The Deep State Conspiracy Theory

Two anti-Americans advocating the United States withdraw from the international trade community and go back to isolationism.

Is Asshat Eastern Euro trash too? I know he likes Romans....maybe it wasn't the politics but the sex that attracted him. LOL

The worst are Scottish trash.
Like Trump & the Southern USA.

They tend to be more drunken, violent, war crazed, crass, crude, greedy & thrifty than the rest of Western Europe.

Similar to Russians, who are more drunken, violent, war crazed, crass, crude, greedy than the rest of Eastern Europe.

But, at least Russians are more Collectivist, and Scottish more Individualist.

Russians are kind of better politically, than those thrifty Scottish Individualists.
We are still here, just enjoying life without taking life, and especially anonymous political forums, too seriously. Why do you ask?

Honesly, I'm asking because I want to see if you still think your position is one an independent would take when they see corruption and illegal actions in their govt.

If anyone did anything illegal, regardless of party, they should be prosecuted. It's this "selective prosecution" that is disturbing to me.

You know, or should know, that happened already ... laws were broken ... US citizens were illegally spied upon ... US courts were lied to for the purpose of getting illegal FISA warrants.

Exactly how many laws must they break before you to start paying attention ... what are you waiting for?

Idiots who use the label "Deep State" are make the same mistake as the idiots who say "the Government". Saying "the Government" is anthropomorphizing a group of millions of people into a single mind, a single idea, a single plan. That's completely naive since reality doesn't work that way. There is not secret organization of people moving in unison. It's a stew - the results of the organization are the sum of all of those influencing it. There is no coordination.

You need to work on your guesses since you are letting your emotion dictate how you think instead of using your head.

No coordination ...

How did you miss the DOJ, CIA, and the FBM coordinating to start Crossfire Hurricane and submit false information to the FISA courts.

You're slipping very quickly here.
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Trump is a Globalist, he's hired Illegal Immigrants for less than Minimum wage, he's used Chinese steel on his towers.

To tell you the truth, maybe the Deep state picked Trump to keep people satisfied.

That they could steer Nationalism in the Pseudo Nationalist direction, by picking an obnoxious big business Globalist into power.

but they do hate him for even giving rhetorical support to anti-globalist sentiment. don't let the perfect be the enemy of the better.

he has had the balls to even negotiate with china. nobody is really for full autarky. can we just not outsource the whole economy? can we just not become overly dependant on hostile nations.
You keep going back to rich elites ... that ain't the people we're talking about and you know that.

Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Stroky ... they didn't do this for money ... they did it to oust a sitting President.

As long as you're suck on the "elite" angle you'll never figure this out .... and you'll always end up with Maggie's Drawers when conversing with Conservatives.

Quit acting like you've got a secret no one else can figure out. You're a fucking clueless hack. Yes, we've heard about "deep state" civil servants for years thanks to mouthbreathers like you lapping up the idiocy from Hannity and Alex Jones and the rest of the carnival barkers who get rich off of your astonishing ignorance. It doesn't make it any more true. The assemblance of civil servants in the U.S. PALES compared to the civil servant armies in the UK and France and other European nations. Trump came to the presidency and got to essentially assign 40k of his own people to posts throughout government. The only people who tried to oust him WERE PEOPLE WHO WORKED FOR HIM, numnuts.

EVERYONE he hires comes to hate him, because turmp is a malignant narcissist whose mental illness is so profound he can't even manage self-preservation properly enough to stop insulting those who are trying to help him.

And you watch all this and think somehow trump is succeeding despite efforts to take him down? LMAOOOO!!!! He's his own worst enemy! He could've put ALL of his ideals into law (to the extent he has any) and succeeded mightily (with the fealty of the Senate at his feet), but instead he's made it damned near impossible for even Republican senators and "deep state" members to side with him. You're fucking clueless. How the fuck do you tie your shoes? Holy shit!
Honesly, I'm asking because I wanted to see if you would fess up to your posts a year ago.

You know, or should know, that happened already ... laws were broken ... US citizens were illegally spied upon ... US courts were lied to for the purpose of getting illegal FISA warrants.

Exactly how many laws must they break before you to start paying attention ... what are you waiting for?

No coordination ...

How did you miss the DOJ, CIA, and the FBM coordinating to start Crossfire Hurricane and submit false information to the FISA courts.

You're slipping very quickly here.

Yeah, now "identifying probable cause that a crime was committed" is "coordinating" in your eyes.

but they do hate him for even giving rhetorical support to anti-globalist sentiment. don't let the perfect be the enemy of the better.

he has had the balls to even negotiate with china. nobody is really for full autarky. can we just not outsource the whole economy? can we just not become overly dependant on hostile nations.

Trump makes Nationalists appear clownish, obnoxious, crass & crude.
I’m a Goddess

No doubt here since I've seen your papers. It's not breaking PM protocol since it's common knowledge. :)

Two anti-Americans advocating the United States withdraw from the international trade community and go back to isolationism.

Is Asshat Eastern Euro trash too? I know he likes Romans....maybe it wasn't the politics but the sex that attracted him. LOL

Almost all the Scottish Americans I know are Alcoholics, even a lot worse than Irish Americans, or Polish Americans.
Yeah, now "identifying probable cause that a crime was committed" is "coordinating" in your eyes.


There was never probable cause that Trump or anyone in his admin was colluding with Russia.

Nothing ... they didn't find a shred of evidence before they started spying ... and they found nothing after 2.5 years of searching for a crime to prosecute.

You leftys didn't care what laws were broken by the alphabet agencies when they illegally spied on the Trump campaign.

And you care even less now that their illegal actions have been exposed by the IG report ... in fact you're still cheering them on.
The worst are Scottish trash.
Like Trump & the Southern USA.

They tend to be more drunken, violent, war crazed, crass, crude, greedy & thrifty than the rest of Western Europe.

Similar to Russians, who are more drunken, violent, war crazed, crass, crude, greedy than the rest of Eastern Europe.

But, at least Russians are more Collectivist, and Scottish more Individualist.

Russians are kind of better politically, than those thrifty Scottish Individualists.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yada, yada, yada. Everyone knows you're jealous of Americans and are constantly trying to prove your little former Soviet Union satellite is worth something.

Go ask AssHatZombie for another handy....he'll want one too, but that how you guys operate, isn't it?
So, legit civilized Nationalists talk about shooting someone on 5th Ave, or talk about Puzzy grabbing, or how China showed strength at Tiananmen square massacre?

you're a fraud.

you would rather see your anti globalists sentiments go unrepresented than have trump represent them?

you're lying. you're fine with globalist zealotry.
There was never probable cause that Trump or anyone in his admin was colluding with Russia.

Nothing ... they didn't find a shred of evidence before they started spying ... and they found nothing after 2.5 years of searching for a crime to prosecute.

You leftys didn't care what laws were broken by the alphabet agencies when they illegally spied on the Trump campaign.

And you care even less now that their illegal actions have been exposed by the IG report ... in fact you're still cheering them on.

Donald trump told Russia to hack emails on national TV you fucking moron.