The Emperor has Died!

If some nut has a gun, refuses to put it down when so ordered, you shoot the bastard. Had someone else been shot because the police tried to stun the guy or because they waited too long and he began shooting randomly... who here thinks for one second those police and the city wouldn't have been sued, while the cries of police ineptitude reverberated around Denver?

The cops did the right thing.
If some nut has a gun, refuses to put it down when so ordered, you shoot the bastard. Had someone else been shot because the police tried to stun the guy or because they waited too long and he began shooting randomly... who here thinks for one second those police and the city wouldn't have been sued, while the cries of police ineptitude reverberated around Denver?

The cops did the right thing.

Of course they did the right thing. It doesn't make it any less tragic.
I think they got close enough to Talk to him?

He never pointed the gun if you read the story.

You see you get someone to point a guun at him and theother to stun gun him.

If while you are stunning him he raises the gun the guy with the gun shoots him.

Its called police training.

remember I said this?
considering that GW went farther than any of us on this if thats what it takes how do we get some GW smarts anyhoo..."Think" thats your

Depends on your definition of farther. I do not want to go down the dark path myself.
How far would GWB have gone if he had been born George W. Smith of podunk, TX ? son of a sharecropper....
Well he became President Bush 43

Depends on your definition of farther. I do not want to go down the dark path myself.
How far would GWB have gone if he had been born George W. Smith of podunk, TX ? son of a sharecropper....

and the other point/ analogy is a moot are bashing GW Bush not GW Smith...fair enough no?

I think they got close enough to Talk to him?

He never pointed the gun if you read the story.

You see you get someone to point a guun at him and theother to stun gun him.

If while you are stunning him he raises the gun the guy with the gun shoots him.

Its called police training.

I must have been asleep during this one officer stuns him...then the other officer shoots him...since a taser will cause spasams as others pointed out...Thank you for letting me in on a secret I slept through...:rolleyes:
Where in this article does it say he was pointing the gun at anyone?

He was holding the gun retard.... if you taser him... he is going to spasm... meaning he could end up involuntarily pulling the trigger while his arm is spasming. Translation for the retard.... NOT GOOD.
The gunman had at least two confrontations with the governor's security guards in the moments before the shooting, Jackson said, giving no details. There had been no prior specific threats against the governor, authorities said.
The gunman had at least two confrontations with the governor's security guards in the moments before the shooting, Jackson said, giving no details. There had been no prior specific threats against the governor, authorities said.

and that has merit to the outcome how???

Guy holding gun.... police order him to put it down... he refuses.... they shoot him.

Does not matter whether or not he made specific threats. He made a general threat simply by holding a (presumably) loaded weapon.
It sounds like to me they had to deal with him a couple of times before they even knew he was armed.

This is what I mean by mental illness treatment by gun.

If we had a real medical system they would have been calling them to take the guy away because he was nuts.

Instead they must have just tried to shoo him away which allowed it to escalate to him brandishing his gun.

Maybe he should have been tased before he pulled the gun huh?
It sounds like to me they had to deal with him a couple of times before they even knew he was armed.

This is what I mean by mental illness treatment by gun.

If we had a real medical system they would have been calling them to take the guy away because he was nuts.

Instead they must have just tried to shoo him away which allowed it to escalate to him brandishing his gun.

Maybe he should have been tased before he pulled the gun huh?
First of all, they are not psychiatrists and suggesting that people who say that they are the Emperor are all dangerous and should be "put away" or "tased" on principle is ridiculous.
It sounds like to me they had to deal with him a couple of times before they even knew he was armed.

This is what I mean by mental illness treatment by gun.

If we had a real medical system they would have been calling them to take the guy away because he was nuts.

Instead they must have just tried to shoo him away which allowed it to escalate to him brandishing his gun.

Maybe he should have been tased before he pulled the gun huh?

well, then, by those standards, can we simply call the nut farm for all protesters .... I mean they act all crazy and ignorant at times... lets just have the cops perform instant analysis on people and use their best judgement as to who belongs in a psych ward.