The Deep State Conspiracy Theory

They admitted they were spying on Carter Page, not Trump or his campaign. There is no evidence they were spying on Trump.

Oh, and by the way, this is what Trump's communication director said about Carter Page: "Mr. Page is not an adviser and has made no contribution to the campaign. He has never been a part of our campaign. Period.”

So not only was Trump not spied on, but the guy who was spied on barely had any role in the campaign anyway.

Crossfire Hurricane was not started to investigate Page ... the FBM targeted the entire Trump campaign before and after the election.

The IG report confirms the FBM went so far as to send agents into the WH under the guise of briefing the President, however, the real purpose was to gather information on the President and his admin.

Title 1 FISA warrants allow almost unlimited surveillance ... it's used against terrorists and international criminals ... the FBM and DOJ used it to spy on a President for the purpose of overthrowing his admin.

I honestly don't believe you believe this. Between the notes from the transcript, the fact that Trump refuses to release the full transcript, the fact that Trump tried to hide the recording of the phone call, the testimonies from the witnesses, and the testimonies from cronies like Lev Parnas and Rudy Giuliani, and even a flat-confession from Mick Mulvaney, there is an enormous mountain of evidence that Trump attempted bribery in order to hurt Joe Biden in the primary.

He released the entire transcript ... where were you?

It's release completely obliterated the "bribe" hoax and made a fool out of Schiffhead and the dems ... but you lefts didn't care ... you cheered on an impeachment based upon nothing anyway.
jobs losses to china under obama were immense. give up your stupid point.

Trump has barely helped.

But 18 months into his term, Trump has betrayed his promises to the working-class voters like Elliott who helped him to the Oval Office.

Despite boasting that he would punish corporate offshorers, a new research report from Good Jobs Nation - Broken Promises #2 - shows that President Trump is actually using the executive power of the presidency to incentivize corporations to ship good jobs overseas in record numbers.

Our study reveals that the Trump administration has awarded more than $50 billion in new federal contracts to companies that continue to shutter U.S. factories as they seek cheaper labor abroad.

As a result, top federal contractors - Carrier’s parent company United Technologies, General Motors, Honeywell and Siemens - are now offshoring jobs at the fastest rate since the Great Recession. In fact, annual offshoring by taxpayer-funded corporations under Trump is on track to be three times greater than under the Obama and Bush administrations.

Overall, more than 133,000 Americans have received pink slips since Trump took office.
Trump has barely helped.

But 18 months into his term, Trump has betrayed his promises to the working-class voters like Elliott who helped him to the Oval Office.

Despite boasting that he would punish corporate offshorers, a new research report from Good Jobs Nation - Broken Promises #2 - shows that President Trump is actually using the executive power of the presidency to incentivize corporations to ship good jobs overseas in record numbers.

Our study reveals that the Trump administration has awarded more than $50 billion in new federal contracts to companies that continue to shutter U.S. factories as they seek cheaper labor abroad.

As a result, top federal contractors - Carrier’s parent company United Technologies, General Motors, Honeywell and Siemens - are now offshoring jobs at the fastest rate since the Great Recession. In fact, annual offshoring by taxpayer-funded corporations under Trump is on track to be three times greater than under the Obama and Bush administrations.

Overall, more than 133,000 Americans have received pink slips since Trump took office.

we do need an even more anti-globalist candidate. do you agree?
But Trump never actually drained the swamp. Instead, he made these bureaucrats even richer.
So why would the Deep State still dislike Trump now?

You keep going back to rich elites ... that ain't the people we're talking about and you know that.

Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Stroky ... they didn't do this for money ... they did it to oust a sitting President.

As long as you're suck on the "elite" angle you'll never figure this out .... and you'll always end up with Maggie's Drawers when conversing with Conservatives.
Drudge is even deep state now, that’s how wackadoodle some Trumpers are.

Media is not the deep state ... although they do help them out ... hence the 2.5 years of lies to aid the deep state's effort to remove a sitting President.

You leftys pretending this never happened is quite a hoot!!
they hate trump for even rhetorically validating anti globalist sentiment.

Trump is a Globalist, he's hired Illegal Immigrants for less than Minimum wage, he's used Chinese steel on his towers.

To tell you the truth, maybe the Deep state picked Trump to keep people satisfied.

That they could steer Nationalism in the Pseudo Nationalist direction, by picking an obnoxious big business Globalist into power.
Media is not the deep state ... although they do help them out ... hence the 2.5 years of lies to aid the deep state's effort to remove a sitting President.

You leftys pretending this never happened is quite a hoot!!
The only media that tells lies about Trump is Fox News.
Powerful enough to appoint a special prosecutor ... powerful enough to get illegal warrants to spy on a Presidential candidate and then elected President.

Powerful enough to get an impeachment show going without even having to claim any crimes had been committed ... Orange Man Bad was good enough.

Any of this helping?

lol, you're fucking weapons grade stupid.