The [-] Disease.

08-24-2019, 07:42 AM
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State of the union
dont need to pretend trump hasnt done a good job. He has. And its a complete dixiecrat scam he hasnt. We know trump isnt the racist they try to paint him as. Plainly its a throng of catholic opportunists, other kinds of homosexuals, dixiecrat racists and their slaves (serving a british media) taking the country apart. Replutocans can't face facts so theres really no hope for them in 2020.

The invasion at the border is a catholic 200 year plan to overpopulate south america till it has to move to north america. Its proven and indisputable, yet repluticans refuse to call it what it is. After that catholics plan to bring america down with a swarm of leaches and criminals. Only racism is keeping america from total annihilation. Racism isnt a sustainable policy as time has shown. When racism is the only medicine keeping you alive.... doom.

Replutocans are addicted to the catholics that seek to destroy them due to their shared sanctimonious position on abortion. Rather than spend the time to craft legistlation to inhibit abusive use of abortion they center all their efforts on abolishing it completely. This has eliminated everything but fully-theist female support.

They're damn fools enough to think the thin vernier of pretense the catholics present them is even the least supportive of their policies. In the end, their only real support comes from israel who destabilizes america most. They drag america into a meaningless and endless conflict with the middle east whenever america gets its balance back. israel can exacerbate it at any time to better own the republicans.

Republicans promise us protections from prison culture drug trafficking but then fully support pederastic social norms, complete with compulsive emasculation.

Their afghan alies, a pederast heroin cartel, of which, they curb in no meaningful way. The protected afghans poison the rest of the world; furthering the erosion of america's foreign policy. What a great time to fk with china?

It's a suicide.

On top of that, they never considered wmd's that would ever change the balance of nuclear super powers. At the moment, global wmd's are under development that threaten to wipe out all life on earth, and it's cheap as dirt to develop.

Theists really need to learn not to piss off people with real power as the arrogance of theism knows no caporial limits.

Junkies with only one true goal, junk.

Invest elsewhere, american markets are an investment in your own doom.
08-24-2019, 07:42 AM
#1 | Top

Verified User

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Aug 2019
Thanked 8 Times in 8 Posts
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State of the union
dont need to pretend trump hasnt done a good job. He has. And its a complete dixiecrat scam he hasnt. We know trump isnt the racist they try to paint him as. Plainly its a throng of catholic opportunists, other kinds of homosexuals, dixiecrat racists and their slaves (serving a british media) taking the country apart. Replutocans can't face facts so theres really no hope for them in 2020.

The invasion at the border is a catholic 200 year plan to overpopulate south america till it has to move to north america. Its proven and indisputable, yet repluticans refuse to call it what it is. After that catholics plan to bring america down with a swarm of leaches and criminals. Only racism is keeping america from total annihilation. Racism isnt a sustainable policy as time has shown. When racism is the only medicine keeping you alive.... doom.

Replutocans are addicted to the catholics that seek to destroy them due to their shared sanctimonious position on abortion. Rather than spend the time to craft legistlation to inhibit abusive use of abortion they center all their efforts on abolishing it completely. This has eliminated everything but fully-theist female support.

They're damn fools enough to think the thin vernier of pretense the catholics present them is even the least supportive of their policies. In the end, their only real support comes from israel who destabilizes america most. They drag america into a meaningless and endless conflict with the middle east whenever america gets its balance back. israel can exacerbate it at any time to better own the republicans.

Republicans promise us protections from prison culture drug trafficking but then fully support pederastic social norms, complete with compulsive emasculation.

Their afghan alies, a pederast heroin cartel, of which, they curb in no meaningful way. The protected afghans poison the rest of the world; furthering the erosion of america's foreign policy. What a great time to fk with china?

It's a suicide.

On top of that, they never considered wmd's that would ever change the balance of nuclear super powers. At the moment, global wmd's are under development that threaten to wipe out all life on earth, and it's cheap as dirt to develop.

Theists really need to learn not to piss off people with real power as the arrogance of theism knows no caporial limits.

Junkies with only one true goal, junk.

Invest elsewhere, american markets are an investment in your own doom.

And what? All perfectly true, especially the junky part.
"Here!" said the Master. "Build me a great tomb in this place." His apprentices did. It glittered in the sun. "Now go inside," said he. They entered. An earthquake then destroyed the tomb, burying those within. The Master smiled. "Even the faithful are not always chosen. This is called sacrifice."

you are not scary crazed ass lick
The real thing you should consider, theres nothing spectacular about any of the weapons i mentioned. All quite mundane. Dixiecrats like to over react about any bit of trecky weapon theory. Ive known that ever since 97. The clintons like to torture people to get what they want. The problem is, thats all torture can do in the first place. Torture someone long enough and ofcoarse theyll eventially find a way to kill you.
Are negroes a disease? Well how about we go right to the experts. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Here are some statistics they put out.

View attachment 11500

Having said that, how about we look at negroes and disease. Negroes are:

60% more likely to develop Diabetes than Whites.
3 times more likely to die from Asthma.
16 times more likely to die from Sarcoidosis.
Twice as likely to die from smoking related Lung Cancer.
20 times more likely to die before the age of 50 from Heart Failure.
At a higher risk of Kidney Failure than any other species of human.
About twice as likely to develop Alzheimers or other Dementia.
15 times more likely to carry Chlamydia.
8 times more likely to get HIV.
3 times more likely to carry Herpes.
Responsible for spreading both HIV and Ebola.
Susceptible to Sickle Cell Anemia.
Probably the first group to create a drug resistant form of Tuberculosis.

Also, White women are at a very slightly higher risk of developing Breast Cancer. But negro women are more than twice as likely to develop the deadliest form of the disease.

Here is something else. There are some drugs that work on Whites that don't work on Negroes. What of the skuzzy skank white women traitors who have committed the abomination of producing mulatto children with a negro. For the drugs that work on Whites that don't work on negroes, what does that mean for mulattoes. That they might only work a little? Well after all that I've shown you, they have bigger problems than that.

The real thing you should consider, theres nothing spectacular about any of the weapons i mentioned. All quite mundane. Dixiecrats like to over react about any bit of trecky weapon theory. Ive known that ever since 97. The clintons like to torture people to get what they want. The problem is, thats all torture can do in the first place. Torture someone long enough and ofcoarse theyll eventially find a way to kill you.
