The Depravity of Mankind

I personally would like to see a ban on animal fur coats in the southern 48 states plus HI.

There is no need for them now with Thinsulate and such synthetic garment insulation materials.

I don't know if you can ban them. You can stigmatize them, much the way cigarette smoking has been stimatized. Really, in some circles, this is already the case.
Of course the manufacture and purchase of them can be banned.
It just requires a law. Whaling is banned, Ivory Tusks, etc...
I don't know if you can ban them. You can stigmatize them, much the way cigarette smoking has been stimatized. Really, in some circles, this is already the case.
You can ban them. Just as they did with Elephant Tusk ivory.

Well, my example was already used... Crap.
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Of course the manufacture and purchase of them can be banned.
It just requires a law. Whaling is banned, Ivory Tusks, etc...

No, I didn't mean "can't" as in it would be impossible to do so. You "can" ban anything, even Libertarians, which...

Well anyway, what i meant was, I don't think that's going to happen, there's no will for it, and it would create a big backlash. Pragmatically speaking, you can effect change easier, by stigmatizing the behavior.

I'm not against a ban. I'd support one. But I don't see one coming down the pike anytime soon.
I agree Darla, and I would rather that congress concentrated on more urgent issues anyway, like the killing of Humans in Iraq.
I like to publically chastise people for wearing fur.

However in some climates wearing fur is warranted because artificial fur is not as sufficiently warm.

However those wearing those kind of furs are usually the indigenous people of that area who have been doing that for millenia not some bourgeois socialite.
I like to publically chastise people for wearing fur.

However in some climates wearing fur is warranted because artificial fur is not as sufficiently warm.

However those wearing those kind of furs are usually the indigenous people of that area who have been doing that for millenia not some bourgeois socialite.
That and they do not unnecessarily torture the animal by removing the skins before their death, and they use other parts of the animal thus minimizing the sacrifice to the god of modern culture.
Brent, you're a decent enough fellow. You must stop finding shame in yourself, and simply learn that you are human. We all are. Jesus was a human being. We're all put on this planet in different capacities, but to fear some angry, intolerant, jealous dictator in the sky is to lose your soul.

Chew on it.

Jesus Christ was the perfect man. Holy God, Wholly Man.

I appreciate your advice but I cannot agree.
I personally would like to see a ban on animal fur coats in the southern 48 states plus HI.

There is no need for them now with Thinsulate and such synthetic garment insulation materials.

You're funny. Once you realize your position isn't liberal enough, you go overboard and demand the banning of fur. Anyway, I am OK with skinning animals so long as they're dead. But to skin animals alive is evil to the core. I'd call it Satanic, and anyone who could commit this wickedness is on their way to the flames of Hell. You ought to see the sheer enjoyment on these bastards' faces. If I were standing nearby, I'd put a bullet in their head with a clean conscience. People who torture animals could easily murder human beings. I know you don't agree with the death penalty, but I believe it is sometimes justified.

Either way, eating/skinning animals is not the ideal. God permitted it for our survival. On the restored Earth, mentioned in Revelation 21, Isaiah 65, etc., animals and humans alike will be vegan, just as Adam and Eve were vegan.

Isaiah 65:25 The wolf and the lamb shall feed together, and the lion shall eat straw like the bullock: and dust shall be the serpent's meat. They shall not hurt nor destroy in all my holy mountain, saith the LORD.

Isn't that a beautiful vision?
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Have you ever killed, skinned, butchered and eaten anything Brent ?

Look into the eyes of Hunters / Sportsmen and you will see the joy of killing.
I have killed , butchered, and eaten farm animals and a few wild animals. But I found I had no joy in the killing so I quickly lost interest. I will still kill to eat though, but find no sport in it.
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In order to nourish our bodies unfortunately we must take life. Perhaps if were autotrophs our morals and ethics would be far different.
Following a news report on the subject, I found a video clip and pictures revealing the horrors of the Chinese fur trade. Animals are skinned alive for their fur. (Apparently, the fur is best when it is taken off a live animal). This level of barbarism is of the Devil himself. Just when you think nothing can shock you, you are presented with such treachery.

As a pet owner, it was deeply troubling to watch the video. I will freely admit it brought me to tears.

How could anyone be so evil?

It actually led me to acknowledge my own wickedness more fully than ever before. While I have never done anything so barbarous, Christ died for that sin just the same as my sins. We are evil people who are at the mercy of God.

It seems odd. It would make me throw-up to skin the skin off of a live animal (therefore, worker morale would be low, and therefore production), and I can't honestly see why it would make the fur higher quality. Are you sure it wasn't a hoax?
It seems odd. It would make me throw-up to skin the skin off of a live animal (therefore, worker morale would be low, and therefore production), and I can't honestly see why it would make the fur higher quality. Are you sure it wasn't a hoax?

Fur quality doesn't rely on whether the animal was alive when it was skinned. bdw is subscribing to urban legend.

That being said, I don't wear animal carcasses to keep warm.
I have to agree on the urban legend thing of the animals being skinned alive for fur quality. I wonder how much someone paid the guy to skin one alive for the video. And as before I still think that in all states except Alaska fur coats should be banned.
The money the film crew was paying the guy was what caused the look on his face.

Getting a year or so's wages for one thing......
The skinning guy was a Republican fer sure :D
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