Ever hear of
Real ID?
https://www.ncdot.gov/dmv/license-id/nc-real-id/Pages/:~:text=Identity & Date of Birth,...
It already is a requirement unless you turn this down for one that doesn't allow for things like air travel, etc.
The courts have already signed on and it's current law.
E-verify is not mandatory. Employers don't have to use it. Employers also don't have to report persons who come back as unemployable on that system.
I guess you don't follow this too closely. The courts have said Trump / the feds can't force cities and states to report illegals, etc. What I proposed is the feds cut off funding to such locations when they choose to do that.
That the courts have upheld, and the glaring example is the Carter era 55 mph national speed limit. So, while a state or city can not cooperate with federal law enforcement, the feds could withhold all sorts of funding from such a location because they chose to do that. That is what I suggested.
Businesses do get raided, just not very often. All I suggested is that happen more frequently, and preferably in states and cities that are "sanctuaries." The feds would still have to follow the law for such raids getting warrants and the like. But, hitting businesses more frequently would definitely discourage hiring illegals.
That's just an ad hominem. And, no everyone doesn't disagree with my position. About 2 in 3 would disagree. That's hardly "everyone." And, my position isn't "stupid" it's an alternative one.