The Emperor has Died!

and watermark, dellusional is a reason a person SHOULD NOT be allowed to own a gun imo!!!

It depends. We're all delusional at some point in our lives. "Delusional" people aren't necessarily dangerous. That's for something who's had years of training in Pshychology to decide, and not for someone like you or me who's just going by personally acquired prejiduces.
this is just bull shit that they killed him, they KNEW he was sick, they were following his tracks all day long, they could have used a firehose or rubber bullets, or called his mom there or his psychiatrist.... they KNEW he was mentally ill?

i don't see how killing him can be justified by anyone!

Care, you're blowing up the definition of "mentally ill" in your mind. He was mentally ill, sure, but nearly half of America fits that same definition, and he had shown less signs of violence than many of THOSE people.
this is just bull shit that they killed him, they KNEW he was sick, they were following his tracks all day long, they could have used a firehose or rubber bullets, or called his mom there or his psychiatrist.... they KNEW he was mentally ill?

i don't see how killing him can be justified by anyone!

Right.... this from a gal who has a kanitption(silly spelling no?) when she breaks a nail...nice try..but ya are a fraud...I was honest with ya are being say the least!