The Deep State Conspiracy Theory

There is no evidence they were spying on Trump. You're saying they COULD have been spying on Trump. Sure, that's possible. It's also possible they weren't.

I honestly don't believe you believe this. Between the notes from the transcript, the fact that Trump refuses to release the full transcript, the fact that Trump tried to hide the recording of the phone call, the testimonies from the witnesses, and the testimonies from cronies like Lev Parnas and Rudy Giuliani, and even a flat-confession from Mick Mulvaney, there is an enormous mountain of evidence that Trump attempted bribery in order to hurt Joe Biden in the primary.

But they weren't powerful enough to actually remove Trump? So what was the point of this?

So basically, anyone who is in a position of power who doesn't support Trump?
That brings me back to my first question, why do they hate Trump if he's making them richer?

And how come so many Republicans hated Trump when he was running for president but now they like him? Were they part of the Deep State back then?

being allowed to profit from helping china ascend by destroying america would make them even richer. that's why they hate trump. they want the more evil of two evils.
Are you sure it wasn't the Lizard People? Prove which it was.

Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman Deep State (n): It's whatever the Reichwingers say it is!

Unfortunately true. At the moment it seems the "Deep State" is a government worker who doesn't want to suck off Trump....which is most of them.

What happened to the middle of the road, independent, critical thinking, and well informed poster?

What would you rather call them DU ... you know ... the people within our govt agencies, at the highest levels, who illegally spied on the President and abused their position to prosecute him for something they knew he didn't do.

What would you like to call Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Comey, L Page & Stroky, Rosenstien, Ohr, Mueller, Weissmann, and many others within the alphabet agencies that helped them.

What should we call them .. the 0bama holdovers ... pissed off leftys ... people who reject elections ... the resistance ... what would you prefer?

Any independent American, who follows current events, knows of the illegal actions taken by people within our govt to oust a sitting President.

Any American citizen who isn't demanding those responsible face justice isn't aware of what happened or they wholeheartedly supported it.

I'll be kind right now and assume you're behind door #1.
Ever since I came to this forum, I've seen the conspiracy theory that the "Deep State" hates Trump and wants him out of power. However, nobody has ever been able to answer the following questions.

1) Why does the Deep State hate Trump? If the Deep State is made up of the super rich elites, and Trump made the super rich even richer, why would they dislike him or want him removed?

2) If they want him removed, why not just removed him? They allowed him to win the election and then allowed him to remain in power after he was impeached. Rigging an election or voting him out during impeachment would have been incredibly easy for a super elite secret society, so what gives?

Deep state is just another word for bureaucracy. One of Trump's campaign platforms was to drain the swamp. The bureaucracy is the swamp. They like their cushy over paid do nothing jobs so yeah they would hate Trump. They might have to get a real job.
Deep state is just another word for bureaucracy. One of Trump's campaign platforms was to drain the swamp. The bureaucracy is the swamp. They like their cushy over paid do nothing jobs so yeah they would hate Trump. They might have to get a real job.

Funny, I've always thought of Trump more, or less as the "Swamp".
Deep state is just another word for bureaucracy. One of Trump's campaign platforms was to drain the swamp. The bureaucracy is the swamp. They like their cushy over paid do nothing jobs so yeah they would hate Trump. They might have to get a real job.

But Trump never actually drained the swamp. Instead, he made these bureaucrats even richer.
So why would the Deep State still dislike Trump now?
But Trump never actually drained the swamp. Instead, he made these bureaucrats even richer.
So why would the Deep State still dislike Trump now?

He did do a lot of deregulation that's draining the swamp because getting rid of bureaucracy or shallowing up the deep state.
being allowed to profit from helping china ascend by destroying america would make them even richer. that's why they hate trump. they want the more evil of two evils.

So does that mean they hated Obama too? Obama and Trump both didn't let them do this, but Trump still made them richer. So they probably hated Obama even more, yes?

And why do they want to destroy America? If they're getting rich off of America, why would they want to cut off the source of their wealth?
It's a super secret society of anyone that has it in for Trump. It consists of the liberal media which is all of them but Fox. All Democrats. Anyone who ever voted for a (D). Everyone in government jobs BT (Before Trump), no matter what administrations they've worked for. It includes all courts, judges, and the FBI, CIA, Homeland Security, etc. except those employees appointed by our glorious leader. It's even the Post Office.

You're welcome.
Drudge is even deep state now, that’s how wackadoodle some Trumpers are.
They admitted they were spying on Carter Page, not Trump or his campaign.

