The Deep State Conspiracy Theory

Bigotry isn't a good look for you. Or for anyone else for that matter. Do you think that the nasty stereotyped shit ppl say about Catholics is a good thing? Then don't say the same bullshit about other groups of ppl.

DutchUncle starts it by calling us East Euro trash.

But, I'm wrong to fight back?

I've noticed since I was a kid, Western Europeans are dumb like this.

They often don't react to those who start it, but only to those who finish it.
I think you're a fraud, by being against the only politician to push back on china in fifty years.

LMFAO, so the most corrupt USA President in modern history, is good because he's 1% better on China, and 1% better on Illegals.
(If that's even true)
But, he's a 1,000% worse on Healthcare, and 1,000% worse on the Environment.
So ... you supported, or still support, the illegal actions of the DOJ, FBM, and CIA ... even after the IG report revealed they knew there was never any collusion.

Also ... anyone who points out the illegal actions taken by people in our govt to oust a sitting President, and the leftys who support them, is "a fucking clueless hack".

First time I've posted with you ... not a good start Jerome.

btw, I would like to know what you think about something else ...

We do know there was a candidate, and a political party, that in 2016 paid for a guy with contacts in Russia to dig up dirt on their political opponent.

None of what the guy submitted was true ... however it was used in the US to start a criminal investigation ... even though the people running the investigation knew it wasn't true.

Thoughts ...

im a big ron mars fan!
Bigotry isn't a good look for you. Or for anyone else for that matter. Do you think that the nasty stereotyped shit ppl say about Catholics is a good thing? Then don't say the same bullshit about other groups of ppl.

It's the only way for him to look better than someone else. My dad once taught me "Son, there's two ways to get ahead in the world; be so good you rise above everyone else or hammer down anyone who might rise above you. Be the good one."

Looks like Pilecki is such a fuck up all he can do is hammer those around him.
It's the only way for him to look better than someone else. My dad once taught me "Son, there's two ways to get ahead in the world; be so good you rise above everyone else or hammer down anyone who might rise above you. Be the good one."

Looks like Pilecki is such a fuck up all he can do is hammer those around him.

Yet, you see nothing wrong with bashing Eastern Euros for me.

Claiming to be against prejudices.

But, I don't see you bashing Blacks over the same kind of prejudices from TTQ64, or Jews over Guno for his same kind of prejudices.

You're just a dumb, hypocrite, just admit it?
LMFAO, most of the best Americans are from the former Soviet bloc, doesn't matter if they're Eastern European Jews, Eastern European Catholics, Eastern European Orthodox Christians, or Eastern European Protestants.

Many of your best Scientists & Inventors are such.

Just to name a few.

- Serb Nikola Tesla the best American inventor, invented Remote controls, Alternate Current, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, the patents used to create Radio.

- Pole Abraham Michelson the first American to win a Nobel Prize in Science, pioneered much of Einstein's Theory of Relativity.

- Edward Teller a Hungarian Jew, and Stanislaw Ulam a Polish Jew came up with Thermodynamic weapons, AKA Nukes.

- Pole Nikodem Poplawski refered to as Next Einstein, came up with the Theory that every Black Hole contains a Universe.

- Pole Marian Smoluchowski co discovered Brownian Motion with Einstein, and described Critical opalescence

- Polish - Russian- Ukrainian Igor Sikorsky founded the USA Helicopter industry.

- Polish American Frank Piasecki invented the #2 Helicopters in the USA, and invented dual or tandem roter Helicopters.

- Polish American Steven Wozniak co founded & was the engineer who invented Apple Computers, he also invented the Universal Remote.

- German - Polish Wernher Von Braun put the man on the Moon using the Kandryuk loop by a Ukrainian rocket scientist, and much work from the founder of modern Rocketry Polish - Russian Konstantin Ciolkowski.
Melania says #BeBest
DutchUncle starts it by calling us East Euro trash....

That's a false statement. I responded to your repeated bigotry and racists bullshit by calling you "Eastern Euro trash". It doesn't make it right, but it was a reaction, not your "starts it by calling" lie.

Soooo, how can you tell an Eastern European is lying? His lips are moving!

How did the Eastern European terrorist burn his lips? He was trying to blow up a bus.

How do you sink the Eastern European navy? Put it in water.
The only media that tells lies about Trump is Fox News.

This is what I mean by paying attention to current events ... the msm has been caught in so many lies about the President it's a wonder they are still in business ... they're still lying.

If you're going to pretend that isn't happening then ok.
for even talking about anti-globalist things. I told you this already.

But the talk was just talk. Lots of presidents lie about helping the country, then do things that help the (((Globalists))).
Obama also made promises that would have been bad for the Globalists, but didn't follow through.
That's a false statement. I responded to your repeated bigotry and racists bullshit by calling you "Eastern Euro trash". It doesn't make it right, but it was a reaction, not your "starts it by calling" lie.

Soooo, how can you tell an Eastern European is lying? His lips are moving!

How did the Eastern European terrorist burn his lips? He was trying to blow up a bus.

How do you sink the Eastern European navy? Put it in water.

You started bashing Eastern Euro trash with bigotry, when I was NOT bashing anybody on this thread, except Trump.

You started bashing Eastern Euro trash with bigotry, on another thread, where I merely pointed out Poland lives longer, but spends 1/7th that of the USA on healthcare spending.

You are a complete hypocritical vermin, and a brain-dead slime.
This is what I mean by paying attention to current events ... the msm has been caught in so many lies about the President it's a wonder they are still in business ... they're still lying.

If you're going to pretend that isn't happening then ok.
Do you care to give me examples of these many lies, thanks
Correct. Anyone who says "The Swamp" is the Deep State is either lying or stupid. "The Swamp" is the morass of corruption and cronyism in Washington, DC plus the self-serving legislation from Congress to help their friends. The Tax Code is part of the swamp. It is mostly special rules for special people that the majority of Middle Class Americans cannot utilize.

Trump added to the Swamp with his actions like using his hotels for government business and his consistent refusal to abide by the Constitution’s foreign and domestic emoluments clauses.
This is Trump's latest scheme to profit off of his time in public office. In less than three years, Trump’s failure to divest from his businesses and his actions as president have resulted in more than 2,300 conflicts of interest between his administration and his personal financial interests, according to a report released this month by my organization, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

Those conflicts are not merely a breach of Trump’s campaign promise to “drain the swamp” — they also constitute abuses of the powers of his high office that should be the subject of an impeachment inquiry.

Yeah, that's a fair way of characterizing the Swamp. And Trump has been even more corrupt than the criminals already running the country.
Honesly, I'm asking because I want to see if you still think your position is one an independent would take when they see corruption and illegal actions in their govt.

You know, or should know, that happened already ... laws were broken ... US citizens were illegally spied upon ... US courts were lied to for the purpose of getting illegal FISA warrants.

Exactly how many laws must they break before you to start paying attention ... what are you waiting for?

No coordination ...

How did you miss the DOJ, CIA, and the FBM coordinating to start Crossfire Hurricane and submit false information to the FISA courts.

You're slipping very quickly here.

Obviously corruption on government bothers me. The difference between you and me is that you believe Trump is the savior of the Swamp and I think all of those idiots in Washington are part of the swamp. You seem to only dislike Democrat swamp critters while I dislike them all.

Sorry, but I'm not a conspiracy theorist nutjob aficionado.