The [-] Disease.

Everything I said is the absolute truth. So if anybody is mentally retarded, it is you. That is the end of the story. It is the absolute truth. So now that your mental retardation has been revealed to you, how does that make you feel.

I feel like you're an even bigger retard than I first thought you were.
The concept of human evolution as a theist justification for racism is flawed. Human evolution is over. There has to be a very small number of organisms in order to evolve. We're up to like 7billion now? Humanities next evolution will be in a petri dish and a test tube. Genetic engineering. Like hollywood stars actualy cloning themselves. Synthetic engineering is what you need to look into if you want a future as a scientist. I get a kick out of all the stupid eunuchs still looking for astrophysicist degrees.

We cant even gestate in space. We need to completely retool NASA. You cant gestate on mars either.

Science isnt a "belief." Blithering idiots.

In this instance, Einstein was an idiot. As I told somebody else, even coral will fight it out to protect themselves. You have to be pretty fucking stupid, or brainwashed, to not have the sense that even coral have. Also, borders exist for a reason. Because throughout human history there have been zillions of instances of one group trying to take what another group has. Only the most filthy of treasonous scum would let them do it. Next, as far as the evidence shows, America doesn't have much of a future left. It would if it's future was White. But human caused global warming and overpopulation will soon put a stop to America's future. Every single day there are about 128,000 more people on the planet than there was the day before. That is like every single day plopping the population of Richmond, VA or Bosie, ID onto the surface of the planet. But the population levels of Whites isn't rising. In some places, it may even be going down a little. Also, how many White people from the U.S. are trying to sneak into mexico. Or how many White Europeans are trying to sneak into Africa or the Middle East. Your ignorance, or treason, disgusts me.
Completely untrue. The hybridization is completely dependent on the way the sex's mixed. There's just a pale black with black hair if a black man and white woman reproduce. Mulattos are far more fare haired.

Its just like tegans and ligars.

Also, red head irish, the root of all white people, are albino blacks in origin.

Anyone mind if i link some soft porn?

A wigger is a wigger. The differences may matter to you. But not to me. Also, in any species mixing between whites and niggers, it is the nigger traits that tend to be more dominate. At least that has been my observation. I also seem to remember running across some website that said as much. If I thought it mattered, I would look it up.
No, its just an evolutionary fallacy. Maybe one of the few times subjectivity became objectivity. If you look the same theres a better chance you're trustworthy. But youre conflating a correlation fallacy, as an evolutionary mechanism, as an equivocation fallacy called race. Theres no race, no starting gun, no finish line. Just a bunch of goddamned fools that think their codification perfectly reflects reality. Or a bunch of fagot theist psycopaths who dont know truth exists independently of them and their belief.

You should stop trying to play the intellectual. You're not very good at it.
The concept of human evolution as a theist justification for racism is flawed. Human evolution is over. There has to be a very small number of organisms in order to evolve. We're up to like 7billion now? Humanities next evolution will be in a petri dish and a test tube. Genetic engineering. Like hollywood stars actualy cloning themselves. Synthetic engineering is what you need to look into if you want a future as a scientist. I get a kick out of all the stupid eunuchs still looking for astrophysicist degrees.

We cant even gestate in space. We need to completely retool NASA. You cant gestate on mars either.

Science isnt a "belief." Blithering idiots.

Evolution never ends. But what we have going on these days is de-evolution. Also, throughout the animal kingdom throughout recorded history, divergence is usually the rule. Not convergence. As is promoted by the filthy scum who promote species mixing amongst humans. Now when life began to form multicellular organisms, there was some symbiosis that went on. But the more evolved creatures are beyond that. Like it or not, White people just don't need nonwhites around. And we would be doing FAR better if nonwhites weren't around.

As for building permanent settlements on the moon or mars, that is incredibly stupid. The very worst place on Earth is far better than anyplace else in the solar system.
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Evolution never ends. But what we have going on these days is de-evolution. Also, throughout the animal kingdom throughout recorded history, divergence is usually the rule. Not convergence. As is promoted by the filthy scum who promote species mixing amongst humans. Now when live began to form multicellular organisms, there was some symbiosis that went on. But the more evolved creatures are beyond that. Like it or not, White people just don't need nonwhites around. And we would be doing FAR better if nonwhites weren't around.

As for building permanent settlements on the moon or mars, that is incredibly stupid. The very worst place on Earth is far better than anyplace else in the solar system.

Your second statment contradicts your first. You dont have a clue.