Oh, and by the way, this is what Trump's communication director said about Carter Page: "Mr. Page is not an adviser and has made no contribution to the campaign. He has never been a part of our campaign. Period.”

So not only was Trump not spied on, but the guy who was spied on barely had any role in the campaign anyway.
Covfefe boy
What happened to the middle of the road, independent, critical thinking, and well informed poster?

What would you rather call them DU ... you know ... the people within our govt agencies, at the highest levels, who illegally spied on the President and abused their position to prosecute him for something they knew he didn't do.

What would you like to call Brennan, Clapper, McCabe, Comey, L Page & Stroky, Rosenstien, Ohr, Mueller, Weissmann, and many others within the alphabet agencies that helped them.

What should we call them .. the 0bama holdovers ... pissed off leftys ... people who reject elections ... the resistance ... what would you prefer?

Any independent American, who follows current events, knows of the illegal actions taken by people within our govt to oust a sitting President.

Any American citizen who isn't demanding those responsible face justice isn't aware of what happened or they wholeheartedly supported it.

I'll be kind right now and assume you're behind door #1.

We are still here, just enjoying life without taking life, and especially anonymous political forums, too seriously. Why do you ask?

If anyone did anything illegal, regardless of party, they should be prosecuted. It's this "selective prosecution" that is disturbing to me.

Idiots who use the label "Deep State" are make the same mistake as the idiots who say "the Government". Saying "the Government" is anthropomorphizing a group of millions of people into a single mind, a single idea, a single plan. That's completely naive since reality doesn't work that way. There is not secret organization of people moving in unison. It's a stew - the results of the organization are the sum of all of those influencing it. There is no coordination.

You need to work on your guesses since you are letting your emotion dictate how you think instead of using your head.
So does that mean they hated Obama too? Obama and Trump both didn't let them do this, but Trump still made them richer. So they probably hated Obama even more, yes?

And why do they want to destroy America? If they're getting rich off of America, why would they want to cut off the source of their wealth?

no. obama loved china.
We are still here, just enjoying life without taking life, and especially anonymous political forums, too seriously. Why do you ask?

If anyone did anything illegal, regardless of party, they should be prosecuted. It's this "selective prosecution" that is disturbing to me.

Idiots who use the label "Deep State" are make the same mistake as the idiots who say "the Government". Saying "the Government" is anthropomorphizing a group of millions of people into a single mind, a single idea, a single plan. That's completely naive since reality doesn't work that way. There is not secret organization of people moving in unison. It's a stew - the results of the organization are the sum of all of those influencing it. There is no coordination.

You need to work on your guesses since you are letting your emotion dictate how you think instead of using your head.

you're a pompous asshole.
Jacksonsprat22 and Ms. Owl,

If you two don't follow current events then that's fine ... a strange position given you're on a forum board where we talk about current events.

These little attempts at dodging an embarrassing situation, or playing stupid, isn't working.

My students can come up with better excuses than you two have come up with.
You’re a teacher, yikes
Doesn't surprise me you deranged types think all sorts of wacky crap.

Yeah, Trump is great, right?

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Federal appeals judges heard arguments in Daniels’ effort to revive a lawsuit she filed over a hard-hitting Trump tweet.

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Trump’s Syria strike clearly broke international law — and no one seems to care


Attorney says more undocumented workers are employed at Trump golf course

Donald Trump’s Use of Foreign Steel Undercuts a Major Campaign Theme
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An Astonishing Rate of Corruption': Trump Has Amassed 3,000 Conflicts of Interest Since

Trump's latest crime spree: With pandemic as cover, he's going for epic corruption
Trump knows he's in trouble, and wants to fire everybody who might stop him looting the place before November

Donald Trump ‘Fifth Avenue’ Comment
Donald Trump controversially observed that he could shoot an individual on a widely trafficked New York City street and not "lose one voter."

Donald Trump claimed he could "stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody" and not "lose any voters."


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On 23 January 2016, presidential candidate Donald Trump caused controversy when he stated the following during a campaign rally in Iowa:

I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters.

The comment was part of a larger point Trump was making about the loyalty of his voting base:

Although the excerpted remark was widely reproduced in an accurate fashion, the broader context of Trump’s comments was generally absent in news and social media reports. On 23 January 2016, Mother Jones published an article that consisted of a looping Vine clip of the singular remark, along with the following text:

“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and wouldn’t lose any voters, ok? It’s, like, incredible.” — Donald Trump, who is currently the frontrunner for the Republican nomination for president, insulting the intelligence of his own supporters.

