-education.

So he loves the unwashed masses you leftys hate ... and that makes him anti-education ... ya can't make this shit up.

It takes a fucked up lefty to even think it up.

Who knows who has Hillary's emails ... we know foreign states broke into her illegal server ... Ukraine might have been one of them ... you'll have to check Clinton Foundation donations to find out.

If this is the best conspiracy theory you got then you should have kept it to yourself.

This is from Nov. 2016 ... 3.5 years ago.
FBI Sources: Clinton Server Hacked By 'At Least Five' Foreign Intel Agencies, Two Major Federal Probes Ongoing
It's a super secret society of anyone that has it in for Trump. It consists of the liberal media which is all of them but Fox. All Democrats. Anyone who ever voted for a (D). Everyone in government jobs BT (Before Trump), no matter what administrations they've worked for. It includes all courts, judges, and the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, etc. except those employees appointed by our glorious leader. It's even the Post Office.

You're welcome.

Not even close but thanks for playing.
Jacksonsprat22 and Ms. Owl,

If you two don't follow current events then that's fine ... a strange position given you're on a forum board where we talk about current events.

These little attempts at dodging an embarrassing situation, or playing stupid, isn't working.

My students can come up with better excuses than you two have come up with.
You're done ... they even admit that's what they were doing.

They admitted they were spying on Carter Page, not Trump or his campaign.

Oh, and by the way, this is what Trump's communication director said about Carter Page: "Mr. Page is not an adviser and has made no contribution to the campaign. He has never been a part of our campaign. Period.”

So not only was Trump not spied on, but the guy who was spied on barely had any role in the campaign anyway.
It's a super secret society of anyone that has it in for Trump. It consists of the liberal media which is all of them but Fox. All Democrats. Anyone who ever voted for a (D). Everyone in government jobs BT (Before Trump), no matter what administrations they've worked for. It includes all courts, judges, and the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, etc. except those employees appointed by our glorious leader. It's even the Post Office.

You're welcome.

Uh-oh. That means.... I'm in the Deep State!! :whoa:
You have absolutely zero hope of defending that statement ... bat-shit crazy stuff.

He colluded with Russia for the 2016 election and then he tried to bribe Ukraine for the 2020 election.

So he loves the unwashed masses you leftys hate ... and that makes him anti-education ... ya can't make this shit up.

No, he's anti-education because he talks about being poorly educated like it's a positive trait.
Of course I don't hate the working-class. I support policies like UBI and affordable healthcare in order to help the working-class. Leftist policies are all about helping the workers.

Who knows who has Hillary's emails ... we know foreign states broke into her illegal server ... Ukraine might have been one of them ... you'll have to check Clinton Foundation donations to find out.

Yes, this is how conspiracy theories work. They COULD be true, but there is no evidence for them.
And there are 24 of his crazy theories on that page.

This is from Nov. 2016 ... 3.5 years ago.

Moving the goalposts.

And of course, Trump is still pushing conspiracy theories.
The Title 1 FISA warrant on Page allowed them to spy on anyone Page may talk to or have any contact with ... they weren't spying on Page ... they were spying on Trump.

This has been common knowledge for well over a year ... the warrant was illegal ... the spying was illegal ... you don't seem to know any of this ... how is that possible?

There is no evidence they were spying on Trump. You're saying they COULD have been spying on Trump. Sure, that's possible. It's also possible they weren't.

One important aspect of a bribe is that the person being bribed knows it ... kinda necessary for the person being bribed to do what you want yes.

Only Trump never informed Ukraine he was temporarily holding up money ... it's not like he told them do it or you wont get any money.

I honestly don't believe you believe this. Between the notes from the transcript, the fact that Trump refuses to release the full transcript, the fact that Trump tried to hide the recording of the phone call, the testimonies from the witnesses, and the testimonies from cronies like Lev Parnas and Rudy Giuliani, and even a flat-confession from Mick Mulvaney, there is an enormous mountain of evidence that Trump attempted bribery in order to hurt Joe Biden in the primary.

They don't control pubs in Congress ... they are powerful enough to start a coup without them ... and start an impeachment show with dems ... without even pretending to investigate a crime.

But they weren't powerful enough to actually remove Trump? So what was the point of this?

A collection of rabid leftys in our govt who are doing everything in their power, along with willing dems in Congress and the msm, to remove an elected President because their gal lost.

They are infested within the highest levels of our govt agencies ... IRS, CIA, FBM, NSA, DOJ, DIA ... the former heads of the CIA and FBM were deep state.

So basically, anyone who is in a position of power who doesn't support Trump?
That brings me back to my first question, why do they hate Trump if he's making them richer?

And how come so many Republicans hated Trump when he was running for president but now they like him? Were they part of the Deep State back then?
Yeah, that was back when he was pretending to be liberal.

Donald Trump Praises Single Payer Health Care At The Republican Debate
Trump said he'd like to see a "private system," but said a single payer system could have worked in the United States "in a different age."

Picture of Andrew Kaczynski
Andrew Kaczynski
BuzzFeed News Reporter
Picture of Megan Apper
Megan Apper
BuzzFeed News Reporter
Posted on August 7, 2015, at 12:22 a.m. ET


Scott Olson / Getty Images
Donald Trump stood by his past support for single payer health care at the Republican presidential debate Thursday night, and even said he thought it worked well in Canada and could have worked in the past in the United States.

"As far as single payer, it works in Canada, it works incredibly
Confess! Confess now! Your whole reason for existence is to overthrow our savior and messiah, #COVID45! lol


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