The epoch of conservatism

Yes, Repubs are wrong to call Dems liberals. They'd be better off calling them socialists. While the original meaning of socialists might not apply, exactly, it does so far better than liberal.

well the first 3 words of your post was correct anyway.
Actually, in another thread he uses the word pinhead, so it could be dixie after all

I could call you needledick instead, your mother told me that is moore appropriate, and pinhead seems to bother you, I did not mean to hurt your delicate womanly feelings, sorry?
Yes, Repubs are wrong to call Dems liberals. They'd be better off calling them socialists. While the original meaning of socialists might not apply, exactly, it does so far better than liberal.
I'm still amazed that they prefer Lenin's choice of description using "progressive" rather than liberal.
In the beggining of the century there was the epoch of statism, radicalism, and nationalism - this lasted until the 40's. Communism was in vogue, nationalists parties took over many nations, and the free marketers were actually considered the idealists, the statists were thought of as the ones that were good for the economy.

I think the 40's-70's were the epoch of liberalism. It's really amazing to listen to some of the things they considered acceptable in the 70's and how ridiculous that seems today - I mean, imagine someone proposing a 65% tax on top earners to congress today. Proposterous. Even the leftyist of the left can't even find that palatable, and it was mainstream in the 70's.

Now, we're in the epoch of conservatism. Our great social progress movements are coming to a standstill. Even obvious things like gay marriage are getting brushed over by the radical Christian right that owns the nation. Social progress in other countries has stopped as well, and conservative parties are STILL winning everywhere, while all kinds of liberal and libertarian third parties are being drawn off the map in recent European elections. The Democratic party may be coming into play now, but modern Democrats are about as liberal as Reagan - and STILL considered extreme. Also take note, even though Thatcher is out of office in Britian, the modern labour party is actually a bit to the right of the old conservative party.

Does anyone see an end in site?

Umm you do realize that you mispelled eunuch in the title right ?
I'm still amazed that they prefer Lenin's choice of description using "progressive" rather than liberal.

You can stop being amazed.

American progressivism pre-dates Lenin. The amerian progressive movement started in the 1890s, and was championed, in part, by that great progressive Republican Teddy Roosevelt.
Umm you do realize that you mispelled eunuch in the title right ?

Congratulations, you win the spelling bea, butt, no hat I have already sent it off to iis1wisasslibguy for his stunningly correct spelling of "but" yesterday? You lefties are too much for me, I give up?
Who said anything about it being Lenin's interpretation of "progressive?"
I'm not talking about interpretation, I'm talking about labels. I would prefer to remain as far away as possible from the labels used by the communist party if some people were wont to call me "socialist".
You can stop being amazed.

American progressivism pre-dates Lenin. The amerian progressive movement started in the 1890s, and was championed, in part, by that great progressive Republican Teddy Roosevelt.
It won't stop me from being amazed that they would choose to use the label that actual socialists used and when others are constantly attempting to describe them as socialists.
I'm not talking about interpretation, I'm talking about labels. I would prefer to remain as far away as possible from the labels used by the communist party if some people were wont to call me "socialist".

Well, I don't see a lot of people associating the term "progressive" with Lenin. I'm tired of people hijacking these labels, anyway. George Bush Sr. really started the ball rolling on making "liberal" a dirty word against Dukakis.

In the general vernacular, "liberal" is still more wrought with negative connotations than "progressive"....
It won't stop me from being amazed that they would choose to use the label that actual socialists used and when others are constantly attempting to describe them as socialists.

Republicans don't seem to mind the "conservative" label, even though there are self-identified "conservative" Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, who are abhorrant to american values.

so, this pickadillo about lables is much ado about nothing, right? ;)
Republicans don't seem to mind the "conservative" label, even though there are self-identified "conservative" Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, who are abhorrant to american values.

so, this pickadillo about lables is much ado about nothing, right? ;)
Not really. If I were to want to appear as "not communist" I would avoid that label like the plague. But heck, to each their own.

Liberals often don't make sense to me.
I still perfer Liberal and always will.

I don't really care.

Although, "Progressive" is much associated with a uniquely american movement. The progressive era of the late 19th and early 20th century.

"Liberal" is more of a generic word, that is not particularly rooted in an american political movement. Its a word that is more broadly associated with a worldwide, or international broad-based philosophy that is not just limited to politics.