A longer version of the clip was available by clicking the provided link, but the Vine version elided the larger context of Trump’s comments. Gawker filed a post on the issue that reported:

Nothing can stop Donald Trump, according to Donald Trump — not even cold-blooded murder.

In an effort to demonstrate how dedicated his supporters are, Trump said at a rally at Dordt College in Iowa on Friday that even if he were to shoot someone, his voters would still support him[.]

Other outlets and users shared the same excerpt, primarily without any additional context:

Donald J. Trump has made no secret of his confidence in his latest speech. He said he could ‘shoot somebody’ and still not lose voters. STORY: #7News

Posted by 7 News Australia on Saturday, January 23, 2016


Confident Trump says could 'shoot somebody' and not lose voters

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11:06 PM - Jan 23, 2016
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Donald Trump’s ‘I could shoot somebody without losing votes’ comments on video: — Ali A. Akbar (@ali) January 23, 2016

It’s true that Trump made the “shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue” remark widely attributed to him across standard and social media sites. However, the (somewhat clumsy and crass) comment also generally appeared absent of its broader context, which pertained to the loyalty of his followers, and not an actual desire, intent, or interest in shooting any individuals for the sole reason that he believed it would have no effect on his popularity.

Trump said China showed 'the power of strength' when talking about the Tiananmen Square massacre in a 1990 Playboy interview

Article / April 10, 2019

How the Congolese Presidential family used tainted money to buy a Trump apartment in New York City

Français Tweet Share Corruption & Money Laundering Congo-Brazzaville DONATE
The daughter of the kleptocratic ruler of Republic of Congo used millions of dollars of apparently stolen state funds to buy a luxury apartment at the Trump International Hotel & Tower in New York City, Global Witness’ new investigation reveals. Despite the risks associated with the transaction, the Trump Organization brokered and profited from the apartment deal.

Report / Dec. 17, 2018

Donald Trump is pursuing what appears to be a new business deal in the Dominican Republic despite pledging no new foreign deals – a deal which may be in violation of the U.S. Constitution

Tweet Share Corruption & Money Laundering DONATE
Almost two years after Donald Trump pledged to the American people that he would make no new foreign deals while president, our undercover investigation into the Trump family’s activities in the Dominican Republic reveals that the Trumps may be pursuing a new real estate deal in the country.

Scroll down to read the investigatio

Is Trump Ocean Club in Panama a magnet for dirty money?
NBC News foreign correspondent Richard Engel has been looking into President Trump’s business interests overseas – particularly a building in Panama that insiders and a prosecutor say attracted dirty money. Engel reports for TODAY from Panama City.
Nov. 17, 2017

Eryn Schornick Tweet Share DONATE
Who’s one of the top clients at Trump’s resorts? The President himself. And, it’s costing US taxpayers millions of dollars.

Since late 2015, Republican entities, the Trump campaign, and various government agencies have spent at least $16.1 million at Trump-managed and branded hotels, golf courses, and restaurants, according to ProPublica.

Trump has spent nearly a third of his time in office at a property owned, managed or branded by the Trump Organization – even directing missile strikes from and meeting heads of state at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach, Florida.

log / Dec. 9, 2018

Julie Anne Miranda-Brobeck Delpha Carpenter Tweet Share DONATE
As US President and businessman, Donald Trump is benefiting in a way unlike any other president before him. But this isn’t just a financial matter. It has major implications for US foreign policy. There’s a risk of Trump letting his business interests guide his policy-making – no longer working on behalf of the American people, but in the interest of his sprawling business empire.

It’s become more and more clear that President Trump has a major conflict of interest. And it’s undermining democracy and security in the US and abroad.
Trump International Hotel And Tower Toronto - Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Opening of Trump International Hotel and Tower in Toronto. Photo: George Pimentel

On Jan. 20, 2017, at a press conference ahead of his inauguration, Trump promised to separate himself from his businesses and claimed that he would pursue no new foreign deals during the duration of his presidency. At the same briefing, his lawyer Sheri Dillon even stated that “any new deal could — and I emphasize could — be perceived as causing a conflict or as exploiting the office of the presidency.”

Nearly two years in, Trump still has not fully divested from his sprawling business empire and continues to have ongoing business deals at home and abroad.

So why is this a big deal? For the answer, one does not have to look further than his praise for and problematic policies towards autocratic regimes – take, for example, Russia and Saudi Arabia.

Trump has consistently turned a blind eye to Russian President Putin’s policies and actions that clearly contradict American democracy and interests – including contradicting US intelligence officials’ assessment that Russia interfered in the US 2016 election.

