The epoch of conservatism

2001? That's a long time ago. Fortunately, Bush has abused the notion of a competent or trustworthy government.
It was the earliest mention I could find of it in a 2 minute search, RS. I should go and google for more recent results...

It doesn't matter Water. It shows what esteem Americans now hold their rights and freedoms in. And even if it has receded a bit, all it would take is one more attack.

And I'm not the only one who has figured that out.
Yes, Repubs are wrong to call Dems liberals. They'd be better off calling them socialists. While the original meaning of socialists might not apply, exactly, it does so far better than liberal.
Yes, Repubs are wrong to call Dems liberals. They'd be better off calling them socialists. While the original meaning of socialists might not apply, exactly, it does so far better than liberal.

heh heh heh...
look at these definitions:

# broad: showing or characterized by broad-mindedness; "a broad political stance"; "generous and broad sympathies"; "a liberal newspaper"; "tolerant of his opponent's opinions" LOL
# having political or social views favoring reform and progress
# tolerant of change; not bound by authoritarianism, orthodoxy, or tradition
# a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties
# big: given or giving freely; "was a big tipper"; "the bounteous goodness of God"; "bountiful compliments"; "a freehanded host"; "a handsome allowance"; "Saturday's child is loving and giving"; "a liberal backer of the arts"; "a munificent gift"; "her fond and openhanded grandfather"
# a person who favors an economic theory of laissez-faire and self-regulating markets ROFLcopters
Yes, Repubs are wrong to call Dems liberals. They'd be better off calling them socialists. While the original meaning of socialists might not apply, exactly, it does so far better than liberal.

Stringy, you seem to be very impressed with yourself, almost as if you believe your posts are prophcies come from yon high, like an RJS post? Butt, I see you moore as a big bore and do not think you are ever going to be on top of the JPP posting heirachy, sorry? I want to let you down easy now, it will only be harder down the road when you have thought you were going to knock RJS from the top posting spot, very unlikely? I see you as all wind with none of the necessary gravitas of a RJS. I would even put the not a lefty lefty SuperFreak, who is basically a happy idiot, above you, sorry. Touche.
Stringy, you seem to be very impressed with yourself, almost as if you believe your posts are prophcies come from yon high, like an RJS post? Butt, I see you moore as a big bore and do not think you are ever going to be on top of the JPP posting heirachy, sorry? I want to let you down easy now, it will only be harder down the road when you have thought you were going to knock RJS from the top posting spot, very unlikely? I see you as all wind with none of the necessary gravitas of a RJS. I would even put the not a lefty lefty SuperFreak, who is basically a happy idiot, above you, sorry. Touche.

Are you Dixie?
Are you Dixie?

Who is Dixie, I am RJS, the mensa poster, I am sure you have heard of me and are just playing stupit in order to impress your lefty friends? Butt, as usual I have puzzled it out, and now you are cyber-skewered in front of everybody, how does it feel to be pantsed on a message board, I would not know?
how can a person not know the difference between the words but and butt?

No way is it Dixie.

Tinfoil hat, I am a mensa, do you really think I do not know the difference between but and butt, do you know how high my IQ is, you are mere slime in the mud before me? That is a mensa trap I lay out for pinheads, which, you fell right into, what does that tell you? You seem very whiny, did your mother cut off your blow jobs, maybe you will meat a girl, hopefully not related to you, soon?
Tinfoil hat, I am a mensa, do you really think I do not know the difference between but and butt, do you know how high my IQ is, you are mere slime in the mud before me? That is a mensa trap I lay out for pinheads, which, you fell right into, what does that tell you? You seem very whiny, did your mother cut off your blow jobs, maybe you will meat a girl, hopefully not related to you, soon?

Why can't I stop laughing? LOL