The Dixie Chicks Are Back, Better Than Ever. Nice Controversial Song... :)

You need to get out of the kennel a little more often.
So who are they? (Thanks for your concern...btw....we're bringing several dogs here from Houston in the next week...perhaps you and the others should be spending more time in the kennels;)
So who are they? (Thanks for your concern...btw....we're bringing several dogs here from Houston in the next week...perhaps you and the others should be spending more time in the kennels;)
Dogs aren’t my concern right now, kids in cages are. I love dogs, I have a rescue, but kids are more important to me. The children in Syria also receive my funds right now through “Doctors Without Borders” You help the dogs, I’ll focus on the children.

As balloons fell after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump accepted his party nomination last night, the Rolling Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want' rang through the arena.


As balloons fell after Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump accepted his party nomination last night, the Rolling Stones' "You Can't Always Get What You Want' rang through the arena.

The Stones have repeated asked Golden Toilet Boy not to use their music, but legally there is nothing they can do about it. Its just funny they don’t want their music associated with him.
The Stones have repeated asked Golden Toilet Boy not to use their music, but legally there is nothing they can do about it. Its just funny they don’t want their music associated with him.

What's funny is they can't do a damn thing about it.
Hello Phantasmal,

I love Natalie and Chicks!

I have always loved them. When Natalie Maines spoke out against the Iraq war and President Bush, she rocked it to the top of my chart.

What a wake-up call to rural war-mongers!

They loved the Dixie Chicks until Maines spoke the raw truth that faithless fans were denying to themselves.

Well, nothing angers somebody more than telling them the very thing they are trying desperately to deny.

Predictably, many country music fans suddenly didn't like what, just days prior, they thought was awesome.

And again, they were denying themselves, just as before.

The Dixie Chicks already had it made. They are all rich. They didn't need to sell any more CDs, didn't need any more fame. I loved it when they came back with their 'Not Ready To Make Nice' song.

That was featured on their 'Taking The Long Way' album and tour of defiance, summed up by MaGuire:

"The album contained several tracks that seemed to indirectly reference what the group called "The Incident", and the group remained defiant. Maguire commented that, "I'd rather have a smaller following of really cool people who get it, who will grow with us as we grow and are fans for life, than people that have us in their five-disc changer with Reba McEntire and Toby Keith. We don't want those kinds of fans. They limit what you can do."[79] "

The Defiant Dixie Chicks wiki
Dogs aren’t my concern right now, kids in cages are. I love dogs, I have a rescue, but kids are more important to me. The children in Syria also receive my funds right now through “Doctors Without Borders” You help the dogs, I’ll focus on the children.
As you should know, I focus on both every day...Much more than you do I'm willing to bet...particularly the kids...
That being said, thanks for you know, it may not change the world, but it does change their life...and yours...
Have a good day...Keep working for the children...(maybe more on the local ones these days)
I did look up the Dixie Chicks....must be Texas thing or country music thing....guess I didn't miss much;)
Hello Phantasmal,

I have always loved them. When Natalie Maines spoke out against the Iraq war and President Bush, she rocked it to the top of my chart.

What a wake-up call to rural war-mongers!

They loved the Dixie Chicks until Maines spoke the raw truth that faithless fans were denying to themselves.

Well, nothing angers somebody more than telling them the very thing they are trying desperately to deny.

Predictably, many country music fans suddenly didn't like what, just days prior, they thought was awesome.

And again, they were denying themselves, just as before.

The Dixie Chicks already had it made. They are all rich. They didn't need to sell any more CDs, didn't need any more fame. I loved it when they came back with their 'Not Ready To Make Nice' song.

That was featured on their 'Taking The Long Way' album and tour of defiance, summed up by MaGuire:

"The album contained several tracks that seemed to indirectly reference what the group called "The Incident", and the group remained defiant. Maguire commented that, "I'd rather have a smaller following of really cool people who get it, who will grow with us as we grow and are fans for life, than people that have us in their five-disc changer with Reba McEntire and Toby Keith. We don't want those kinds of fans. They limit what you can do."[79] "

The Defiant Dixie Chicks wiki
I was in an accapella trio, Chickapella, back then and we performed a lot of Dixie Chicks songs. I love Natalie Maine. I got to sing her part in many of the songs. I was so proud of them. They were as hated as the French and it turns out they were right, like the French.
The Stones have repeated asked Golden Toilet Boy not to use their music, but legally there is nothing they can do about it. Its just funny they don’t want their music associated with him.

There wouldn't be a problem with this one

Nugent, another hebephile, and draft dodger, birds of a feather, it’s why Golden Toilet Bowl loves him some Ted. Ted is a deplorable.

In what branch of service did the last two Democrat Presidents serve?

Playboy Bill?

Black BOY Obama?
Nugent, another hebephile, and draft dodger, birds of a feather, it’s why Golden Toilet Bowl loves him some Ted. Ted is a deplorable.

Ted is far more advanced in their profession than the Dixie Chicks. He is also an avid outdoorsman.