Currently i hear people crying that putin is developing wmd's to wedge for blah blah blah. Putin already has wmd's. You're stupid and should be fired.
What he might not have is enough wmds to make good medicine for the disease of globalists and globalists infect us like cancer. Comunists are slightly more resilient to this cancer or at least the only other group strong enough to pose a check and balance to stop it. The world depends on the animosity between the us and russia for its continued survival.
There's four schools of thought on wmd theory
1. Small arms and drugs. The rifle has killed more people than any of the other teirs of traditional wmd. It is surely a wmd. The only thing from this teir that has killed as many or more people than rifles is drugs. Heroin is the most lethal and destructive wmd of all. You can use it in many ways. It can be an indispensable medicine, it can be tha bars of a honey trapped slave's cage. It can make armies and it can cut them down.
2. Wmd's that destroy everyone and everything. These are a favorite of the lowest class of minds as they have nothing to lose and nothing to hope for. Misandry pederasty and eunuchs cause these people to exist in a state of hopelessness. The power funds to use these expensive weapons is out of their hands, however.
3. Wmd's that destroy everyone but leave everything else. These are a favorite of 1% globalists as they really only just want the whole place for themselves. You know its true because each and every one of us is the exact same way, dont lie to yourselves, just pictire yourself as a little more evil and a little more capable. These are however(the controllable kind) extremely expencive and out of the hands of even the richest people in the world. They have to honey trap intelegence agencies to bring them enough power over nations that can afford them. The cia is a honey trapped bitch right now, it's obvious what's coming.
4. Wmds that dont kill people but instead kill everything else. These are the rarest and least expencive, sought out only by poets and cannabals. These are most feared by 1% globalists as they fear cannibals most and value everything besides people higher than the whole of humanity. They dont like the idea of having nothing to inherit from everyone's death.
What is good and evil?
Good is that which corosponds to life. Good is an accurate dose of medicine and it's hard to swallow.
Evil is that which corosponds to death. Evil is a gift so potent you have to play with it till you die from playing with it.
Theres only one universally true absolute ive ever found.
Everything is a poison, it's simply a matter of dosage.
The trick to medicine is to poison a poison at a lower dose than is needed to kill you.
The only cure for globalist's ambition is poisoning its evil intent and threatening their goals.
Psudomonas syrengae glyphosate exotoxin pump.
Remember the people who tried to disarm you of the only medicines you can reach. Are these people really good? Or do they maybe just taste really good. Dont leave your children defenseless and having to beg a cannibal for a gun.
Fk yha typis