Many speculate that he does this because Putin has compromising information on him. Others suspect that Trump is hoping for post-presidency business deals in Russia. Recent revelations show Trump pursued the Trump Tower Moscow deal during his presidential campaign – much later than he admitted to. He also may have considered offering Putin a $50 million penthouse, underscoring the potential role of business interests in the Trump-Putin connection.

New details about taxpayer costs at Trump properties show the shamelessness of his “corruption” talk
Records indicate the Secret Service has spent nearly $500,000 at Trump properties — and that’s likely the tip of the iceberg.

By Aaron Rupar@atrupar Feb 7, 2020, 11:50am EST

Mark Normington Tweet Share Corruption & Money Laundering DONATE
What do you get the man who has everything (including a gold lift)?

With the holiday season approaching, it’s a question that will no doubt be crossing many minds among the rich and the powerful. When it comes to the president of the United States, however, we found the perfect answer.

This week, we delivered an early Christmas present to President Trump by publicly drawing attention to the conflicts of interest that continue to plague his presidency.

Like many of the best presents, ours came in several smaller packages.

The first arrived early Sunday morning –December 9th (aka International Anti-Corruption Day) – when we put out a radio ad about a top concern of the American people: government corruption. It went out on WAMU, the number one public radio station in Washington D.C. – right in time for the President’s Fox & Friends commercial break.

Blog / Jan. 19, 2018

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If the past year has shown us anything, it’s that there’s been a blurring of the lines between the Trump Organization’s business interests, political decisions made by the administration and Congress, and how tax payer money is spent. That, and Trump continues to profit from his businesses, despite promises to divest.

Trump’s fondness for nepotism echoes the actions of countless corrupt leaders across the world. In an attempt to remove any conflict of interest, Trump handed his businesses over to his children. This fails to address the conflict of interest problem and simply leaves us in the dark about his political motivation. Are decisions made in the interest of the American people, or to benefit himself and his family?

From Angola to Equatorial Guinea and Cambodia, countries where Global Witness has exposed corruption, notoriously corrupt and kleptocratic leaders and their families have profited greatly at the expense of the public good. How were they able to do this? Through consolidating power by putting relatives in high-level positions, censoring and threatening the press, promoting secrecy, and blocking or opposing transparency laws.

Sounds alarmingly like the US under Donald Trump…

Donald Trump’s fondness for nepotism echoes the actions of countless corrupt leaders across the world. Credit: Gage Skidmore

The Trump International Hotel in Washington, D.C. opened its doors shortly before the 2016 election, and is now a favorite go-to place of foreign governments and industry groups, like the American Petroleum Institute, looking to cozy up to Trump and his administration.

From September 2016 through April 2017, Trump made $19.7 million from the hotel. Officials, diplomats and lobbyists linked to Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait and Azerbaijan – all countries perceived to be highly corrupt according to Transparency International’s corruption perceptions index – have chosen to host lavish events at the hotel. Bahrain and Kuwait even shifted events previously booked at other venues to the hotel, according to TIME.

Maryland, Washington D.C., and nearly 200 Democratic Congress members have sued Trump, alleging this violates the US constitution’s foreign emoluments clause, stating that a president may not accept gifts or benefits from foreign governments.

Lawsuits from public interest groups have revealed that several US agencies – such as the National Security Council and Department of Homeland Security – have been spending taxpayer money putting up staff at Trump hotels and resorts since he took office.

A recent investigation by Global Witness, Narco-a-Lago: Money Laundering at the Trump Ocean Club, Panama reveals that Donald Trump made millions from selling his name to a Panama development used to launder money from Latin American drug cartels. Trump’s Presidential disclosures show he was still making money from a management contract for the Trump Ocean Club when he took office in 2017.

Nepotism, or when someone uses their position of power to provide a job or favor to a family member or friend, is a tried and trusted method to hold onto and consolidate power, while also allowing family members to profit from public office.

By Linnaea Honl-Stuenkel
November 27, 2019
President Trump hit an important milestone as he returned to Florida over the Thanksgiving holiday: 100 visits to Mar-a-Lago. In 1,040 days as president, he has prioritized visiting his properties over the course of his presidency, making time for nearly 400 visits to the businesses that he still owns and profits from. Of all of his properties, it appears that Mar-a-Lago is his favorite to funnel untold sums of taxpayer money to, even rebranding Mar-a-Lago the “Winter White House.”
He did do a lot of deregulation that's draining the swamp because getting rid of bureaucracy or shallowing up the deep state.

But the bureaucrats still have their jobs and are making more money. In fact, they're making more money for less work. So shouldn't they love Trump?