The Deep State Conspiracy Theory

You keep going back to rich elites ... that ain't the people we're talking about and you know that.

Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Stroky ... they didn't do this for money ... they did it to oust a sitting President.

As long as you're suck on the "elite" angle you'll never figure this out .... and you'll always end up with Maggie's Drawers when conversing with Conservatives.

Like I said before, there are different versions of this conspiracy. You don't believe the Deep State are rich elites, but the person I was responding to does.
Like I said before, there are different versions of this conspiracy. You don't believe the Deep State are rich elites, but the person I was responding to does.

most deep staters are not rich, but they have been brainwashed with elitist notions, like "globalization is awesome no matter what".
No doubt here since I've seen your papers. It's not breaking PM protocol since it's common knowledge. :)

Right :laugh: Thanks, Dutch, hilarious
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yada, yada, yada. Everyone knows you're jealous of Americans and are constantly trying to prove your little former Soviet Union satellite is worth something.

Go ask AssHatZombie for another handy....he'll want one too, but that how you guys operate, isn't it?

LMFAO, most of the best Americans are from the former Soviet bloc, doesn't matter if they're Eastern European Jews, Eastern European Catholics, Eastern European Orthodox Christians, or Eastern European Protestants.

Many of your best Scientists & Inventors are such.

Just to name a few.

- Serb Nikola Tesla the best American inventor, invented Remote controls, Alternate Current, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, the patents used to create Radio.

- Pole Abraham Michelson the first American to win a Nobel Prize in Science, pioneered much of Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

- Edward Teller a Hungarian Jew, and Stanislaw Ulam a Polish Jew came up with Thermodynamic weapons, AKA Nukes.

- Pole Nikodem Poplawski refered to as Next Einstein, came up with the Theory that every Black Hole contains a Universe.

- Pole Marian Smoluchowski co discovered Brownian Motion with Einstein, and described Critical opalescence

- Polish - Russian- Ukrainian Igor Sikorsky founded the USA Helicopter industry.

- Polish American Frank Piasecki invented the #2 Helicopters in the USA, and invented dual or tandem roter Helicopters.

- Polish American Steven Wozniak co founded & was the engineer who invented Apple Computers, he also invented the Universal Remote.

- German - Polish Wernher Von Braun put the man on the Moon using the Kandryuk loop by a Ukrainian rocket scientist, and much work from the founder of modern Rocketry Polish - Russian Konstantin Ciolkowski.
But Trump never actually drained the swamp. Instead, he made these bureaucrats even richer.
So why would the Deep State still dislike Trump now?

Correct. Anyone who says "The Swamp" is the Deep State is either lying or stupid. "The Swamp" is the morass of corruption and cronyism in Washington, DC plus the self-serving legislation from Congress to help their friends. The Tax Code is part of the swamp. It is mostly special rules for special people that the majority of Middle Class Americans cannot utilize.

Trump added to the Swamp with his actions like using his hotels for government business and his consistent refusal to abide by the Constitution’s foreign and domestic emoluments clauses.
This is Trump's latest scheme to profit off of his time in public office. In less than three years, Trump’s failure to divest from his businesses and his actions as president have resulted in more than 2,300 conflicts of interest between his administration and his personal financial interests, according to a report released this month by my organization, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

Those conflicts are not merely a breach of Trump’s campaign promise to “drain the swamp” — they also constitute abuses of the powers of his high office that should be the subject of an impeachment inquiry.
But he said he was going to drain the swamp. He didn't do this, instead he made the "Deep State" even richer. So why do they hate him?

Bureaucracy is not just one entity. He didn't do it but I don't think anyone can he did do it a little bit. And that's why they hate him.
Crossfire Hurricane was not started to investigate Page ... the FBM targeted the entire Trump campaign before and after the election.

There is no evidence that.
At the very most, they spied on Page. The only "news" outlets saying they spied on the entire Trump campaign are conspiracy theory sites.

And alright, let's just say that they did spy on Trump because they wanted him gone. Now that he became president, and he made all these people richer, why would they STILL hate him? Why do they want him gone now?

He released the entire transcript ... where were you?

Nope. He released notes from it. The notes were damning in that he asks for "a favor" in return for money. However, Trump won't release the full transcript because even he knows that the full transcript is even more damning.
you're a fraud.

you would rather see your anti globalists sentiments go unrepresented than have trump represent them?

you're lying. you're fine with globalist zealotry.

