The [-] Disease.

"Race" is a british equivocation fallacy to turn family into a competition to justify nepotism and slippery slope for aristocracy.

Mic drop.
If it's the General it's missing a lot of his dramatization in character.

The stuff about the Holocaust and Nazis though is quintessential NaziBoy. So is the grandiose "I know something you don't know" and "I'm smarter than everyone else" and "I make the rules."
If mental retardation is a disease, you'd better to see a doctor, quick.

Everything I said is the absolute truth. So if anybody is mentally retarded, it is you. That is the end of the story. It is the absolute truth. So now that your mental retardation has been revealed to you, how does that make you feel.
THIS! Is why I wonder if this forum has the gonads to call out their own and ban these racist incendiary threads and forum members!

Where are the moderators?

We can't allow a platform for these hateful racists to use to incite others to go and kill innocent people for their self-rightious causes.

Facebook is cleaning up their act- Youtube is cleaning up their act- and many other media outlets are cleaning up their act!

What does JPP intend to do about this dangerous blatant racism?

You can stick your "racism" so far up your ass that you would need a dentist to see the other end of it. Everything I said is absolutely true. In my opinion, it would take an exceptionally fucked up person to be against the truth. Please show me the extent of your mental illness. Explain to me what it is that you have against the truth.
the world doesn't hate black people




You have an interesting description of TRUTH. Calling it "racist." Does it somehow make you feel superior to call those who are mental giants compared to you "racist?" Would you have the guts to say that of even a Nobel Laureate? Somebody who KNOWS far better than you could even imagine? Well I'll give you a picture of him with a quote. Have at it moron.

Dr Schweitzer 2 .jpg
and meaningless

Just like your buddy racist the OP

So to you SUPERIOR is meaningless. That's interesting. But that aside, even coral will fight it out with other coral. How does it make you feel to know that you don't even have the sense that a coral has.
You can stick your "racism" so far up your ass that you would need a dentist to see the other end of it. Everything I said is absolutely true. In my opinion, it would take an exceptionally fucked up person to be against the truth. Please show me the extent of your mental illness. Explain to me what it is that you have against the truth.


your racism makes people hate you

you chose evil and stupid ideas that make the world hate you

eat a pile of dog shit

people don't listen to people the hate

the world hates you

If you don't like it, don't read it. Do you know what you call someone who insults people for writing things that they are perfectly free to NOT read? A TROLL! I think this forum needs to ban your troll ass.
You're fooling yourself these are all explained away by environmental factors except sickle cell and keloids. Both of which can be beneficial. Whats not beneficial is whites increased downs syndrome risk and other genetically dominant diseases.

Diabetes = higher rates of alcoholism from higher rates of liquor stores. They feel more than whites do. More soul you could say, subsequently the get a bigger kick out of drugs. Result, higher rates. This disease comes from a superiority, not inferiority. Theyre capable of having better more meaningful lives however being easier to seduce.

Asthma, they have less filtration and moisturization capacity in their nasal cavities because their phenotype comes from places with better air quality and more tropical temperatures. They also currently inhabit more extensively polluted places like inner cities.

Sarcoidosis, idk what that is, ill get back to you.

Smoking related lung cancer, some jackass convinced them newports were the "black" thing. One thing i learned from Capone mafia is that they like to poison cigarettes. There are chemicals with a 100% chance of causing cancer. Its a chemical that makes up the mammalian epigene.

Heart failure, youre just finding ways to reiterate previous citations. Irish have the highest rates due to downs genes.

Clamydia when you got (big dick) it you got it(std's), lol.
Two more redundant points.

Breast cancer, this is due to a horrific medical disaster from dosing pregnant women with horse estrogens. It has multigenerational casualty. The higher rates in blacks might also be due to tricking them to play so much jump rope in the 80's. Hello kitty died in inner cities.

Btw, mulattos result from white men with black women, not visi versi.

I was waiting for somebody to bring up the ole "blame Whity" ploy. And all of the crap you come up with is just that. Crap. The things I said are true. What you choose to make of them is your own negro loving choice. Also, mulatto is a mixture of white and negro. It doesn't make a damned bit of difference if it was a white woman and a black male or a white male and a negro woman. Which surprise surprise, because of how ugly negro women are, is very rare. And from what I have seen with my own eyes, about 98% of the time that I see a negro male out in public with a female, it is a white female.
Instead, why dont you center your racism on your phenotypical strengths. More nurturing child rearing that allows weaker offspring to survive environmental factors, more patients, and less need for food?

"Race" is a british equivocation fallacy to turn family into a competition to justify nepotism and slippery slope for aristocracy.

Dont be a british loyalist.

Strange. You seem to think that racism is a bad thing. "Racism" or "hatred" wouldn't even exist unless there was a highly useful and evolutionary necessary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." Why? Because it is an evolutionary necessity! How does it make you feel to know that you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you. Next, "race" doesn't even exist. It is just a politically correct term. What does exist is "species." Or at the very least, sub-species. Only once have I ever heard anybody use the term sub-race. Out in the rest of the animal kingdom, the term race usually isn't used. I have only heard it used once. In all other instances, the term species is used.
mulatto is a mixture of white and negro. It doesn't make a damned bit of difference if it was a white woman and a black male or a white male and a negro woman.

Completely untrue. The hybridization is completely dependent on the way the sex's mixed. There's just a pale black with black hair if a black man and white woman reproduce. Mulattos are far more fare haired.

Its just like tegans and ligars.

Also, red head irish, the root of all white people, are albino blacks in origin.

Anyone mind if i link some soft porn?
Strange. You seem to think that racism is a bad thing. "Racism" or "hatred" wouldn't even exist unless there was a highly useful and evolutionary necessary reason for it. Even babies have been shown to be "bigoted." Why? Because it is an evolutionary necessity! How does it make you feel to know that you have had the sense that even a baby has brainwashed out of you. Next, "race" doesn't even exist. It is just a politically correct term. What does exist is "species." Or at the very least, sub-species. Only once have I ever heard anybody use the term sub-race. Out in the rest of the animal kingdom, the term race usually isn't used. I have only heard it used once. In all other instances, the term species is used.

No, its just an evolutionary fallacy. Maybe one of the few times subjectivity became objectivity. If you look the same theres a better chance you're trustworthy. But youre conflating a correlation fallacy, as an evolutionary mechanism, as an equivocation fallacy called race. Theres no race, no starting gun, no finish line. Just a bunch of goddamned fools that think their codification perfectly reflects reality. Or a bunch of fagot theist psycopaths who dont know truth exists independently of them and their belief.
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