The difference between Communism and Fascism

Britain declared war on Germany along with France after Germany invaded Poland.
Because Germany attacked them.
Italy was their nominal ally, and involvement in N. Africa to prop up the Italians was recriprocated on by Italy, reluctantly, sending an Army (their 8th) to Russia.
Italy was also fascism. Neither Germany nor Italy existed in North Africa. Neither Germany nor Italy ever had territory in Russia.
They were going there, to defeat the Soviet Union, not to take the whole of Russia.
It was to take the whole of Russia.
Germany initially only occupied part of France.
Never did.
The other, roughly half, was allowed to remain as the Vichy government. The occupation of France wasn't planned as part of some eventual annexation, but rather necessary because of Britain and Free French forces continuing the war.
After they were attacked.
No, there were never any plans to actually invade the US.
Yes there were.
Germany declared war on the US mainly because of the US's involvement in the U-boat campaign that Admiral Raeder had expanded into the mid-Atlantic, something tepidly opposed by Hitler but never acted against.
No. It wasn't about the U-boats.
Germany invaded Greece and the Balkans only because the British got involved in the Greek-Italian war.
No. Italy and Germany invaded Greece. The British were there fighting them.
The threat to Germany was this would expand and Romania--virtually next door--would end up in the war with Germany. British presence in Greece and on Crete threatened German oil imports from Ploesti in Romania. Thus, Germany invaded and took the Balkans. That stalled their original plan to invade Russia by several months.
Russia was never a part of Germany.
It is relevant. It points to motivation.
It is irrelevant. Motivation is not a factor.
Germany didn't "invade" Italy at all during the war.
Yes it did.
In fact, until N. Africa fell, the Germans had stationed no ground troops in Italy whatsoever, only Luftwaffe units usually on a temporary basis for the most part.
No. Germany invaded Italy.
No, it was a defense pact.
The Tripartite pact was not a defense pact. It is a pact to divvy up the world to fascism between Germany, Italy, and Japan.
Germany and Italy were under no obligation to help Japan if Japan started a war.
Japan was never part of Russia, China, or the United States.
The same goes the other way around. That's one reason the Japanese didn't bother to attack the Soviet Union.
They did. They also attacked China, Indonesia, and the United States.
They had no obligation to and really didn't want to in any case.

Special pleading fallacies. Pivot fallacies. Denial of history.

While communism is a system based around a theory of economic equality and advocates for a classless society, fascism is a nationalistic, top-down system with rigid class roles that is ruled by an all-powerful dictator. Both communism and fascism originated in Europe and gained popularity in the early to mid 20th century.

Let's start with this one:


I will post more later.

Uh Communism is also a nationalistic, top-down system with rigid class roles that is ruled by an all-powerful dictator.

That’s why they are both called authoritarian, totalitarian and despotic regimes.

They might have significant differences from an economic stand point but from a political standpoint there isn’t a dimes bit of difference between them.

They also share another thing in common. Both suck.
Uh Communism is also a nationalistic, top-down system with rigid class roles that is ruled by an all-powerful dictator.

That’s why they are both called authoritarian, totalitarian and despotic regimes.

They might have significant differences from an economic stand point but from a political standpoint there isn’t a dimes bit of difference between them.

They also share another thing in common. Both suck.

The problem is that it wasn't Karl Marx's Communism.
The problem is that it wasn't Karl Marx's Communism.

eology has infiltrated our schools, universities and public service. Disregarding the disastrous outcomes of a failed ideology, the radical left continues to believe in a man whom they believe laid the foundations of communism and provided a pathway for the future of humanity.

That man is Karl Marx.

Today we are faced with a new interpretation and application of Marxism. Presented to us in the form of the NWO, the Great Reset, the World Economic Forum, Inclusive Capitalism and “wokeism”. This time, they assure us, will be a different type of communist utopia. However, as we see the ominous storm clouds of their totalitarian nightmare moving toward us, we know that this time is no different. Marxists and their derivatives are simply stupid, insane, or very sick.

Rather than engage in the debate that currently rattles the west, the origins of Marxism sheds far more light on the true intent of the disaster that is communism. Far from a “People’s Revolution”, communism was a tool created, financed and implemented by the wealthy and powerful to destabilize ‘nation states’ and exploit their resources for enormous profits.

Communism, like its sworn enemy, fascism, are subsets of a much larger organization. That organization or ideology, is Prussia. Both ideologies are fingers attached to the same Prussian hand and deployed as psychological weapons upon their enemies. Using infiltration instead of invasion, Prussia was able to destabilize nations from within and restructure them for their own benefit.

Karl Marx was nothing more than a Prussian agent deployed for this exact purpose. Fomenting the seeds of revolution throughout Europe, Marx was able to connect with some of the most powerful people of the era and lay the groundwork for the complete takedown of Tsarist Russia.