I see Trump as more of a disaster for Nationalism, than to foster Nationalism favorably.

He's a Pseudo Nationalist, anyways.
I see Trump as more of a disaster for Nationalism, than to foster Nationalism favorably.

He's a Pseudo Nationalist, anyways.

don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. have you heard that one? of course you have.

that's why I think you're just another globalist shill liar.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yada, yada, yada. Everyone knows you're jealous of Americans and are constantly trying to prove your little former Soviet Union satellite is worth something.

Go ask AssHatZombie for another handy....he'll want one too, but that how you guys operate, isn't it?

Scottish Americans are lousy, and include some of the worst USA Presidents, like Trump & Andrew Jackson.

Both, are complete crass, jack@$$es.

While, I'll admit that Thomas Edison was partially Scottish, he didn't look Scottish.

Edison looked Eastern European, he had high cheek bones like one, not like a Scotsman.

Edison also had AB blood type more common to Eastern Europe!
don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. have you heard that one? of course you have.

that's why I think you're just another globalist shill liar.

Trump has just been a more obnoxious, corrupt, and crass, crude version of Obama by implemented policy.

Stimulus & Corporate bailouts bigger than Obama's.

Obama deported more illegals than Trump, though.
Quit acting like you've got a secret no one else can figure out. You're a fucking clueless hack. Yes, we've heard about "deep state" civil servants for years thanks to mouthbreathers like you lapping up the idiocy from Hannity and Alex Jones and the rest of the carnival barkers who get rich off of your astonishing ignorance. It doesn't make it any more true. The assemblance of civil servants in the U.S. PALES compared to the civil servant armies in the UK and France and other European nations. Trump came to the presidency and got to essentially assign 40k of his own people to posts throughout government. The only people who tried to oust him WERE PEOPLE WHO WORKED FOR HIM, numnuts.

EVERYONE he hires comes to hate him, because turmp is a malignant narcissist whose mental illness is so profound he can't even manage self-preservation properly enough to stop insulting those who are trying to help him.

And you watch all this and think somehow trump is succeeding despite efforts to take him down? LMAOOOO!!!! He's his own worst enemy! He could've put ALL of his ideals into law (to the extent he has any) and succeeded mightily (with the fealty of the Senate at his feet), but instead he's made it damned near impossible for even Republican senators and "deep state" members to side with him. You're fucking clueless. How the fuck do you tie your shoes? Holy shit!

So ... you supported, or still support, the illegal actions of the DOJ, FBM, and CIA ... even after the IG report revealed they knew there was never any collusion.

Also ... anyone who points out the illegal actions taken by people in our govt to oust a sitting President, and the leftys who support them, is "a fucking clueless hack".

First time I've posted with you ... not a good start Jerome.

btw, I would like to know what you think about something else ...

We do know there was a candidate, and a political party, that in 2016 paid for a guy with contacts in Russia to dig up dirt on their political opponent.

None of what the guy submitted was true ... however it was used in the US to start a criminal investigation ... even though the people running the investigation knew it wasn't true.

Thoughts ...
It would not surprise me that Legion, AssHatZombie, etc think the ideal Friday night is a bottle of Vodka, hand lotion and a Victor Mature movie marathon. Pilecki would volunteer to be the house boy.


James Watson is one of the "Good Scottish Americans" though, he discovered DNA structure, and said the correct thing about Africans not being equal.

Unlike Edison, I'll admit Watson really, really looked Scottish.
The worst are Scottish trash.
Like Trump & the Southern USA.

They tend to be more drunken, violent, war crazed, crass, crude, greedy & thrifty than the rest of Western Europe.

Similar to Russians, who are more drunken, violent, war crazed, crass, crude, greedy than the rest of Eastern Europe.

But, at least Russians are more Collectivist, and Scottish more Individualist.

Russians are kind of better politically, than those thrifty Scottish Individualists.

Bigotry isn't a good look for you. Or for anyone else for that matter. Do you think that the nasty stereotyped shit ppl say about Catholics is a good thing? Then don't say the same bullshit about other groups of ppl.
Trump has just been a more obnoxious, corrupt, and crass, crude version of Obama by implemented policy.

Stimulus & Corporate bailouts bigger than Obama's.

Obama deported more illegals than Trump, though.

I think you're a fraud, by being against the only politician to push back on china in fifty years.