But your first statment is true but only in the smallest way that one may as well say stopped. A large population doesnt evolve as fast as a small population. And with one this size, evolution doesnt hardly happen at all as no change can ever become normalized. To ise the word evolution a change has to become the norm, otherwise it's just mutation.

Youre attempting to use the theory of evolution to support subjectivist crap. Objectivity doesnt support subjectivity. You're lost in codification psychopathy.
A wigger is a wigger. The differences may matter to you. But not to me. Also, in any species mixing between whites and niggers, it is the nigger traits that tend to be more dominate. At least that has been my observation. I also seem to remember running across some website that said as much. If I thought it mattered, I would look it up.

Do you think you're an intellectual? Or just some theist piece of trash.
Your second statment contradicts your first. You dont have a clue.

But your first statment is true but only in the smallest way that one may as well say stopped. A large population doesnt evolve as fast as a small population. And with one this size, evolution doesnt hardly happen at all as no change can ever become normalized. To ise the word evolution a change has to become the norm, otherwise it's just mutation.

Youre attempting to use the theory of evolution to support subjectivist crap. Objectivity doesnt support subjectivity. You're lost in codification psychopathy.

Insults from the ignorant are always interesting. As your Highness, allow me to inform you. De-evolution is still evolution. It is just happening in the wrong direction. In the past 20,000 years, humans have lost an amount of brain that would be equal in mass to about the size of a tennis ball. Next, evolution isn't a theory. It is an absolutely scientifically established fact.
If you don't like it, don't read it. Do you know what you call someone who insults people for writing things that they are perfectly free to NOT read? A TROLL! I think this forum needs to ban your troll ass.

dear fucking idiot

when you talk in a chat site people answer you

how can I know you are a racist asshole until I read what you say

fuck you very much
THIS! Is why I wonder if this forum has the gonads to call out their own and ban these racist incendiary threads and forum members!

Where are the moderators?
On the main forum, there is no rule against racism except for posting racial slurs in thread titles. The "Above Plain Politics Forum" does not allow racism, however. If racism triggers you, then maybe you should go to that sub-forum instead. People have the inherent right to form and express an opinion; you can't take that away from them.

We can't allow a platform for these hateful racists to use to incite others to go and kill innocent people for their self-rightious causes.
Okay, then don't allow BLM to have a platform, don't allow Antifa to have a platform... you don't seem to want to speak out against those racists, though...

Personally, I say everyone should have a platform to speak. Everyone has the inherent right to form and express an opinion. You can't take that away from them.

Facebook is cleaning up their act- Youtube is cleaning up their act- and many other media outlets are cleaning up their act!
No, they are attempting to shut down speech which they don't like.

What does JPP intend to do about this dangerous blatant racism?
Racism is not against JPP rules, unless you are in the "Above Plain Politics Forum".
On the main forum, there is no rule against racism except for posting racial slurs in thread titles. The "Above Plain Politics Forum" does not allow racism, however. If racism triggers you, then maybe you should go to that sub-forum instead. People have the inherent right to form and express an opinion; you can't take that away from them.

Okay, then don't allow BLM to have a platform, don't allow Antifa to have a platform... you don't seem to want to speak out against those racists, though...

Personally, I say everyone should have a platform to speak. Everyone has the inherent right to form and express an opinion. You can't take that away from them.

No, they are attempting to shut down speech which they don't like.

Racism is not against JPP rules, unless you are in the "Above Plain Politics Forum".

You crazy idiot!
Well, he's already denigrated Jews and people of color. I predict next he'll go after gay ppl, then women. Wait for it.

I just read this and a post by him caught my eye.

He says "moot joke." "Moot" is a name some people use to refer to Mott. Makes me believe blackcat is a current or former poster here who is trolling.

Dark Soul
"We'll do it my way now."

Join DateJan 2014LocationThe Blue RidgePosts25,186Thanks14,781Thanked 7,614 Times in 6,042 PostsGroans2,007Groaned 1,022 Times in 930 Posts


Remember, Moot's smarter than everyone, so he'll explain it so us little people can understand. Right Moot?
I just read this and a post by him caught my eye.

He says "moot joke." "Moot" is a name some people use to refer to Mott. Makes me believe blackcat is a current or former poster here who is trolling.

Dark Soul
"We'll do it my way now."

Join DateJan 2014LocationThe Blue RidgePosts25,186Thanks14,781Thanked 7,614 Times in 6,042 PostsGroans2,007Groaned 1,022 Times in 930 Posts


Remember, Moot's smarter than everyone, so he'll explain it so us little people can understand. Right Moot?

He's already been found out. His last incarnation was Fandango and Damo called him Cultsmasher.